两月二十六日,联邦财政部长在他的2008年度的财政预算中表明要修正加拿大移民法。主要的目的在于清理年来不断累积的高达900,000件的移民申请案。他声称要把移民法修正成一个现代化的“有竞争性”的,“能迅速处理对加拿大的经济发展有直接贡献的技术移民申请”的系统。四月十四日,国会通过了Bill C-50移民法修正案。该案的矛头直接指向加拿大的“移民和难民保护法”(Immigration And Refugee Protection Act)。很多移民律师和有关法律界人士感到,这有可能赋予移民部长一项特别权力,以应对在清理上述的移民案时可能遇到的阻扰,以快速有效地清除积案。这虽然是一种未经证实的观点和个人推测,但就新订立的法案的目的和种种迹象显示,其中可能暗藏着对移民非常不利的玄机。加拿大的移民法也有从此改变评审标准和的可能。 有人也许要问,移民局如果旨在清理积案,移民部长大可对她属下的部门发出指示,把所有要做的工作下放到移民局的各个负责部门。根本不需要经由C ?C 50 号法案授予特别权力处理有关事务。但是渥太华显然旨在把“宰割”移民旧案的大权集中到移民部长一个人身上。因为这是解决这些问题的最有效最快速的途径。更莫论C- 50号修正案对“移民和难民保护法”的制约还暗藏着严峻的玄机。这种办理移民案的“中央集权”政治模式在西方民主国家是非常少见的。 移民部长的首要任务当然是快速清理灾难性庞大数目的移民案。为此,她可以或一定要命令整个移民部暂时停止或减少接受移民申请,以集中精力搞“大扫除”工作。在强调技术移民优先的前提之下,她可以把那些已经搁置三年五年或十年八年的非技术移民旧案全部作废不理。对于申请人已经不在人世的个案自然可以扔到废纸堆里,对于第一次申请未获批准而又意图作二次尝试的个案,她可以下令拒绝。她甚至可以对来自某些国家或某些类别的移民申请全部拒于门外。有了Bill C ?C 50 赋予的大权,预计我们的移民部长可以非常有效和相当快速地把绝大部分的旧案在相当短的时期里清理完毕。那些把希望寄托在等待加拿大移民部,以为在900000的旧案迅速清理后有机会被接受的移民申请人,恐怕要大失所望。虽然法律专家对修正后的加拿大移民法有何种不良影响意见各异。但有一点是大家同意的,那就是其结果肯定要比人们所了解和感受到的严峻。 修正后的移民法将使移民部长有权限制或减少已经由国会通过的移民配额人数(每年250000-300000)。她也有权力停止或暂时停止实施某一个项目的移民政策(如家庭团聚类移民)。要是愿意的话,她甚至可以否决已经被移民官批准的移民个案。如此,已经贯穿加拿大移民法达三十年之久的家庭团聚和人道主义精神将荡然无存。加拿大将不再用客观事实评审移民申请人的资格而决定取舍。加拿大将不再是一个“欢迎移民”和“善待移民”的国家,而成为一个富有的,以商业竞争的手法在世界范围内招徕和精选“能对经济发展有直接贡献”的移民的“移民猎头企业”了。这不是人们一贯感受到的加拿大的形象。但是除非C ?C 50 号移民法修正案被国会否决,加拿大的移民政策在今后一段相当长的年月里,将会失去温情和人道的色彩。 C- 50 号修正案遭反对党否决的可能性是存在的。哈伯的保守党政府是少数票当选,只要三个反对党联合起来否诀该案,问题就一了百了。可是问题在于修正案是来自联邦政府2008年的财政预算,它是整个预算案的一部分。否决C ?C 50 号修正案,也就是否决联邦政府的08年年度预算,就意味着政府就要垮台,大选要就要马上开始。可是就目前的政治局面而言,自由党根本没有在大选中获胜的把握,在野党领袖迪昂已经明白表态。所以他不能在这个问题上出尔反尔。更何况现在加拿大移民局所积压的九十万移民案,自由党本身也是“罪魁祸首”之一。新民主党就根没有再举行一次联邦大选的意愿和能力。至于来自魁北克的反对党,它对保守党政府并无对哈伯政府投不信任票的兴趣和理由。事实上,加拿大联邦政府的三个反对党除,除非自由党带头,其他两党是根本没有撼动执政党的力量和可能的。因此,反对党唯一可以做的是逼使保守党政府对C ?C 50 号修正案进行辩论。揭穿C- 50 修正案的暗藏玄机。 看来,加拿大的移民政策将面临一段以“功利主义”而不是人道主义为精神原则的时期。
回复: C-50移民法修正案的暗藏玄机Bill C-50: A New Era in Immigration 
Late last month the government introduced new legislation that will change the landscape of immigration. It will give the Minister the power to designate who should be allowed into Canada, and who should not. It is aimed at reducing the backlog and getting key immigrants here much faster. Note that these new rules will not affect family sponsorship applications. These are laudable goals, but we'll have to wait and see if the Minister's new powers are used in a way that are equitable the hundreds of thousands of applicants in the queue. Here's the lastest release from CIC on this issue:
Immigration instructions to be governed by fairness, consultation Ottawa, April 8, 2008 ― The Honourable Diane Finley, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, released today the principles that would guide implementation of proposed changes to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. The aim of the changes is to modernize Canada’s immigration system and significantly reduce the time it takes to bring newcomers and their families to Canada. Under proposed changes to the Act, the Minister would have the authority to issue instructions to immigration officers related to the processing of applications, including in relation to the jobs available in Canada, so that people with those skills and experience can be brought to Canada more quickly. In this way, newcomers will have more opportunities to find work sooner, to provide a better life for themselves and their families and to benefit more from life in Canada. “These principles will ensure that ministerial instructions today and in the future remain fair, open and transparent,” said Minister Finley. “The instructions are about making the immigration system more responsive. Our objective is to continue to ensure that families are reunited and that qualified workers get here sooner, while respecting the fundamental principle of fairness.” Ministerial instructions on prioritizing and processing immigration applications received after February 27, 2008, will:Identify priority occupations based on input from provinces and territories, the Bank of Canada, Human Resources and Social Development Canada, employers and organized labour.Ensure fairness by making decisions on cases faster, while meeting immediate labour market needs.Respect the goals of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, which are to support Canada’s economy and competitiveness, support family reunification and uphold Canada’s humanitarian commitments.Comply with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which prevents discrimination based on factors such as race, country of origin and religion.Respect commitments to provinces and territories regarding the Provincial Nominee Program and the Canada-Quebec Accord.Complement commitments made in Advantage Canada, the Government of Canada’s economic plan, to align the immigration system with labour market needs.Be published in the Canada Gazette and Citizenship and Immigration Canada’s annual report, which is tabled in Parliament.All instructions issued by the Minister to immigration officers must adhere to these principles. They must also be approved by Cabinet before they are published. Immigration officers would select from among new applications based on the instructions. They will continue to make decisions about individual applications. The Minister can not reverse the decisions of immigration officers or influence them in any way other than what is clearly outlined in the instructions. The instructions are part of Budget 2008 commitments to modernize the immigration system to respond to Canada’s labour-market needs, reduce wait times for new applicants and reduce the backlog of immigration applications. “We’ve allocated $109 million over five years to help meet these goals,” said Minister Finley. “And we’ll hire and train more visa officers to act as SWAT teams to speed up processing in parts of the world where wait times are the longest.” To help alleviate immediate pressures, resources will be allocated to missions where there is a high volume of applications. As a start, some missions, such as Delhi and Manila, will receive additional resources to help improve wait times for permanent residence applications, international students and temporary foreign workers. Ongoing funding will help build capacity to meet future levels and increasing demand, and will introduce administrative improvements such as centralized processing and data entry. The amendments, once passed, will apply to applications received on or after February 27, 2008. Those who applied before February 27, 2008 will be dealt with under the existing rules.
回复: C-50移民法修正案的暗藏玄机一早看到这么不利的新闻,当场没心情了,哎。。。。。。
回复: C-50移民法修正案的暗藏玄机哎。。。。。。
forever眼中的加拿大http://www.canadameet.com/member/index.php?uid=foreverhttp://www.canadameet.com/member/index.php?uid=forever&action=article一早看到这么不利的新闻,当场没心情了,哎。。。。。。点击展开...so sorry
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