加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民好消息,3个CA VISA申请中心要开张
看了下,感觉最大好处是以后查询方便了,不用托加拿大朋友了。服务更透明了。New Canadian VISA APPLICATION CENTRE (VAC) Opening in Beijing 3 June 2008 The Canadian Embassy is pleased to announce the opening of three Canadian Visa Application Centres in China. The first centre will open in Beijing on June 3, 2008 located at: 7/F West Area, Grand Rock Plaza,No.13 Xinzhong Xili Dongcheng District, Beijing.The centre will be operated by VFS China and Beijing Shuangxiong Foreign Service Company. In addition, Visa Application Centres will be opened in Shanghai on June 5, 2008 and in Guangzhou on June 25, 2008. The centres are aimed at making the Canadian visa process more convenient for visa applicants in China. The Canadian Embassy strongly encourages clients to submit their applications to the Visa Application Center in order to take advantage of the following improved services: <LI class=LIourOffices>Online tracking of your application <LI class=LIourOffices>On site client service to assist you in submitting your application <LI class=LIourOffices>Point of contact for telephone and email enquiries Extended office hours for submitting applicationsThe Canadian Visa Application Centre in Beijing will be open Monday to Friday, from 0800 to 1500 hrs excluding Embassy holidays. A fee of CNY 250 will be charged to use the Application Centre. There will be no change in the Canadian visa rules and the Canadian Embassy will continue to make all visa decisions. Please see FAQ (frequently asked questions) for more information on new embassy opening hours and in-person submission guidelines. http://geo.international.gc.ca/asia/china/immigration/beijing/default-en.asp
Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第一!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian回复: 好消息,3个CA VISA申请中心要开张唉,对我来说太迟了
生命在于折腾!!!回复: 好消息,3个CA VISA申请中心要开张无用
齐二爷回复: 好消息,3个CA VISA申请中心要开张CNY 250 .........
所谓命运,就是你什么也没做..仍是错...直到看见这世间闪烁万千灯火,超越梦里所有想象....回复: 好消息,3个CA VISA申请中心要开张up__________________Fn 2007/03/15
回复: 好消息,3个CA VISA申请中心要开张这是什么好消息啊,呵呵,使馆嫌签证处理工作太麻烦,把这个工作部分“外包”给中介公司了。以前申请签证,直接递交使馆,只收签证费。现在必须通过这个所谓的申请中心,多交250元。使馆工作减轻了负担,还不花一分钱。这玩意最早是英国佬搞的,接着很多欧洲驻大陆使馆仿效,现在加拿大也效尤了
照亮人类世界的有两样东西:天上的太阳和地上的美国回复: 好消息,3个CA VISA申请中心要开张up__________________Fn 2007/03/15
回复: 好消息,3个CA VISA申请中心要开张up
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