加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民未收到FN求助!
见签名档,应该是FN了以前写得地址是原单位,现在换单位了去问了说没有我的信极有可能是丢了 这种情况下是不是要去信问一下啊怎么个操作法? email? to where?how to write?请有经验的TZ指示一下。
27/08/2007 HK签收20/09/2007 扣款19/02/2008 FN自HK出14/04/2008 FN copy收到Waiting..................自豪失败,自信存在!回复: 未收到FN求助!bruceruan 初出茅庐§粗通皮毛 注册日期: 2007-06帖子: 14 声望: 3175声望改变能力: 0 回复: 2007年香港进程根据地 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------引用:作者: lxd661226 bruceruan vbmenu_register("postmenu_2552507", true); ;你好!怎样查FN是否到了,你有EMAI的地址吗!怎样查,不胜感激!!! 不好意思才看到你的留言,第一步发email去问:mailto: [email protected]: FN mail lost------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Officer,I am sorry to interrupt you that I have to ask for some informationabout the status of my immigration application process. I've sent outmy application forms for Federal Skilled Worker Immigration SAP, theforms delivered to Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong at Aug20th 2007, and my processing fee transferred at Sep 7th, but I havenot received my FN by now. I don't know why.Could you please kindly tell me some information about my FN? MillionThanks for your help.My personal information here:Family Name: *********Given name: *********Date of Birth: *********Enquiry Type: Federal Skilled Worker ClassBest Regards...### your name####如果他回信说FN已经发出来,并且“we are unable to provide you your file number over the internet as we require an original signature to verify your identity”,于是你就做第二步:把这下面个打印出来,并且“一定要签名”然后寄到香港,我是又给加做了几张地址条一起寄过去的,然后You just have to wait...////////////print this out, and don't forget to sign you name before mail out the paper////////////////////////Dear Sir/Madam,I have not received the acknowledgement letter for some reason. I have got your email that you required me to provide my original signature and would send me my file number. Is it possible I provide a new mailing address to be sure that I will receive the acknowledgement letter correctly? Would you please send me the acknowledgement letter again? And I have attached the address label, please use the label when you send the mail to me.Thank you very much. My new mailing address:####################### # put your mail address here both Chinese and English.#######################My information:Family Name: *********Given name: *********Date of Birth: *********Enquiry Type: Federal Skilled Worker Class#### sign your name by hand##########可以搜索下几个有名的论坛,我也是找别人的经验然后自己改了下发出去的。GOOD LUCK...--------------------------------------------------------------------------------此帖于 2 天前 12:37 被 bruceruan 编辑.这不是我写的,是我转贴过来的。希望能帮到你。
回复: 未收到FN求助!bruceruan 初出茅庐§粗通皮毛 注册日期: 2007-06帖子: 14 声望: 3175声望改变能力: 0 回复: 2007年香港进程根据地 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 引用:作者: lxd661226 bruceruan vbmenu_register("postmenu_2552507", true); ;你好!怎样查FN是否到了,你有EMAI的地址吗!怎样查,不胜感激!!! 不好意思才看到你的留言,第一步发email去问:mailto: [email protected]: FN mail lost------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Officer, I am sorry to interrupt you that I have to ask for some informationabout the status of my immigration application process. I've sent outmy application forms for Federal Skilled Worker Immigration SAP, theforms delivered to Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong at Aug20th 2007, and my processing fee transferred at Sep 7th, but I havenot received my FN by now. I don't know why. Could you please kindly tell me some information about my FN? MillionThanks for your help. My personal information here: Family Name: *********Given name: *********Date of Birth: *********Enquiry Type: Federal Skilled Worker ClassBest Regards...### your name#### 如果他回信说FN已经发出来,并且“we are unable to provide you your file number over the internet as we require an original signature to verify your identity”,于是你就做第二步:把这下面个打印出来,并且“一定要签名”然后寄到香港,我是又给加做了几张地址条一起寄过去的,然后You just have to wait... ////////////print this out, and don't forget to sign you name before mail out the paper////////////////////////Dear Sir/Madam, I have not received the acknowledgement letter for some reason. I have got your email that you required me to provide my original signature and would send me my file number. Is it possible I provide a new mailing address to be sure that I will receive the acknowledgement letter correctly? Would you please send me the acknowledgement letter again? And I have attached the address label, please use the label when you send the mail to me. Thank you very much. My new mailing address: ####################### # put your mail address here both Chinese and English.####################### My information:Family Name: *********Given name: *********Date of Birth: *********Enquiry Type: Federal Skilled Worker Class #### sign your name by hand########## 可以搜索下几个有名的论坛,我也是找别人的经验然后自己改了下发出去的。GOOD LUCK... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------此帖于 2 天前 12:37 被 bruceruan 编辑. 这不是我写的,是我转贴过来的。希望能帮到你。点击展开...感激涕零阿!
27/08/2007 HK签收20/09/2007 扣款19/02/2008 FN自HK出14/04/2008 FN copy收到Waiting..................自豪失败,自信存在!回复: 未收到FN求助!发了个邮件过去,马上就自动回复了,什么意思啊?? -----Original Message to HKONG (IMMIGRATION)/Message d'origine HKONG (IMMIGRATION) ----- This is an automatically generated message This will acknowledge receipt of your email to the Hong Kong visa office. For more information about CIC, please visit CIC site at www.cic.gc.ca. Disclaimer: By supplying your email address, you are initiating an email communication with CIC and CIC is thereby authorized to use the email address provided by you for communication with you including the transmission of personal information on your file/case. Ce message accuse rception de votre courrier lectronique au bureau des visas de Hong Kong. Pour plus d'information sur CIC, veuillez consulter le site de CIC www.cic.gc.ca. Dsistement : En fournissant votre adresse lectronique, vous tablissez une communication par voie lectronique avec CIC et, par consquent, CIC est autorit utiliser l'adresse lectronique fournie cette fin, y compris pour la transmission de renseignements personnels au sujet de votre dossier.
27/08/2007 HK签收20/09/2007 扣款19/02/2008 FN自HK出14/04/2008 FN copy收到Waiting..................自豪失败,自信存在!回复: 未收到FN求助!现在应该是下班了,明天会有人工回复!!我的FN应该也丢了,现在还没收到,上周发的EMAIL询问.人工回复是2月20日已经寄出!(8月29日签收,9月24日扣款的)
2007年8月28日投递HK2007年8月30日托投2007年9月24日工行汇票解付2008年2月20日寄出FN正本还未收到,估计是丢了.......现在应该是下班了,明天会有人工回复!!我的FN应该也丢了,现在还没收到,上周发的EMAIL询问.人工回复是2月20日已经寄出!(8月29日签收,9月24日扣款的)点击展开...人工回复是啥意思啊?e-mail back?同悲同悲阿, 现在你怎么办?让补寄?
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