看看新通过的法案那!From CIC:Canada needs a more responsive immigration system where we reduce wait times so that families are reunited faster and skilled workers arrive sooner. That’s why, on March 14, the Government of Canada proposed changes to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. The changes mean that those who submitted an application before February 27, 2008 would continue to be processed under the current system. However, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) would have greater flexibility in processing new applications, especially from skilled workers. Anyone would still be able to apply, but CIC would no longer be required to process all new skilled worker applications. Under the proposed changes, the Minister would have the authority to issue instructions to immigration officers related to the processing of applications, including in relation to the jobs available in Canada, so people with those skills and experience can be brought to Canada more quickly. And as now, the decisions on individual applications would be made by CIC immigration officers. The Minister cannot reverse these decisions.The instructions would be public, and would reflect commitments to provinces and territories. They will be published in the Canada Gazette, reported in the Department’s annual report to Parliament and published on CIC’s website
回复: 修正案已通过,详见里面!唉。。。
新的开始。回复: 修正案已通过,详见里面!o
回复: 修正案已通过,详见里面!ding
回复: 修正案已通过,详见里面!DING!
forever眼中的加拿大http://www.canadameet.com/member/index.php?uid=foreverhttp://www.canadameet.com/member/index.php?uid=forever&action=article回复: 修正案已通过,详见里面!顶上去,大家都看到, ^_^
回复: 修正案已通过,详见里面!那么,下面的工作是不是该开动了?是不是该发ME了?
温哥华的新生活啊……准备给妈妈做个super visa玩……回复: 修正案已通过,详见里面!好像不妙!
最大的困难成就了最好的归宿,感谢不那么善良的人帮我打开了另一扇门。愿上帝宽恕我们! 那么,下面的工作是不是该开动了?是不是该发ME了?点击展开... 同样的想法,MAYBE?
回复: 修正案已通过,详见里面!CIC would no longer be required to process all new skilled worker applications. Does it imply that Canada is reducing number of skilled worker applications? If so, that is bad news.
回复: 修正案已通过,详见里面!这是已经通过的吗?
2.19是必须的因为--爱要久嘛回复: 修正案已通过,详见里面!不算坏消息吧: 1. 对于 those who submitted an application before February 27, 2008 would continue to be processed under the current system. 之前的暂停应该可以启动了。 2. 对于还没提交申请的或新近才申请的,行就行,不行也可以来个快的,不必受累挂在这上。
[FN: 09.28.2006,我所知道查过我资料的VO: ROW, LCY, [TCW])1.7寄IELTS成绩,1.16签发补料信, 3.17交补料; 看来明年春天能走就不错了......作难民以前,have a good time while you can.I'm destined to be his momma, and I'm doing the best as I can.回复: 修正案已通过,详见里面!来的更痛快,也好
-06/10/11 FN -10/06/09 ME -11/02/22mer -11/03/06 PL -11/4/02 VISA-11/05/30 登陆回复: 修正案已通过,详见里面!最近有加速的迹象,希望我们这些老人的DM,PL和新人的ME都能下雨
回复: 修正案已通过,详见里面!来的更痛快,也好点击展开...
回复: 修正案已通过,详见里面!不算坏消息吧: 1. 对于 those who submitted an application before February 27, 2008 would continue to be processed under the current system. 之前的暂停应该可以启动了。 2. 对于还没提交申请的或新近才申请的,行就行,不行也可以来个快的,不必受累挂在这上。点击展开...对你来讲不算坏消息。对有人的而言是。。。。。。。
人生何处不相逢,与人为善,乐事也!回复: 修正案已通过,详见里面!It doesn't seem that CIC has completely closed the door to those of jobs less needed. They will to some extent break the current time sequence to pick and bring the most needed applicants, as they put it, quicker and sooner. It's sure a good news for some, and inevitably, a bad one to others.
2008/08/02 - 2010/06/30 Vancouver2010/07/01 - 2012/05/31 Toronto2012/06/01---------------- Montreal 赏
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回复: 修正案已通过,详见里面!大家的英文都这么好啊 汗一个
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