加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民呼叫angelonduty
学了几天英语,觉得效率不理想。非常想请教当值天使关于口语听力方面练习你的高招体会,介绍的越详细越好最好加上点心路历程回忆录什么的,我想很多TX也应有急需。万望不吝赐教。 为盼! PS 听写是否很主要的方法?
青龙白虎朱雀玄武 朱雀行三故曰朱三雀(或R3)一日冽冽寒风中偶遇枯枝下一只弱小麻雀嬉戏,为其乐观豁达所感开悟。遂拜其为师。正是:[SIZE=-1]富贵不淫贫贱乐,鸟儿到此是豪雄。[/SIZE]头像既是师尊之快照也。回复: 呼叫angelonduty来了来了。呵呵,您不是叫我呀?不过我觉得这个题目在英语学习版块比较好找到呼应
严肃严肃再严肃点学了几天英语,觉得效率不理想。非常想请教当值天使关于口语听力方面练习你的高招体会,介绍的越详细越好最好加上点心路历程回忆录什么的,我想很多TX也应有急需。万望不吝赐教。为盼! PS 听写是否很主要的方法?点击展开...Hehe, it's not uncommon you feel that way, 'cause English study is a torturing and time comsuming job. I'd rather like to be the public face of KFC restaurants "doing chicken right" as Mr. FAN has once declared, but being a role model, I am by no means of capable of. You are warmly welcomed to take a trip to the World of English as I am one of the hosts, perhaps you could find something useful there.By the way, dictation is supposed to be designed for test taking as well as beginner level or higher. For practical uses, you may have to focus more on infrustructure, such as enhancing your active vocabulary, keeping pace with the speed of the words that are spoken, changing your way of thinking and so forth. Again, welcome to The World of English.
2008/08/02 - 2010/06/30 Vancouver2010/07/01 - 2012/05/31 Toronto2012/06/01---------------- MontrealHehe, it's not uncommon you feel that way, 'cause English study is a torturing and time comsuming job. I'd rather like to be the public face of KFC restaurants "doing chicken right" as Mr. FAN has once declared, but being a role model, I am by no means of capable of. You are warmly welcomed to take a trip to the World of English as I am one of the hosts, perhaps you could find something useful there.By the way, dictation is supposed to be designed for test taking as well as beginner level or higher. For practical uses, you may have to focus more on infrustructure, such as enhancing your active vocabulary, keeping pace with the speed of the words that are spoken, changing your way of thinking and so forth. Again, welcome to The World of English.点击展开...
赏 Hehe, it's not uncommon you feel that way, 'cause English study is a torturing and time comsuming job. I'd rather like to be the public face of KFC restaurants "doing chicken right" as Mr. FAN has once declared, but being a role model, I am by no means of capable of. You are warmly welcomed to take a trip to the World of English as I am one of the hosts, perhaps you could find something useful there.By the way, dictation is supposed to be designed for test taking as well as beginner level or higher. For practical uses, you may have to focus more on infrustructure, such as enhancing your active vocabulary, keeping pace with the speed of the words that are spoken, changing your way of thinking and so forth. Again, welcome to The World of English.点击展开...The World of English 在哪里?我现在人在江湖,想去The World of English怎么走?
回复: 呼叫angelondutyThe World of English 在哪里?我现在人在江湖,想去The World of English怎么走?点击展开...http://forum.iask.ca/forumdisplay.php?f=45 No intention of doing ads here, I must say.
2008/08/02 - 2010/06/30 Vancouver2010/07/01 - 2012/05/31 Toronto2012/06/01---------------- Montreal回复: 呼叫angelonduty呵呵,支持天使!
http://blog.sina.com.cn/riyawang回复: 呼叫angelonduty好天使^_^
只要思想不滑坡,办法总比困难多。 http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=153098&page=617Hehe, it's not uncommon you feel that way, 'cause English study is a torturing and time comsuming job. I'd rather like to be the public face of KFC restaurants "doing chicken right" as Mr. FAN has once declared, but being a role model, I am by no means of capable of. You are warmly welcomed to take a trip to the World of English as I am one of the hosts, perhaps you could find something useful there.By the way, dictation is supposed to be designed for test taking as well as beginner level or higher. For practical uses, you may have to focus more on infrustructure, such as enhancing your active vocabulary, keeping pace with the speed of the words that are spoken, changing your way of thinking and so forth. Again, welcome to The World of English.点击展开... 受教
青龙白虎朱雀玄武 朱雀行三故曰朱三雀(或R3)一日冽冽寒风中偶遇枯枝下一只弱小麻雀嬉戏,为其乐观豁达所感开悟。遂拜其为师。正是:[SIZE=-1]富贵不淫贫贱乐,鸟儿到此是豪雄。[/SIZE]头像既是师尊之快照也。回复: 呼叫angelonduty老兄,学英语是个漫长的积累过程,没有那种方法学几天就能感到有明显提高的,关键在于坚持。
赏 呵呵,支持天使!点击展开...riya, I just know that special medicine you took last night works wonders.
2008/08/02 - 2010/06/30 Vancouver2010/07/01 - 2012/05/31 Toronto2012/06/01---------------- Montreal回复: 呼叫angelonduty广大英语爱好者建议改名为:angelonline.
回复: 呼叫angelondutyangelonline.点击展开...这词儿用法语怎么说哩?
2008/08/02 - 2010/06/30 Vancouver2010/07/01 - 2012/05/31 Toronto2012/06/01---------------- Montreal这词儿用法语怎么说哩?点击展开...ange-en-ligne
回复: 呼叫angelondutyange-en-ligne点击展开...这法语怎么瞅着这么不顺眼啊!不过还是谢谢你,至少俺现在知道angel怎么说了, 以后英文少写一个letter俺就告诉他们是法语.
2008/08/02 - 2010/06/30 Vancouver2010/07/01 - 2012/05/31 Toronto2012/06/01---------------- Montreal回复: 呼叫angelonduty俺这是法英语。
宠辱不惊,坐看庭前花开花落;去留无意,漫随天外云卷云舒。回复: 呼叫angelonduty即生彪,何生AOD
回复: 呼叫angelonduty即生彪,何生AOD点击展开...解释一下啥意思???
青龙白虎朱雀玄武 朱雀行三故曰朱三雀(或R3)一日冽冽寒风中偶遇枯枝下一只弱小麻雀嬉戏,为其乐观豁达所感开悟。遂拜其为师。正是:[SIZE=-1]富贵不淫贫贱乐,鸟儿到此是豪雄。[/SIZE]头像既是师尊之快照也。回复: 呼叫angelondutyls, AngelOnDuty that is.
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