加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民求教:如何计算工作经验分?
国内4 年教师工作经验;NOC 4141美国读硕士期间RA/TA (20h/week) 2年;NOC 4122美国工程师1.5 年 (同一公司)。NOC 2131 请问这种情况该如何算分数? 我是否只能按照一种NOC职业申请, 还是几种工作经验可以累计? 谢谢各位!
回复: 求教:如何计算工作经验分?按照我的理解是:计算分数时只能以同一VOC下的工作年限来算分,不足一年的不算,一年以上的相同VOC可以累加。你的VOC都不相同,能达到4年工作经验的要求吗?要求的是skill worker. Doubt it.请指正。
2008-03-03 FN,递档新加坡要等4年啊,227修正案,不知是好还是坏?回复: 求教:如何计算工作经验分?谢谢HAINAN. 这也是我一直以来的困惑。置顶的帖子上似乎说不同NOC 可以累加。而也有说法与你的理解相同。我个人比较倾向于你的理解,觉得这样比较合理。我的问题在于,若以老师的身份申请工作经验可以是满分。但是支持材料相对较弱。如果以工程师申请,支持材料较强,(北美硕士及工作经历)但是工作经验分偏低,需用语言分来补齐,而我因为精力有限,又不想考雅思。比较麻烦。
回复: 求教:如何计算工作经验分?不是只要有一项超过一年,那就可以把所有的累加了因为只要有一项超过一年,就可以证明自己在经济上支持自己的能力了
回复: 求教:如何计算工作经验分?2楼正解。不是要申请者证明你有能力在经济上养活自己(那样的话,你可以申请投资移民会更快捷更合理),而是要证明你有足够的某项专业技能,否则你无法证明你能够在加拿大找到合适的工作,因为你申请的技术移民。
回复: 求教:如何计算工作经验分?My working experience in USA is 9 months in first company as electrical engineer10months in 2nd as power supply design engineercurrent one, so far 1.5 year as electrical design engineer... I don't wanna bother to get the experience in china... could I count my experience in USA as 3 year and get 19 points? thanks a lot for your input/点击展开...Please refer to the CIC inf.:A) One-year continuous full-time experience: this means one year in one skilled occupation todemonstrate an ability to establish oneself economically;or(B) The equivalent in continuous part-time employment in one or more occupations.In (B), this continuous part-time employment could be made up of two part-time jobs heldsimultaneously or of one part-time job held over the equivalent of one year of full-timeemployment.Once the qualifying year has been established, further experience in one or more occupationscan be calculated by adding up the number of months spent in full-time and/or part-time work inone or more of the NOC categories
回复: 求教:如何计算工作经验分?thank you very much for your information...how to understand "further experience in one or more occupationscan be calculated by adding up the number of months spend"///if it means the first job has to be more than one year...Please refer to the CIC inf.:A) One-year continuous full-time experience: this means one year in one skilled occupation todemonstrate an ability to establish oneself economically;or(B) The equivalent in continuous part-time employment in one or more occupations.In (B), this continuous part-time employment could be made up of two part-time jobs heldsimultaneously or of one part-time job held over the equivalent of one year of full-timeemployment.Once the qualifying year has been established, further experience in one or more occupationscan be calculated by adding up the number of months spent in full-time and/or part-time work inone or more of the NOC categories点击展开...
回复: 求教:如何计算工作经验分?thank you very much for your information...how to understand "further experience in one or more occupationscan be calculated by adding up the number of months spend"///if it means the first job has to be more than one year...点击展开...不会cic的官方文件不可能有这么大的歧义的如果一定要每项超过一年,它一定会明文说明的
回复: 求教:如何计算工作经验分?thanks不会cic的官方文件不可能有这么大的歧义的如果一定要每项超过一年,它一定会明文说明的点击展开...
回复: 求教:如何计算工作经验分?thank you very much for your information...how to understand "further experience in one or more occupationscan be calculated by adding up the number of months spend"///if it means the first job has to be more than one year...点击展开...移民官首先看你有无1年的全职(或等同于全职)的、技术类型为0类或技术等级A或B级的工作经验(to be qualified as a skilled worker, the applicant must have at least one year full-time, or full-time equivelent work experience in one occupation that is Skill Type "0" or Skill Level A or B of the NOC).也就是,至少一年的全职工作经验是技术移民的先决条件。 在断定你符合以上所说的先决条件以后,移民官在评估你的工作经验分时,会根据你在每一个(符合条件的)职业以月为单位累加除以12换算你的工作经验年限并据此叛分。 教师职业属于CIC承认的NOC中的技术职业,所以你完全可以CLAIM工作经验4年、得满分21分。
美加金联出国咨询――专业办理加拿大移民,加拿大投资移民以及加拿大技术移民。公安部、北京因私出入境协会认证的权威机构。移民行业中唯一通过IS9001国际质量体系认证单位。全国免费咨询热线:“400-610-6008”回复: 求教:如何计算工作经验分?这个一定要慎重,找个有经验口碑好的公司或者律师咨询一下先,比较好。省得走弯路。
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