加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请各位朋友帮我翻译一下好吗?十分感谢!急用


Hello Christabel - You are to be commended for your focus and dedication to your education - it is an investment that will pay dividends for the rest of your life. The programs at Royal Roads University are different from more traditional universities in that the teaching model is practical and applied. This means that you must have previous experience in your field of interest or you will be unable to understand or utilize the course material because it assumes you have a work history to relate the learning to. Some of the programs do not require work experience, however, and if you tell me which program you are interested in, I will tell you what the admission requirements are. Valery​

内画作品共享,有兴趣者同探讨。回复: 请各位朋友帮我翻译一下好吗?十分感谢!急用!谢谢了!You are to be commended for your focus and dedication to your education - it is an investment that will pay dividends for the rest of your life. 你(的推荐信,或申请文件等)提及你对教育的专注及投入--它是一项有益的投入,并将使你的终生受益。 The programs at Royal Roads University are different from more traditional universities in that the teaching model is practical and applied. This means that you must have previous experience in your field of interest or you will be unable to understand or utilize the course material because it assumes you have a work history to relate the learning to.​ Royal Roads University 的项目与传统大学的项目不同,它的教育模式面向实践和应用。这意味着你必须在你关注的领域内具有既往的工作经验,否则你将无法理解或应用课程教材,因为它要求你在你所学相关的领域内具有工作经历。 Some of the programs do not require work experience, however, and if you tell me which program you are interested in, I will tell you what the admission requirements are.​ 有一些项目不需要工作经验。但是,如果你能告诉我们那些项目你感兴趣,我将告诉你它需要什么样的入学条件。

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]跟着组织部,年年有进步;跟着外贸部,美金大把入;跟着宣传部,稻草吹成树;跟着移民部,越跟越糊涂,不知何时DM...赞反馈:zhangshan 2008-02-27#3 annieshen
27,238 $0.00 回复: 请各位朋友帮我翻译一下好吗?十分感谢!急用!谢谢了!LZ在申请学校啊????

回复: 请各位朋友帮我翻译一下好吗?十分感谢!急用!谢谢了!肯定是向你推销那个真正的“马路”大学的MBA项目了....

回复: 请各位朋友帮我翻译一下好吗?十分感谢!急用!谢谢了!是我女儿要读这个大学..奇怪了,我女儿和他们学校的人发邮件说要在大三大四的时候去皇家打道去读书,他们学校的老师竟然要求他要有工作经验才能进入他们大学的大三大四..这是怎么回事!你们谁知道啊..郁闷啊!现在我女儿还是一个大一的学生,怎么会要求有工作经验呢!谁知道啊...5555

内画作品共享,有兴趣者同探讨。回复: 请各位朋友帮我翻译一下好吗?十分感谢!急用!谢谢了!十分感谢瑞雪春风的翻译啊

内画作品共享,有兴趣者同探讨。回复: 请各位朋友帮我翻译一下好吗?十分感谢!急用!谢谢了!瑞雪春风:谢!谢!给你加声望了。

内画作品共享,有兴趣者同探讨。是我女儿要读这个大学..奇怪了,我女儿和他们学校的人发邮件说要在大三大四的时候去皇家打道去读书,他们学校的老师竟然要求他要有工作经验才能进入他们大学的大三大四..这是怎么回事!你们谁知道啊..郁闷啊!现在我女儿还是一个大一的学生,怎么会要求有工作经验呢!谁知道啊...5555点击展开...打工也算工作经验的,part time的工作经验按小时计算。这边大部分的学生都有兼职工作,可以在学校图书馆工作,给老师当助教,或者到外面做sales和cashier..暑假(5月-8月)寒假(12中旬到1月中旬)加起来也有很长时间了,再加上reading break,都可以去打工换工作经验。

2006年1月 FN HK 2007年11月28日 ME 2007年12月20日体检 2008年2月12日登陆费收据到2008年6月11日DM2008年6月18日PL回复: 请各位朋友帮我翻译一下好吗?十分感谢!急用!谢谢了!“)

回复: 请各位朋友帮我翻译一下好吗?十分感谢!急用!谢谢了!帮顶

回复: 请各位朋友帮我翻译一下好吗?十分感谢!急用!谢谢了!Hello Christabel - I'm going to respond to both of your emails in one. Are you planning to attend the Bachelor of Commerce in Entrepreneurial Management program? If so, please be certain that you not only complete your two years at CIBT, but that you also meet the admission requirements of Royal Roads University, which are: Ideally, applicants will have completed two years of business-related post-secondary education (in Canada this means minimum 60 credits, 20 courses, 2 years of full time study) with a minimum “B” average (3.0/4.0). Applicants must have a first or second year accounting course with a final grade of B (mandatory prerequisite). Evidence of strength in the core business areas including accounting, finance, economics, business communications, marketing and human relations will be reviewed. All applications are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Business-related work/life experience is essential for consideration and acceptance to the BCom program. Applicants with the appropriate post-secondary background will also have a minimum three years work/life experience (reviewed on a case-by-case basis). For information on English requirements and IELTS, please visit our website at: http://www.royalroads.ca/admissions/admission-requirements/english-requirements.htm.

内画作品共享,有兴趣者同探讨。回复: 请各位朋友帮我翻译一下好吗?十分感谢!急用!谢谢了!能再帮我翻译一下上面这封E-MAIL吗?十分感谢啊越快越好啊谢谢了

内画作品共享,有兴趣者同探讨。回复: 请各位朋友帮我翻译一下好吗?十分感谢!急用!谢谢了!Hello Christabel -你好Christabel - I'm going to respond to both of your emails in one.我两封邮件一起回复吧, Are you planning to attend the Bachelor of Commerce in Entrepreneurial Management program? If so, please be certain that you not only complete your two years at CIBT, but that you also meet the admission requirements of Royal Roads University, which are:你是不是计划参加创业管理的商业学士项目?如果是的,请确信你不仅要完成了两年的CIBI学习,还要满足加拿大皇家大学的以下招收条件: Ideally, applicants will have completed two years of business-related post-secondary education (in Canada this means minimum 60 credits, 20 courses, 2 years of full time study) with a minimum “B” average (3.0/4.0). Applicants must have a first or second year accounting course with a final grade of B (mandatory prerequisite).理想的情况是,申请者须完成两年与商业有关的高等教育(在加拿大,这意味着你至少要有60学分、20个课程及2年的全职学习),成绩最低为" B "等( 3.0/4.0 )。申请人在第一年或第二年的会计课成绩必须达到B等。(强制条件)。 Evidence of strength in the core business areas including accounting, finance, economics, business communications, marketing and human relations will be reviewed. All applications are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.我们将审查能证明申请人在会计、财务、经济、商务通讯、市场及人事关系等的核心业务范围内有足够能力的材料。我们会对申请人一个个儿的审查。 Business-related work/life experience is essential for consideration and acceptance to the BCom program. Applicants with the appropriate post-secondary background will also have a minimum three years work/life experience (reviewed on a case-by-case basis).我们也必须考虑申请人与业务有关的工作及生活经历,以决定是否接收申请人参加商业学士项目。具有高等学历同等背景的申请者必须有最少三年的工作、生活经验。(我们将对申请人一个个儿的审查)。 For information on English requirements and IELTS, please visit our website at: http://www.royalroads.ca/admissions/admission-requirements/english-requirements.htm.有关英语要求及雅思的信息,请浏览我们的网站:http://www.royalroads.ca/admissions/admission-requirements/english-requirements.htm

060720签收;FN:061004(B050136***)[MAC/LSL];ME:100525;MER+PL:101223;Landing:110604; 好事情经常一起来,不好的事情也经常一起来,所以赶紧做好一件。。。投票贴:调查HK各政的等待人数;分析贴:”加拿大新公布的08年的移民速度“(文长)回复: 请各位朋友帮我翻译一下好吗?十分感谢!急用!谢谢了!Royal road学费很贵的。University of Victoria 是个不错的选择。

  ·生活百科 Engie太阳能优势试验。
·生活百科 Esy Sunhome电池



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