加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民医生可能成为移民法修正案通过后的优先职业
Toronto, April 5 : Criticising the Canadian government for introducing a bill that gives it sweeping powers on immigration, the opposition New Democratic Party (NDP) has proposed amendments in it before the parliamentary vote. NDP leader Jack Layton said in the House Thursday: "The minister (Finley) said Canada needs to bring in more workers and the professions she mentioned most was doctors. (But) this minister just deported a radiologist for no good reason and we need more radiologists. She said if the bill was passed, many Canadians will not be united with their family members. Since the bill "fails to recognize that all immigration applicants should be treated fairly and transparently, and it also fails to recognize that family re-unification builds economically vibrant, inclusive and healthy communities", the House should decline to give it second reading, she said. Parliament is likely to vote on the bill April 8. 原文链接:http://www.newkerala.com/one.php?action=fullnews&id=44320 从新民主党(NDP)头头的发言中可以看出,现任移民部长非常希望引进更多的医生,因此一旦移民法修正案通过,职业为医生的候选人可能会获得优先处理权,也就是可以在等待移民的长队中“插队”。 此外,此次移民法修正案如果通过,将会对家庭团聚移民产生不利影响。 国会将会在4月8号对该修正案进行投票。
回复: 医生可能成为移民法修正案通过后的优先职业gx医生
个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。――――――――――――――――――――――――――回复: 医生可能成为移民法修正案通过后的优先职业投票结果任何???
回复: 医生可能成为移民法修正案通过后的优先职业投票结果任何???点击展开...4月8号.
个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。――――――――――――――――――――――――――gx医生点击展开...Benkok, 你的工程?儋格也是移民部渴求的??啊, 恭喜!
回复: 医生可能成为移民法修正案通过后的优先职业Benkok, 你的工程?儋格也是移民部渴求的??啊, 恭喜!点击展开...恩。我知道。 除了医生,工程师,IT,我估计还有护士,老人和幼儿的看管专人,建筑施工行业的焊工,电工,卡车驾驶员,重型设备操作员等等 谢谢indianyan回来看我们!
个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。――――――――――――――――――――――――――回复: 医生可能成为移民法修正案通过后的优先职业我们家俩口都是上述职业之一,但愿双保险能有用就好了。。。谢谢分享。
The only predictable thing about life is its unpredictability.回复: 医生可能成为移民法修正案通过后的优先职业也恭喜斑竹了。
The only predictable thing about life is its unpredictability.Toronto, April 5 : Criticising the Canadian government for introducing a bill that gives it sweeping powers on immigration, the opposition New Democratic Party (NDP) has proposed amendments in it before the parliamentary vote. NDP leader Jack Layton said in the House Thursday: "The minister (Finley) said Canada needs to bring in more workers and the professions she mentioned most was doctors. (But) this minister just deported a radiologist for no good reason and we need more radiologists. She said if the bill was passed, many Canadians will not be united with their family members. Since the bill "fails to recognize that all immigration applicants should be treated fairly and transparently, and it also fails to recognize that family re-unification builds economically vibrant, inclusive and healthy communities", the House should decline to give it second reading, she said. Parliament is likely to vote on the bill April 8. 原文链接:http://www.newkerala.com/one.php?action=fullnews&id=44320 从新民主党(NDP)头头的发言中可以看出,现任移民部长非常希望引进更多的医生,因此一旦移民法修正案通过,职业为医生的候选人可能会获得优先处理权,也就是可以在等待移民的长队中“插队”。 此外,此次移民法修正案如果通过,将会对家庭团聚移民产生不利影响。 国会将会在4月8号对该修正案进行投票。点击展开...你没看懂.修正案只是限制使用SWEEPING POWER.他讲话中的医生是举例被递解了.不要误导申请者.
回复: 医生可能成为移民法修正案通过后的优先职业Criticising the Canadian government for introducing a bill that gives it sweeping powers on immigration.The immigration (amendment) bill, which gives the immigration minister powers to decide who is let in or stopped, is part of the budget bill which will seek the House vote next week.
回复: 医生可能成为移民法修正案通过后的优先职业The NDP leader said: "The minister (Finley) said Canada needs to bring in more workers and the professions she mentioned most was doctors. (But) this minister just deported a radiologist for no good reason and we need more radiologists. 他是提到了这一点,但并不表明会加快对医生职业申请者的审批程序.想象过于丰富也不好.但这并非修正案的内容.他举例为了反对this minister just deported a radiologist ,阅读英文文章一定要仔细.不要揣摩.
回复: 医生可能成为移民法修正案通过后的优先职业反对修正案只是反对移民部长使用SWEEPING POWER
回复: 医生可能成为移民法修正案通过后的优先职业能插队?新法有追索力吗?
1111111能插队?新法有追索力吗?点击展开...反对修正案并投票只是反对移民部长使用SWEEPING POWER
回复: 医生可能成为移民法修正案通过后的优先职业如果你有去了解过这个修正法案的背景,你就不会仅凭这一篇报道就妄下结论。Proposed Changes to Canadian Immigration Laws: Implications for ApplicantsOn March 14, 2008 Canada's Conservative government tabled a bill that proposed amendments to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA). Under the current law, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) is required to assess every Permanent Resident application received at a visa office, in a particular immigration category, on a "first come, first served" basis. The proposed legislative change provides the Immigration Minister with the authority to regulate the backlog of applicants. It allows CIC to select among the new applications received and choose those that it determines are best suited for Canada's labour market needs. If the bill passes, the Immigration Minister would have to authority to set annual limits on the number of applicants under certain categories of Canadian immigration. New Canadian immigration applications would be handled at the discretion of the Immigration Minister; some will be processed quickly, others will be held at the visa office for processing at a later date, and others will be returned to the applicant along with government processing fees.The purpose of this amendment to the IRPA is to remedy the growing backlog of Canadian immigration applications that has forced processing times to rise by 20 per cent since 2004. Should the bill pass, it would be good news to applicants who are currently in the queue waiting for their visas to be processed. Budget 2008's $22 million over the next two years to implement this modernization of the immigration system, is aimed at reducing wait times and improving service. By reducing the backlog, Canada is working towards the goal of a "just-in-time" immigration system to expedite skilled immigrant applications and transition newcomers to the Canadian workforce quickly. Nevertheless, a limit on the number of new immigration applications is cause for concern given Canada's declining birthrate, aging population, and labour shortages. Canada's other political parties in the House of Commons are critical of the proposal. The Conservative party heads a minority government and will need the support of one of Canada's other political parties to pass this bill and put the amendments to the IRPA into force. The Conservatives have included the bill in the 2008 federal budget, making it a confidence matter. If the House of Commons votes against it, the current government would fall, triggering an election.The Immigration Minister would not say whether she intends to use the new power to limit new immigration applications, stating that the budget bill will have to pass before any announcements will be made. At present, Canadian Immigration Visa Offices around the world continue to accept new immigration applications in all categories. CIC reiterates that Canada remains open to immigration and that the proposed amendments should not deter good candidates from applying at this time. The current passmark of 67 points, under the Federal Skilled Worker category, would not be affected by the proposed amendments. The proposed legislation, if passed in its present form, will apply to all applications received at a visa office on or after February 27, 2008. 反对修正法就是要反对给予移民部长discretion power, 而不是反对她使用。保守党周五在预算案落实法案提出《移民及难民保护法》(Immigration and Refugee Protection Act)修订案,在136页的预算案法案内,约有10多项和移民政策有关,包括: ·移民部人员认定可来加的申请人,移民部长有权拒绝。法规说,在这类个案中,“应该”签证或签发文件,现行法例却说“可能”签证或签发文件。 ·移民部长有权定下条件,限制每年处理哪类移民的申请个案。“在处理申请和请求方面,部长可以指示,包括类别或其它方法,设定每年处理的申请。”人们的担忧就在于修正案一旦通过,将给予移民部长过多的权力,使得一些即使满足了现有移民标准的申请人也可能被移民部长拒绝,因为她有让你通过或不通过的权力。移民部长以怎样的标准进行选择?如果一部分人的申请加快,那另一部分人呢的申请就会减慢,对这些申请人是否公平?这些都是引起修正案争议的地方。移民部长目前提出的一个选择标准就是按Labour Market Needs来选择,请问这个Labour Market Needs如果不是以职业作为选择标准,那会是以什么为标准呢??
回复: 医生可能成为移民法修正案通过后的优先职业信息混乱
回复: 医生可能成为移民法修正案通过后的优先职业关注阿,偶是大学老师。希望可以如愿以偿移民成功。
回复: 医生可能成为移民法修正案通过后的优先职业好像中医除外。
回复: 医生可能成为移民法修正案通过后的优先职业关注!!8号以后。看!
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