我们不妨来冷静地看一看我们最不愿意看到的东西---拒签信的模板。VO使用这三类模板来撰写三类不同的拒签信:模板一:因未达技术移民的最低要求而致拒签,此类拒签一般都是因NOC工作经历未达一年,或VO认为其工作经历根本不在NOC之OAB之列。OP 6 Federal Skilled Workers2005-08-31 Appendix A Refusal on minimum requirements for skilled worker - Sample letterINSERT LETTERHEADOur Ref.:INSERT ADDRESSDear :I have now completed the assessment of your application for a permanent resident visa as a skilled worker and have determined that you do not meet the requirements for immigration to Canada.Pursuant to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, applicants in the federal skilled worker class are assessed on the basis of the minimum requirements set out in subsection 75(2) and the criteria set out in subsection 76(1). The assessment of these criteria determines whethera skilled worker will be able to become economically established in Canada. The criteria are age, education, knowledge of Canada’s official languages, experience, arranged employment and adaptability.Your application was assessed based on the occupation(s) in which you requested assessment (add title of the occupation and NOC code for each occupation in NOC skill type 0 or skill level A or B which the applicant has claimed experience). The table below sets out the points assessed for each of the selection criteria:Points assessed Maximum possibleAge 10Education 25Official language proficiency 24Experience 21Arranged employment 10Adaptability 10Total 100If the applicant has obtained zero points for the requirement of one year full-time employment experience within the ten years preceding the application, and therefore does not meet the skilled worker requirements, add:Subsection 75(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations states that a foreign national is a skilled worker if(a) within 10 years preceding the date of their application for a permanent resident visa, theyhave at least one year of continuous full-time employment experience, as described in subsection 80(7), or the equivalent in part-time employment in one or more occupations, other than a restricted occupation, that are listed in Skill Type 0 Management Occupations or Skill Level A or B of the National Occupational Classification matrix;(b) during that period of employment they performed the actions described in the lead statement for the occupation as set out in the occupational descriptions of the National Occupational Classification; and(c) during that period of employment they performed a substantial number of the main duties of the occupation as set out in the occupational descriptions of the National Occupational Classification, including all of the essential duties.I am not satisfied that you meet the (choose one or more: first, second, third) part of these requirements because (provide reasons.)Subsection 75(3) states that if a foreign national fails to meet these requirements, the application shall be refused and no further assessment is required. I am not satisfied that you meet these requirements. I am therefore refusing your application.If the applicant has paid the RPRF, add:The Right of Permanent Residence Fee that you have paid is refundable. (Add as appropriate) You will receive a cheque from the (choose as appropriate) Embassy/High Commission/Consulate within a few weeks. (or) Please contact the Canadian (choose as appropriate) Embassy/High Commission/ Consulate in ………… for information concerning the method of reimbursement and the date at which you can obtain the refund.Thank you for the interest you have shown in Canada.Yours sincerely,Officercc: fee_ 模板二:VO使用“否定性自由裁量权”判断申请人无法证明其能在加拿大经济自立而导致的拒签Appendix B Refusal on discretion - Sample LetterINSERT LETTERHEADOur Ref.:INSERT ADDRESSDear :I have now completed the assessment of your application for a permanent resident visa as a skilled worker and have determined that you do not meet the requirements for immigration to Canada.Subsection 12(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act states that a foreign national may be selected as a member of the economic class on the basis of their ability to become economically established in Canada. Subsection 75(1) of the Regulations prescribes the federal skilled worker class as a class of persons who are skilled workers and who may becomepermanent residents on the basis of their ability to become economically established in Canada.Pursuant to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, 2002, skilled worker applicants are assessed on the basis of the definition set out in subsection 75(2) and the criteria set out in subsection 76(1). The assessment of these criteria determines whether a skilled worker will beable to become economically established in Canada. The criteria are age, education, knowledge of Canada’s official languages, experience, arranged employment and adaptability.Your application was assessed based on the occupation(s) in which you requested assessment (add title of the occupation and NOC code for each occupation in NOC skill type 0 or skill level A or B which the applicant has claimed experience). The table below sets out the points assessedfor each of the selection criteria:Points assessed Maximum possibleAge 10Education 25Official language proficiency 24Experience 21Arranged employment 10Adaptability 10Total 100Subsection 76(3) of the Regulations permit an officer to substitute their evaluation of the likelihood to become economically established in Canada if the number of points awarded are not a sufficient indicator of whether the skilled worker may become economically established in Canada.As discussed with you at your interview, I am not satisfied that the points that you have been awarded are an accurate reflection of the likelihood of your ability to become economically established in Canada. I have made this evaluation because (provide reasons.) You were given an opportunity to address these concerns at your interview. The information you have given me and your explanations have not satisfied me that you will be able to become economically established in Canada. A senior officer concurred in this evaluation.Subsection 11(1) of the Act states that a foreign national must, before entering Canada, apply to an officer for a visa or for any other document required by the Regulations. The visa or document shall be issued if, following an examination, the officer is satisfied that the foreign national is not inadmissible and meets the requirements of this Act. Subsection 2(1) specifies that unless otherwise indicated, references in the Act to “this Act” include regulations made under it.Following an examination of your application, I am not satisfied that you meet the requirements of the Act and the Regulations for the reasons explained above. I am therefore refusing your application.If the applicant has paid the RPRF, add:The Right of Permanent Residence Fee that you have paid is refundable. (Add as appropriate)You will receive a cheque from the (choose as appropriate) Embassy/HighCommission/Consulate within a few weeks. (or) Please contact the Canadian (choose as appropriate) Embassy/High Commission/ Consulate in ………… for information concerning the method of reimbursement and the date at which you can obtain the refund.Thank you for the interest you have shown in Canada.Yours sincerely,Officercc: fee____ 模板三:以分数不足为理由的拒签信Appendix C Refusal on points - Sample LetterINSERT LETTERHEADOur Ref.:INSERT ADDRESSDear :I have now completed the assessment of your application for a permanent resident visa as a skilled worker and have determined that you do not meet the requirements for immigration to Canada.Subsection 12(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act states that a foreign national may be selected as a member of the economic class on the basis of their ability to become economically established in Canada. Subsection 75(1) of the Regulations prescribes the federal skilled worker class as a class of persons who are skilled workers and who may becomepermanent residents on the basis of their ability to become economically established in Canada.Pursuant to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, 2002, skilled worker applicants are assessed on the basis of the requirements set out in subsection 75(2) and the criteria set out in subsection 76(1). The assessment of these requirements determines whether a skilled workerwill be able to become economically established in Canada. The criteria are age, education, knowledge of Canada’s official languages, experience, arranged employment and adaptability.Your application was assessed based on the occupation(s) in which you requested assessment (add title of the occupation and NOC code for each occupation in NOC skill type 0 or skill level A or B which the applicant has claimed experience). The table below sets out the points assessed for each of the selection criteria:Points assessed Maximum possibleAge 10Education 25Official language proficiency 24Experience 21Arranged employment 10Adaptability 10Total 100You have obtained insufficient points to qualify for immigration to Canada, the minimum requirement being 67 points. Add reasons why applicant was unable to obtain sufficient points. You have not obtained sufficient points to satisfy me that you will be able to become economically established in Canada.(请特别留意这句话并不是简单地说分数不够,而是说所获分数不足以让VO确信申请人能在加拿大经济自立!)Subsection 11(1) of the Act states that a foreign national must, before entering Canada, apply to an officer for a visa or for any other document required by the regulations. The visa or document shall be issued if, following an examination, the officer is satisfied that the foreign national is notinadmissible and meets the requirements of this Act. Subsection 2(1) specifies that unless otherwise indicated, references in the Act to “this Act” include regulations made under it.Following an examination of your application, I am not satisfied that you meet the requirements of the Act and the Regulations for the reasons explained above. I am therefore refusing your application.If the applicant has paid the RPRF, add:The Right of Permanent Residence Fee that you have paid is refundable. (Add as appropriate) You will receive a cheque from the (choose as appropriate) Embassy/HighCommission/Consulate within a few weeks. (or) Please contact the Canadian (choose as appropriate) Embassy/High Commission/ Consulate in ………… for information concerning the method of reimbursement and the date at which you can obtain the refund.Thank you for the interest you have shown in Canada.Yours sincerely,Officercc: fee____
喂,请问是中国移动吗?我是中国联通,我的小灵通坏了,你们能派中国铁通来修一下吗? 赏

2005年01月24日 HK FN vo:ROW 2005年07月14日 签发ME2005年07月26日 上海新乐医院ME2005年08月23日 递交新加坡CNCC2005年10月04日 登陆费收据2006年01月06日 实际上此时visa已经做好了2006年01月12日 Decision Made!2006年01月24日 签发PL!正好是FN一周年2006年4月19日 加航上海-温哥华-渥太华2005年加拿大联邦技术移民指南,最新的移民要求和信息!我的File Number信[FN] 我的Medical Examination信[ME] 我的Pick-up Letter信[PL]http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?p=560629#post5606293月14日香港取签经验分享! 赏

是否依旧在等待中成长,我却依然是之前的我. 赏
http://pet.qq.com.vcdvcd.com/qq/vip.htm?QQ=285999 赏

不要忘记加我声望啊 圣诞快乐FN 06年11月份ME 10年10月 主申请的ME 11年6月 妻女的 赏 2005-11-07#10 S 818 $0.00 这样的帖子一定要顶,给老韩分分。个人认为自由裁量权是VO手里的上方宝剑,要砍谁就没商量,只能听天由命了。
看到这样的信,使你知道如何对付VO!Thanks LZ + 10SW
俺是剑兄的饭丝, 走到哪里顶到哪里
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]俺是剑兄的饭丝, 走到哪里顶到哪里点击展开...哈哈哈 谢谢唐兄捧场!

胖胖大哥 说:啊?分数不够就拒签,那我还忙活什么呀?5555。。。。。点击展开...人家不是已经说了吗,不是说分数不够就拒签,而是你获得的分数不足以让他觉得你适合去加拿大开展新生活。
See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15 赏 2005-11-12#18 T 107 $0.00 66分能被拒么?????????
training 说:66分能被拒么?????????点击展开...哎呀!我也是66啊!
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