加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民修正案投票的结果明天就可以出来了吧!?



回复: 修正案投票的结果明天就可以出来了吧!?肯定是更快了我相信

06/10/31签收06/11/17划款07/3/30签发FN(CWS) 赞反馈:yalefan_76 2008-04-08#3 低调做人 1,536 $0.00 回复: 修正案投票的结果明天就可以出来了吧!?没有慢下来的道理

生命在于折腾赞反馈:yalefan_76 2008-04-08#4 大胃贝克汉姆
21,405 $0.00 回复: 修正案投票的结果明天就可以出来了吧!?静候佳音。

赞反馈:yalefan_76 2008-04-08#5 yalefan_76 615 $0.00 回复: 修正案投票的结果明天就可以出来了吧!?声望加上!!

回复: 修正案投票的结果明天就可以出来了吧!?静候消息更新

[FN: 09.28.2006,我所知道查过我资料的VO: ROW, LCY, [TCW])1.7寄IELTS成绩,1.16签发补料信, 3.17交补料; 看来明年春天能走就不错了......作难民以前,have a good time while you can.I'm destined to be his momma, and I'm doing the best as I can.赞反馈:yalefan_76 2008-04-08#7 O 676 $0.00 回复: 修正案投票的结果明天就可以出来了吧!?随它去吧!

回复: 修正案投票的结果明天就可以出来了吧!?什么时间可以出来??

温哥华的新生活啊……准备给妈妈做个super visa玩……赞反馈:yalefan_76 2008-04-08#9 我爱EMMA 911 $0.00 回复: 修正案投票的结果明天就可以出来了吧!?现在这状态已经是没法再慢了,所以,结果出来对老同学的影响不大

2.19是必须的因为--爱要久嘛赞反馈:yalefan_76 2008-04-09#10 小熊维尼 1,757 $0.00 回复: 修正案投票的结果明天就可以出来了吧!?够慢的了,不要再慢了

毕业啦!赞反馈:yalefan_76 2008-04-09#11 G 115 $0.00 回复: 修正案投票的结果明天就可以出来了吧!?也许会是好结果!

回复: 修正案投票的结果明天就可以出来了吧!?都已经这样了,还能比现在慢吗?等着吧,不等也没有办法。

2006年8月FN2010年1月18日MER2010年2月22日PL赞反馈:yalefan_76 2008-04-09#13 yalefan_76 615 $0.00 回复: 修正案投票的结果明天就可以出来了吧!?声望都加了http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/laws-policy/irpa-more.asp修正案应该是通过了!!

回复: 修正案投票的结果明天就可以出来了吧!?法制变人制了. 以前只要等就有结果,现在等也不一定会有结果

I should be happy every day. Work hard and enjoy the life! 赞反馈:yalefan_76 2008-04-09#15 nancyhy284 4,246 $0.00 回复: 修正案投票的结果明天就可以出来了吧!?新申请的同志要受苦了!

温哥华的新生活啊……准备给妈妈做个super visa玩……赞反馈:yalefan_76 2008-04-09#16 孙 524 $0.00 回复: 修正案投票的结果明天就可以出来了吧!?越来越好,来来来(升调);越来越好,来来来(降调)。

回复: 修正案投票的结果明天就可以出来了吧!?DING

回复: 修正案投票的结果明天就可以出来了吧!?唉,今天加的声望太多了,14楼以后的....

回复: 修正案投票的结果明天就可以出来了吧!?Ottawa, April 8, 2008 — The Honourable Diane Finley, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, released today the principles that would guide implementation of proposed changes to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.The aim of the changes is to modernize Canada’s immigration system and significantly reduce the time it takes to bring newcomers and their families to Canada. Under proposed changes to the Act, the Minister would have the authority to issue instructions to immigration officers related to the processing of applications, including in relation to the jobs available in Canada, so that people with those skills and experience can be brought to Canada more quickly.In this way, newcomers will have more opportunities to find work sooner, to provide a better life for themselves and their families and to benefit more from life in Canada.“These principles will ensure that ministerial instructions today and in the future remain fair, open and transparent,” said Minister Finley. “The instructions are about making the immigration system more responsive. Our objective is to continue to ensure that families are reunited and that qualified workers get here sooner, while respecting the fundamental principle of fairness.”Ministerial instructions on prioritizing and processing immigration applications received after February 27, 2008, will: * Identify priority occupations based on input from provinces and territories, the Bank of Canada, Human Resources and Social Development Canada, employers and organized labour. * Ensure fairness by making decisions on cases faster, while meeting immediate labour market needs. * Respect the goals of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, which are to support Canada’s economy and competitiveness, support family reunification and uphold Canada’s humanitarian commitments. * Comply with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which prevents discrimination based on factors such as race, country of origin and religion. * Respect commitments to provinces and territories regarding the Provincial Nominee Program and the Canada-Quebec Accord. * Complement commitments made in Advantage Canada, the Government of Canada’s economic plan, to align the immigration system with labour market needs. * Be published in the Canada Gazette and Citizenship and Immigration Canada’s annual report, which is tabled in Parliament.All instructions issued by the Minister to immigration officers must adhere to these principles. They must also be approved by Cabinet before they are published. Immigration officers would select from among new applications based on the instructions. They will continue to make decisions about individual applications. The Minister can not reverse the decisions of immigration officers or influence them in any way other than what is clearly outlined in the instructions.The instructions are part of Budget 2008 commitments to modernize the immigration system to respond to Canada’s labour-market needs, reduce wait times for new applicants and reduce the backlog of immigration applications.“We’ve allocated $109 million over five years to help meet these goals,” said Minister Finley. “And we’ll hire and train more visa officers to act as SWAT teams to speed up processing in parts of the world where wait times are the longest.”To help alleviate immediate pressures, resources will be allocated to missions where there is a high volume of applications. As a start, some missions, such as Delhi and Manila, will receive additional resources to help improve wait times for permanent residence applications, international students and temporary foreign workers. Ongoing funding will help build capacity to meet future levels and increasing demand, and will introduce administrative improvements such as centralized processing and data entry.The amendments, once passed, will apply to applications received on or after February 27, 2008. Those who applied before February 27, 2008 will be dealt with under the existing rules.For more information on CIC’s programs, consult our website at www.cic.gc.ca.For further information (media only), please contact:Tim VailPress SecretaryMinister’s OfficeCitizenship and Immigration Canada613-954-1064Karen Shadd-EvelynMedia RelationsCommunications BranchCitizenship and Immigration Canada613-952-1650

六年等待后,终于获得重生。2012年11月1日登陆爱城,在这里,我开始我的第二人生~!赞反馈:yalefan_76 2008-04-09#20 大胃贝克汉姆
21,405 $0.00 回复: 修正案投票的结果明天就可以出来了吧!?结果出来了么?

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