加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民有谁知道Fingerprints (please refer to enclosed instructio
今天收到从使馆寄来的E-mail,要求补料。除了无犯罪、资金证明外,还要求补Fingerprints (please refer to enclosed instructions for details) ,但是对这要求不是很清楚,不知道有没有知道的,是我按个手印就行吗?感觉象是买身契。
回复: 有谁知道Fingerprints (please refer to enclosed instructions for details)是这么应该是要你补带fingerprints的无罪证明吧你是不是在国外呆过呀
2.19是必须的因为--爱要久嘛回复: 有谁知道Fingerprints (please refer to enclosed instructions for details)是这么没在国外呆过,只是去澳洲玩过半个月。
回复: 有谁知道Fingerprints (please refer to enclosed instructions for details)是这么今天收到使馆电子邮件内容大致如下:Dear XXXTo continue processing your application, a visa officer requires that you submit the following information and documents. Please submit your documents as a single package. In order for us to match your package with your file, please include a copy of this letter in the package. Please submit for dependant XXX- Updated application form IMM 0008 (06-2002) Generic (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/imm0008egen.pdf) - Updated application form IMM 0008 (06-2002) Schedule 1 (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/imm0008_1e.pdf) - Family Comp + Education/Employment (http://geo.international.gc.ca/asia/china/immigration/beijing/documents/ECU Kit EN 08-2007.pdf pgs23-24) - Updated notarized police certificate - Fingerprints (please refer to enclosed instructions for details) 我不清楚,除提供无犯罪记录、资金证明外,剩下的表格还需要重新填写吗?提供给他们吗?我对比了一下和以前的差不多。
回复: 有谁知道Fingerprints (please refer to enclosed instructions for details)是这么按十个手指印的无犯罪证明。
回复: 有谁知道Fingerprints (please refer to enclosed instructions for details)是这么如果需要新加坡的无犯罪证明,就会要求提供指纹认证,到新加坡驻华使馆办理即可,不过看楼主没有国外生活经历,就不晓得了。。。
回复: 有谁知道Fingerprints (please refer to enclosed instructions for details)是这么按十个手指印的无犯罪证明是我找张纸按上,公证处公证就行吗?还是派出所提供纸,在他们的纸上按手印,连同他们一起开的无犯罪记录,一块做公证。
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