加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民POLICE CERT.的办理


关于无刑证书的获得,请参见下列CIC的说明: What is a police certificate?A police certificate is a copy of your criminal record or a declaration of the absence of any criminal record. Police certificates are different in each country and territory and may be called police clearance certificates, good conduct certificates, judicial record extracts, etc. They are issued by police authorities or government departments and used by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) to prevent individuals who pose a risk to Canada’s security from entering the country.Who needs a police certificate?In general, you and everyone in your family who is 18 years of age or over (16 years of age in certain jurisdictions) need to obtain a police certificate. You must obtain a police certificate from each country or territory where you have lived for six consecutive months or longer since reaching the age of 18.The certificate must have been issued no more than three months before you submit your application.If the original certificate is neither in English nor in French, submit both the certificate and the original copy of a translation prepared by an accredited translator with your application.How to obtain a police certificateIn most cases, it is your responsibility to contact the police or relevant authorities and request the certificate. When doing so, you may have to:provide information or documentation such as photographs, fingerprints or your addresses and periods of residence in the country or territory; andpay a fee for the service.To find out if you need a police certificate from a country or territory in which you lived for six months or longer, consult the Procedures for Obtaining Police Certificates. You will find information on how and where to obtain police certificates, including police or government contact information. If this information is unavailable, contact the national police agency or the country's or territory’s embassy or consulate.CIC will also do background checks in all the countries or territories in which you and your family members have lived. These checks will determine if you have had any arrests or convictions, or if you are a security risk to Canada.

2007-07 递简表(HK)2007-11 收到FN等待S2。。。。。。 回复: POLICE CERT.的办理收到!useful infos谢谢~

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