加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民大学非授课老师如何选择noc skill type?
各位达人,问个noc skill type的问题。我虽然在大学里工作,但是不教课,而是在图书馆里工作。那么在填noc时就有两个选择:1. Occupations in Social Science, Education, Government Service and Religion此项包含教师2. Occupations in Art, Culture, Recreation and Sport此项包含图书馆员 这两个我选那个啊?? 还有在申请表里的occupation那一项我应该如何填写?谢谢大家啊
回复: 大学非授课老师如何选择noc skill type?Your NOC must meet your main duty, I think the later one is more suitable.
The only predictable thing about life is its unpredictability.回复: 大学非授课老师如何选择noc skill type?thanks terror
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