加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民希望大家引以为戒,不要再犯类似的错误了
回复: 希望大家引以为戒,不要再犯类似的错误了thanks a lot.
回复: 希望大家引以为戒,不要再犯类似的错误了只是在填写地址的时候不能有三个月以上的空白,教育空白你用附加的纸解释一下就行了
回复: 希望大家引以为戒,不要再犯类似的错误了地址就是说过去10年的居住地是吗教育的话就是有文凭的教育经历就写,没文凭的教育经历就不用写咯还有工作经验那栏,是过去5年内有工作经历的就写,后来辞职在家就可以不用写是吗
回复: 希望大家引以为戒,不要再犯类似的错误了地址就是说过去10年的居住地是吗教育的话就是有文凭的教育经历就写,没文凭的教育经历就不用写咯还有工作经验那栏,是过去5年内有工作经历的就写,后来辞职在家就可以不用写是吗点击展开...恩,过去十年(最早到你18岁那年)辞职的就不用写了
回复: 希望大家引以为戒,不要再犯类似的错误了10. Education. - Provide details of all secondary and post secondary education, beginning with themost recent program completed.11. Personal history. - You must account for every month during the past 10 years or since the ageof 18, whichever period is longer. Under “Activity”, print your occupation or job title if you wereworking. If you were not working, enter what you were doing (for example, unemployed,studying, travelling).15. Addresses. - Give a complete address including the street, town or city, province or region, andcountry. If there was no street or street number, explain exactly the location of the house orbuilding. Do not use post office (P.O.) box addresses. You must account for every month duringthe past 10 years.11, 15题不能有时间空隙。
回复: 希望大家引以为戒,不要再犯类似的错误了在美快6年了,转学毕业工作跳槽,换了n+1个住址。我倒...10. Education. - Provide details of all secondary and post secondary education, beginning with themost recent program completed.11. Personal history. - You must account for every month during the past 10 years or since the ageof 18, whichever period is longer. Under “Activity”, print your occupation or job title if you wereworking. If you were not working, enter what you were doing (for example, unemployed,studying, travelling).15. Addresses. - Give a complete address including the street, town or city, province or region, andcountry. If there was no street or street number, explain exactly the location of the house orbuilding. Do not use post office (P.O.) box addresses. You must account for every month duringthe past 10 years.11, 15题不能有时间空隙。点击展开...
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