加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民ZT: 结婚移民 -- 面试问题集 -- MichaelScofield 提供链


INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE IN YORK BBS: ZT: Now Available:- An updated copy of all the questions in PDF format. This file is in worksheet format so that you can print the file and just fill in the blanks, or answer in the space provided. Skilled Category questions available here. NOTE:- Since I am providing all the questions for free, I request you to please visit some sponsors under Google Ads, or Ads by Google heading located on this page. ON Popular Demand Coming Soon - Sample of filled Immigration Documents -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello All, I have prepared these questions to help my friend who had a successful interview at Canadian Consulate [High Commission] in India. I am putting these questions on Internet to help other people as well. Please feel free to copy and try to answer the following questions, as they will help you feel comfortable [easy] during an interview. Please make sure to get all the answers from your spouse in Canada [and make sure both of you have the same answers to all the questions]. I know there are many scumbags [travel agents, etc] who will try to tell you to lie and will tell you various wrong questions. Well, it might not get you through an interview. I strongly advise you to get as many questions from other sources and make sure you answer all the questions. Disclaimer: Please use the following questions at you own risk. I assume no guarantee, stated or implied, that you will get through an interview successfully. The questions are to be used as a guideline only and please use common sense while answering the questions. Canadian consulate is only trying to see if the relationship is genuine. © Copyright 2004 Jessie Gill, copying and further publishing without author’s consent will result in severe penalties according the international law. Information about your spouse [in Canada] Name Date of birth Marriage status i. If divorced1. Ex-spouses information2. Why did the previous marriage not last3. Reasons for divorce4. Who initiated the divorce5. What were the reasons for the divorce6. Does s/he have a criminal records a. Beating ex-spouseb. Abuse of Ex-Spouse 7. Where are all the original Divorce papers8. Do you have the copy of Divorce papers9. Does your spouse have any children from previous marriage10. If yesa. How manyb. What are their namesc. How old are theyd. Whom do they live with, and whye. Why do they not live with your spousef. Are they planning to move with your spouseg. What are your plans if they move with your spouseh. Would both of you have kidsi. How would you make sure your kids and your spouse’s kid will live/get together/co-operate with each other?j. How much is the monthly child supportk. How does your spouse manage child supportl. How often does your spouse see the child from previous marriagem. Does s/he see the kids every weekend, month, year…. meaning what are his/her child access/visitation right.n. Does your spouse exercise those visitation right o. If no, why11. Where did the divorce take place12. Are there any outstanding issues related to divorce13. If yes, describe in details14. How much are the alimony payments ii. Does your spouse still see his/her ex-spouse iii. If yes1. Why? iv. If no1. Why not?Where did your spouse first land in Canada [Airport or city] Where did he first lived [City, province] Where did s/he reside when divorce was taking place, and where does s/he live now Why did s/he move to a place/city where s/he lives now Does your spouse still travel to the city where his/her ex-spouse lives. Does your spouse have relationships [intimate or sexual] with other people [men or women] If yes i. What are their names ii. What is a nature of the relationshipWhat does your spouse do for living Where does s/he work i. Company name ii. Phone number if possible iii. Type of work i.e. security, cab driver, business, labour, etc etc iv. What is the place where your spouse is posted [ if it is security or business or store with various outlets] v. What are his/her job duties vi. How much s/he makes per hour $$$$$$Does your spouse do another work too i. Study or another job ii. Give full details about the study or work a. if school 1. Provide details of the degree/diploma s/he is registered in 2. What year of study 3. Total length of program 4. Expected completion date 5. Courses taken if possible course number and description...What are your spouses hobbies Do you know your spouses friends If yes i. Provide the names, if possible phone numbers ii. How long did they know each other iii. Where do they live iv. Do they know about your spouses previous relationship v. Have you met anyone vi. If yes1. Can you provide some proof2. i.e. pictures, or just descriptionWhat does your spouse like/dislike What is your spouses' favourite color, place to visit, What does your spouse own i. House 1. Give details ii. Car1. Provide the followinga. Make, model, license plate number, year of manufacture, and color of the car.With whom does s/he live i. Provide full details of1. House address2. How much rent3. Phone number4. What kind of house it isa. Apartmentb. Condo5. How many room there are6. What is the inside color of the apartment7. What kind of furniture is in the house8. What is the color of the furniture9. What kind of TV, etc is in the house10. Who else lives near bya. Neighbours ii. Who is the owner of the house/ whose name is it in1. Provide full detailsProvide details about your spouses’ parents 1. Dad’s name2. Mom’s Name3. Where do they work4. How did they come to Canada5. When did they come to Canada6. Who sponsored them7. Where did they live when they come to Canada8. Whom did they live with at that time9. Whom do they live with now10. What is your spouses mom’s parents names [maternal grandparents info]a. Nana ji & Nani ji’s name and information11. Dad’s parents names [paternal grandparents info]a. Dada and Dadi ji’s Name and informationIf living [in house/apartment] with brother/sister/or other relatives 1. Provide full details about relative [example Brother]a. Relatives Name, work, company name, pay2. Provide full details about relatives spouse [example sister-in-law]a. Name, Her work, company, pay3. When did your spouse's relative [ex. brother] get married4. How did that relative come to Canada5. Did your spouse sponsored that relativeHow many brother and sisters does your spouse have i. Name all of them ii. Names of their spouses iii. Names of their kids iv. Where are they married [in-laws address] v. Where do they live now?1. Addresses2. Phone numbers etcHow many maternal and paternal uncles and aunts does your spouse have i. Name all of them [chacha, taia, bhua, mama, masi etc] ii. Name their spouses iii. Name all their kids1. If Kids are married name of spousesa. Names of their children iv. Where are they married [place of in-laws]Did all of them [relatives from part u.] came to the marriage i. If not why not ii. If yes, show proof 1. Show pictures and identify themWho came to attend your marriage from Canada i. Show proof, picturesWhy did others not come here to attend the marriage Any other general information about your spouse Information about you [Person attending the interview] Do you know your husband is divorced [if your spouse is divorced] Provide all the details Why did you marry him/her, even if s/he is divorced? Do you know s/he has a child from previous marriage Why did you marry a person who has a child Did you knew about your spouses divorce and child before marriage How did you meet first time? Where did you meet i. Provide details of the location ii. What were you wearing iii. What was your spouse wearing iv. What did you do in the first meeting1. Lunch, dinner, dance etc v. Who accompanied you to meet your spouse vi. What did you like about your spouseDid you meet your spouse again after the first meeting and before your marriage i. Provide details ii. How many times did you meet again iii. Where, and what did you do1. Any proofWere you forced into marriage Did you get married to get to Canada Did you pay you spouse to go to Canada [Always say no to the questions under section l ] i. If yes1. How much ii. We heard you paid money in lakhs or thousands of dollars [your local currency] to go there iii. How much did you pay iv. If you tell us how much you paid, we will give you Visa right away1. Otherwise it might take a long time for you to get there as we know you paid money2. Nothing will happen to you but we will get your money back from your spouse and return to you and also give you visa[Now this is a tricky situation where immigration interviewer try to play a trick so watch out....it happened with some people]Did your spouse meet any of your relative i. If yes1. When and whoma. Provide proof, such as pictures ii. If no1. Provide explanation, why did your spouse did not meet any of your relativesDid you meet any of your spouses relative i. If yes1. Provide details of whom you met and whena. Provide proof ii. If no1. Why not Did you make any deals with your spouse i. For example1. S/He sponsors you and some relative of yours sponsors her/his relative2. Or when you go to Canada, and when your parents and siblings go to Canada, then you have to sponsor your spouses’ relative living in India.Do you think that your relationship will work Did you go for honeymoon i. If yes1. where did you go2. do you have any proofa. provide photosDid you go for any other trips i. If yes1. Where did you go2. Any religious places that you visited3. Any other places of interest you been4. Provide all the proofsa. Pictures, ReceiptsDid you go alone on the trips or someone accompanied you i. If yes, whySuhaag Raat Questions [maybe be asked, but under Canadian law these cannot be asked] i. When did you have your marriage consummated ii. What was your husband wearing that night iii. Color of his underwear iv. Was there light on all dark v. Place for example hotel, house room etc etcWhat do you do in India What would you do in Canada, what are your plans We have been told that you are going to go to Canada and once you get there, you will divorce your husband and sponsor your lover/Boy/girl Friend Who is living in India. If you tell us that you are going to do it, tell us your lovers name and we will issue both of you visa at the same time. This way you will not be away from your lover for long time and both of you will go to Canada together. Did you finish your school Other important information Remember all the relatives names, cousins, etc Who do what, where do they live Make sure all the answers match each other i. I.E. colors, hobbiesThere can be an immediate interview on phone with person in Canada, right after person in India’s interview. So make sure you call your spouse in Canada and tell him/her of all the questions that were asked in an interview [Important]. Other Questions will be provided as I remember or if someone emails me and let me know what the interviewer asks……. Hope you are feeling good and ready for an interview now. Best of Luck. Jessie Gill

回复: ZT: 结婚移民 -- 面试问题集 -- MichaelScofield 提供链接谢谢!

2007.02.16 递档HK 交申请费2007.03.06 收到HK的FN 2007.X月 拿到CSQ .X月终于DM了 .X月终于收到LP2008.X月 我的新生活开始了前进!前进!前进... ... 回复: ZT: 结婚移民 -- 面试问题集 -- MichaelScofield 提供链接天,那么多QUESTIONS 还让不让人再婚了。收了,慢慢研究。关EX-SPOUSE什么事情?感觉象在编程,IF YES , GOTO...,IF NO GOTO....., 我又不是做IT的,I WILL BE CRAZY AFTER FINISHING THESE QUESTIONS. OH MY GOD ,HOW COULD I BE DIVORCED .

回复: ZT: 结婚移民 -- 面试问题集 -- MichaelScofield 提供链接请问有没有中文版的?

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