加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民08.3.14日的修正案只是个提案是吗?还没通过是吗
回复: 08.3.14日的修正案只是个提案是吗?还没通过是吗?究竟是福还是祸呢?我也猜不准,我刚上加拿大移民看了网页。估计申请到审批的过程会变快了。但是变快有两个原因,一是其他条件不变,加快工作流程,这需要增加人力、资金等投入;二是在申请准入条件上变化,一定程度上提高门槛。从移民局的告示理解,应该是后者,我猜想很可能会对工作经历以及工作性质作出相关要求,也就是申请门槛提高了。 :(当然,这只是我的理解,有其他看法的不妨也发表一下意见,大家讨论讨论。
回复: 08.3.14日的修正案只是个提案是吗?还没通过是吗?究竟是福还是祸呢?加拿大移民局网站上到底有没有修正案的全文?
回复: 08.3.14日的修正案只是个提案是吗?还没通过是吗?究竟是福还是祸呢?顺其自然吧
目标:4个7!回复: 08.3.14日的修正案只是个提案是吗?还没通过是吗?究竟是福还是祸呢?只能关注了啊
我要去加拿大深造冰球,咋没有个硕士学位呢回复: 08.3.14日的修正案只是个提案是吗?还没通过是吗?究竟是福还是祸呢?Amendments to Modernize the Immigration SystemOn March 14, 2008, the Government of Canada introduced legislative amendments to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act to modernize the immigration system, to ensure that families are reunited faster and skilled workers arrive sooner. One of the challenges facing our immigration system today is the large number of people waiting in the queue. This is especially a problem in the skilled worker category which makes up most of the backlog. Under the proposed measures, Citizenship and Immigration Canada would have greater flexibility in processing new applications, especially from skilled workers. The legislation is intended to provide greater flexibility in addressing a range of labour market needs. It will not apply to refugees and does not affect our objectives related to family reunification. Ultimately, this will result in reduced wait times and improved service. It will also help manage the growth of the backlog of applications. Once passed, the new measures will apply to applications received on or after February 27, 2008.Those who applied prior to February 27, 2008, will not be subject to the new measures and will be dealt with fairly under the existing rules. ---------------------------------------------------------------这是对技术移民的利好,如果通过,以后等待时间会缩短!(还没有通过)
www.CarMagazine.cn回复: 08.3.14日的修正案只是个提案是吗?还没通过是吗?究竟是福还是祸呢?really, that'll be great. But for those who applied prior to 2/27, how long it's supposed to be? http://heavydream.blog.sohu.com/
回复: 08.3.14日的修正案只是个提案是吗?还没通过是吗?究竟是福还是祸呢?越来越慢。
The only predictable thing about life is its unpredictability.回复: 08.3.14日的修正案只是个提案是吗?还没通过是吗?究竟是福还是祸呢?这上面也没说要提高分数线,我们没必要惶惶不可终日吧。
回复: 08.3.14日的修正案只是个提案是吗?还没通过是吗?究竟是福还是祸呢?从事职业很重要
回复: 08.3.14日的修正案只是个提案是吗?还没通过是吗?究竟是福还是祸呢?即使提高分数线,也是2月27号之后递表的才影响吧?
2007/12/26 EMS HK2008/07/-- FN VO: KTAYS: T:6.5,L:6.5,R:7,W:6,S:6.5 自评:67回复: 08.3.14日的修正案只是个提案是吗?还没通过是吗?究竟是福还是祸呢?关注
2007年6月FNVO:TCW 自评68分回复: 08.3.14日的修正案只是个提案是吗?还没通过是吗?究竟是福还是祸呢?On March 14, 2008 Canada's Conservative government tabled a bill that proposed amendments to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA). Under the current law, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) is required to assess every Permanent Resident application received at a visa office, in a particular immigration category, on a "first come, first served" basis. The proposed legislative change provides the Immigration Minister with the authority to regulate the backlog of applicants. It allows CIC to select among the new applications received and choose those that it determines are best suited for Canada's labour market needs. If the bill passes, the Immigration Minister would have to authority to set annual limits on the number of applicants under certain categories of Canadian immigration. New Canadian immigration applications would be handled at the discretion of the Immigration Minister; some will be processed quickly, others will be held at the visa office for processing at a later date, and others will be returned to the applicant along with government processing fees.The purpose of this amendment to the IRPA is to remedy the growing backlog of Canadian immigration applications that has forced processing times to rise by 20 per cent since 2004. Should the bill pass, it would be good news to applicants who are currently in the queue waiting for their visas to be processed. Budget 2008's $22 million over the next two years to implement this modernization of the immigration system, is aimed at reducing wait times and improving service. By reducing the backlog, Canada is working towards the goal of a "just-in-time" immigration system to expedite skilled immigrant applications and transition newcomers to the Canadian workforce quickly. Nevertheless, a limit on the number of new immigration applications is cause for concern given Canada's declining birthrate, aging population, and labour shortages. Canada's other political parties in the House of Commons are critical of the proposal. The Conservative party heads a minority government and will need the support of one of Canada's other political parties to pass this bill and put the amendments to the IRPA into force. The Conservatives have included the bill in the 2008 federal budget, making it a confidence matter. If the House of Commons votes against it, the current government would fall, triggering an election.The Immigration Minister would not say whether she intends to use the new power to limit new immigration applications, stating that the budget bill will have to pass before any announcements will be made. At present, Canadian Immigration Visa Offices around the world continue to accept new immigration applications in all categories. CIC reiterates that Canada remains open to immigration and that the proposed amendments should not deter good candidates from applying at this time. The current passmark of 67 points, under the Federal Skilled Worker category, would not be affected by the proposed amendments. The proposed legislation, if passed in its present form, will apply to all applications received at a visa office on or after February 27, 2008.
回复: 08.3.14日的修正案只是个提案是吗?还没通过是吗?究竟是福还是祸呢?As summary,1. The current passmark of 67 points, under the Federal Skilled Worker category, would not be affected by the proposed amendments2. New Canadian immigration applications would be handled at the discretion of the Immigration Minister; some will be processed quickly, others will be held at the visa office for processing at a later date, and others will be returned to the applicant along with government processing fees.
Enjoying everyday回复: 08.3.14日的修正案只是个提案是吗?还没通过是吗?究竟是福还是祸呢?这个,要什么时候通过。真的通过了还是会产生影响的
回复: 08.3.14日的修正案只是个提案是吗?还没通过是吗?究竟是福还是祸呢?这帮骗子,老变
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