加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民单身人士在家庭成员一栏只填“N/A”吗?
我想在这个栏目的LZ都递了表的。有没有单身人士申请移民的?请问:在“家庭成员”一栏全部填上“N/A”就行了?我想赶在这几天内递表。请知道情况的LZ告诉我,好吗?Thanks a lot.
回复: 单身人士在家庭成员一栏只填“N/A”吗?要填父母的。
新的开始。要填父母的。点击展开...Are you sure? 有些人说只填“N/A”。我跟我爸不在一个城市生活,一年才见几次,都要填他的资料?谢谢!
回复: 单身人士在家庭成员一栏只填“N/A”吗?父母的资料是必须填写的
回复: 单身人士在家庭成员一栏只填“N/A”吗?父母信息必须填写。
回复: 单身人士在家庭成员一栏只填“N/A”吗?父母信息在简表里不是必须填写的~
所谓命运,就是你什么也没做..仍是错...直到看见这世间闪烁万千灯火,超越梦里所有想象....回复: 单身人士在家庭成员一栏只填“N/A”吗?因为成年人,法律意义上,只有你的配偶和子女才是申请家属.
所谓命运,就是你什么也没做..仍是错...直到看见这世间闪烁万千灯火,超越梦里所有想象....回复: 单身人士在家庭成员一栏只填“N/A”吗?It sounds the answer from bonbonster makes sense. However, the answers regarding this question are so different. I am still confused. I just want to know what the right answer is. Anyway, thank you to all of you! thanks a lot!
回复: 单身人士在家庭成员一栏只填“N/A”吗?由于CIC的网页没有对这个问题解释清楚,加上文化的差异,造成答案分歧很大。在美加,18岁已经是独立的个体,不再依赖父母, 父母也没有养育你的义务。你有权do what you want to do. But in China, the situation is so different.
回复: 单身人士在家庭成员一栏只填“N/A”吗?看到LZ这么慎重~~偶特意去查了一下官方说法:"Family membersYou must identify all of your family members on your application form. Your family members may apply for permanent residence as part of your application.Family members include your:spouse or common-law partner; anddependent children.Important: You must list all family members, whether they wish to be considered in your application for permanent residence at this time or not. Also list family members whose location is unknown (including those missing or presumed dead). Family members who are not listed on your application will not be able to be sponsored by you at a later date.Note: Separated or former spouses and separated or former common-law partners are not eligible family members." from:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/ESap5.asp
所谓命运,就是你什么也没做..仍是错...直到看见这世间闪烁万千灯火,超越梦里所有想象....看到LZ这么慎重~~偶特意去查了一下官方说法:"Family members You must identify all of your family members on your application form. Your family members may apply for permanent residence as part of your application.Family members include your:spouse or common-law partner; anddependent children.Important: You must list all family members, whether they wish to be considered in your application for permanent residence at this time or not. Also list family members whose location is unknown (including those missing or presumed dead). Family members who are not listed on your application will not be able to be sponsored by you at a later date.Note: Separated or former spouses and separated or former common-law partners are not eligible family members." from:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/ESap5.asp点击展开...Wow,your action is quicker than me. I just found this information on the CIC website before I visit canadameet. Anyway, thanks a lot. The correct answer is, if you are single, no need to list your father, mather and your sisters or brothers as your family members on your application form.Just fill in "N/A", that is all.
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