加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请灾区的申请人注意了(摘自CIC网站)
Response to the earthquake in China The Government of Canada has expressed its sympathy and support for China and its people following the recent earthquake in Sichuan Province.Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) is committed to ensuring that families are reunited quickly when a natural disaster takes place that directly affects the close relatives of Canadian citizens and permanent residents.In response to this situation, CIC’s visa offices in China are providing priority processing, and reviewing applications on a case-by-case basis. This includes existing family class applications, and those that arrive at our offices related to persons directly affected by the disaster.We are working in close partnership with other federal departments and will continue to monitor the situation. The Department is prepared to act if additional resources are required.Sponsors of existing applications who want special consideration due to the situation in China may contact the Call Centre at 1-888-242-2100 (in Canada only).For general information please visit the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade website.
2007-07 递简表(HK)2007-11 收到FN等待S2。。。。。。 回复: 请灾区的申请人注意了(摘自CIC网站)与我无关,飘过~~
2007.7.21 FN VO:MAC2008.7.21 S22009.1.21 ME2009.4.21 DM2009.8.1 登陆多伦多回复: 请灾区的申请人注意了(摘自CIC网站)这个申明说的是可以优先考虑四川的申请,没有具体区分申请人是否是灾民。我是四川成都的申请人,虽然我不是灾民,看这个声明好像是可以得到优先照顾。真不知道是该高兴还是难过,虽然我很想尽快完成移民,但是我宁愿不要优先,宁愿没有发生过地震!为灾区人民祈祷:愿所有的人平安、快乐!
回复: 请灾区的申请人注意了(摘自CIC网站)移民局还是挺以人为本的.受灾难影响的团聚移民的CASE都可以受到优先审理.天佑中华啊~
回复: 请灾区的申请人注意了(摘自CIC网站)人道主义关怀!
06-09-01 新政第一天UPS寄出;06-09-04 9:48 Mr. CHEN签收;06-10-17 15:15 招行信用卡划款;07-02-14 北京收到FN信,VO:SKM;08-05-07 通过Email修改邮政地址,08-05-30在线查阅到传说中的地址栏。09-03-21收到确认信。12-02补料信。http://weibo.com/golftrip回复: 请灾区的申请人注意了(摘自CIC网站)現在连国外都这样对待灾民了,不知道是该羡慕还是该同情!
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