加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民【关于即将实施的新政信息】俺自己翻译的,嘿
俺自己翻译的,本人从来没有翻译过东西啊,第一次,嘿嘿,就当锻炼了,时间太紧了,就半个小时,呵呵~~大家凑合看啊~非常感谢 GarySmith提供的信息啊该法案的改变主要是提高移民系统的能力和减少新来者和他们家庭的等待时间,在该法案所提议的改变中,部长将有权利去把权力下放给移民官去进行申请的分析,包括针对加拿大紧缺的工作,将那些有经验和技能的人尽快的带到加拿大来。这样的话,新来者将有更多的发现新工作的机会,也能够给他们和他们的家庭更好的生活,能够从加拿大的生活得到更多的福利。该原则将开始正式实施,从今天起到以后,将提供更加公平、透明,开放的机会。该法案让整个移民系统响应更加及时,我们的目标是让家庭团聚和合格的技术工人能够在公平的原则下来加拿大更加的快速。该法案适用于2008年2月27日以后收到的移民申请。* 识别职业,对由省和国家人力资源部提供的优先的职业,进行甄别,优先考虑。* 当有劳动力市场紧急需要的,可以让相关联的案子加快。* 尊重移民和难民保护法案,包括支持加拿大的经济和竞争力,支持家庭统一和支持加拿大的人道主义义务。* 按照加拿大宪章,不能有种族歧视,出生地,和宗教信仰。* 注意考虑省和各大区省提名人员和魁北克的协议* 为了保持加拿大的优势,根据加拿大政府经济计划来分析劳动力市场需求,来进行移民事项* 公开移民各项事务,包括在国会,报刊等多种形式上。所有的移民事项必须遵照以上原则。移民官将依据这些办理新案子。他们将继续对每个案子进行考虑和决定。当移民官按照以上原则进行办案时。部长不能够违反移民官作出的决定或者通过任何方式来影响移民官的决定。这些指令已经纳入加拿大2008年的预算和计划中,为了更加有效的提高移民系统的响应速度和劳动力市场的需要,减少新申请者的时间和减少移民申请案件的积压。部长说:“我们计划在五年内安排了1个亿用来达到以上目标,我们将雇用和训练更多的移民官去加入我们的队伍,为了提高某些等待最长时间的地区德速度。”为了帮助减少现在的案件压力,移民部的资源将主要用于有比较多的移民案件的地方。首先,从印度德里和菲律宾马尼拉开始,我们将派一些人员去提高那些申请永久居民、国际学生、临时外国务工人员案子的速度,正在拨出的资金将帮助建立能适应未来需求和水平的能力,也将引进那些能够优化行政进程速度的方法,例如集中处理和数据归类。若需要了解更多的信息,请登陆 www.cic.gc.ca若需要索取资料,请联系以下两位:Tim VailPress SecretaryMinister’s OfficeCitizenship and Immigration Canada613-954-1064Karen Shadd-EvelynMedia RelationsCommunications BranchCitizenship and Immigration Canada613-952-1650以下是原文:Immigration instructions to be governed by fairness, consultationOttawa, April 8, 2008 ― The Honourable Diane Finley, Minister ofCitizenship and Immigration, released today the principles that wouldguide implementation of proposed changes to the Immigration and RefugeeProtection Act.The aim of the changes is to modernize Canada’s immigration system andsignificantly reduce the time it takes to bring newcomers and theirfamilies to Canada. Under proposed changes to the Act, the Ministerwould have the authority to issue instructions to immigration officersrelated to the processing of applications, including in relation to thejobs available in Canada, so that people with those skills andexperience can be brought to Canada more quickly.In this way, newcomers will have more opportunities to find worksooner, to provide a better life for themselves and their families andto benefit more from life in Canada.“These principles will ensure that ministerial instructions today andin the future remain fair, open and transparent,” said Minister Finley.“The instructions are about making the immigration system moreresponsive. Our objective is to continue to ensure that families arereunited and that qualified workers get here sooner, while respectingthe fundamental principle of fairness.”Ministerial instructions on prioritizing and processing immigration applications received after February 27, 2008, will: * Identify priority occupations based on input from provinces andterritories, the Bank of Canada, Human Resources and Social DevelopmentCanada, employers and organized labour. * Ensure fairness by making decisions on cases faster, while meeting immediate labour market needs. * Respect the goals of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act,which are to support Canada’s economy and competitiveness, supportfamily reunification and uphold Canada’s humanitarian commitments. * Comply with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, whichprevents discrimination based on factors such as race, country oforigin and religion. * Respect commitments to provinces and territories regarding the Provincial Nominee Program and the Canada-Quebec Accord. * Complement commitments made in Advantage Canada, the Governmentof Canada’s economic plan, to align the immigration system with labourmarket needs. * Be published in the Canada Gazette and Citizenship and Immigration Canada’s annual report, which is tabled in Parliament.All instructions issued by the Minister to immigration officers mustadhere to these principles. Immigration officers would select fromamong new applications based on the instructions. They will continue tomake decisions about individual applications. The Minister cannotreverse the decisions of immigration officers or influence them in anyway other than what is clearly outlined in the instructions.The instructions are part of Budget 2008 commitments to modernize theimmigration system to respond to Canada’s labour-market needs, reducewait times for new applicants and reduce the backlog of immigrationapplications. “We’ve allocated $109 million over five years to help meet thesegoals,” said Minister Finley. “And we’ll hire and train more visaofficers to act as SWAT teams to speed up processing in parts of theworld where wait times are the longest.” To help alleviate immediate pressures, resources will be allocated tomissions where there is a high volume of applications. As a start, somemissions, such as Delhi and Manila, will receive additional resourcesto help improve wait times for permanent residence applications,international students and temporary foreign workers. Ongoing fundingwill help build capacity to meet future levels and increasing demand,and will introduce administrative improvements such as centralizedprocessing and data entry.For more information on CIC’s programs, consult our website at www.cic.gc.ca.For further information (media only), please contact:Tim VailPress SecretaryMinister’s OfficeCitizenship and Immigration Canada613-954-1064Karen Shadd-EvelynMedia RelationsCommunications BranchCitizenship and Immigration Canada613-952-1650
June 2011 - CALGARY Sept 2011 - SAIT - ELF Sept 2012 - SAIT - IET May 2014 - EDMONTON 赏 反馈:suis, baqibeile 和 hnass 2008-04-12#2 戈 996 $0.00 回复: 关于即将实施的新政信息俺自己翻译的,嘿嘿~请TZ们过目sofa.bump!
回复: 关于即将实施的新政信息俺自己翻译的,嘿嘿~请TZ们过目不错
2.19是必须的因为--爱要久嘛回复: 关于即将实施的新政信息俺自己翻译的,嘿嘿~请TZ们过目加分鼓励
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 许三生,立移民之志回复: 关于即将实施的新政信息俺自己翻译的,嘿嘿~请TZ们过目辛苦喽~
2007.10.4 于香港本地投递/2007.10.5 电话查询成功投递/2007.11.19 招行双币信用卡成功划款 /2008.3.27 FN VO:KTA 自评:68 加拿大本科毕业IELTS:L7.0, R6.0,W5.5,S7.0 avg6.5我将生命花在两个恒久的选择上,选择两种截然不同的节奏:为了害怕寂寞而惹人注目的节奏,和为了沉闷而尝试摆脱别人的节奏。回复: 关于即将实施的新政信息俺自己翻译的,嘿嘿~请TZ们过目学习
2008.1.30 顺风寄出 2008.2.4 签收 2008.4.9扣款 2008.8.20fn2009.3.7 烤鸭熟了我要干净的空气!耐心是美德!回复: 关于即将实施的新政信息俺自己翻译的,嘿嘿~请TZ们过目原来是在一路枫情上摘抄的
齐二爷回复: 关于即将实施的新政信息俺自己翻译的,嘿嘿~请TZ们过目学习
回复: 关于即将实施的新政信息俺自己翻译的,嘿嘿~请TZ们过目原来是在一路枫情上摘抄的点击展开...不是的阿,俺就是一路风情的那个作者,嘿嘿~~~
June 2011 - CALGARY Sept 2011 - SAIT - ELF Sept 2012 - SAIT - IET May 2014 - EDMONTON回复: 关于即将实施的新政信息俺自己翻译的,嘿嘿~请TZ们过目等待看来是注定的哈
一步一步向目标前进080329邮寄资料;0510FN回复: 关于即将实施的新政信息俺自己翻译的,嘿嘿~请TZ们过目楼主辛苦了,很有帮助,谢谢。
回复: 关于即将实施的新政信息俺自己翻译的,嘿嘿~请TZ们过目支持热心人。
回复: 关于即将实施的新政信息俺自己翻译的,嘿嘿~请TZ们过目顶
新大陆,新生活,善念,善行。天明欲晓,大行乃慧。[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 关于即将实施的新政信息俺自己翻译的,嘿嘿~请TZ们过目好贴要顶
八旗贝勒16JUN2011魁FN/16AUG2011免面/14FEB2012CSQ/03AUG2012联FN/23DEC2012ME/25JAN2013MER/16FEB2013DM/16JUN2013LANDING回复: 关于即将实施的新政信息俺自己翻译的,嘿嘿~请TZ们过目加纷纷鼓励
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个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。――――――――――――――――――――――――――回复: 关于即将实施的新政信息俺自己翻译的,嘿嘿~请TZ们过目好人,谢谢,辛苦了
回复: 关于即将实施的新政信息俺自己翻译的,嘿嘿~请TZ们过目支持一下!
回复: 关于即将实施的新政信息俺自己翻译的,嘿嘿~请TZ们过目LZ真厉害,仰慕啊
06年9月向HK联邦递交申请,07年2月得FN.08年7月23向联邦撤案,7月24日递魁省.7月30日魁省FN签发,8月29日收到FN和补护照.9月5号收HK联邦通知在6个月内退联邦申请费.学法语,盼排期,等面试回复: 关于即将实施的新政信息俺自己翻译的,嘿嘿~请TZ们过目辛苦了
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