(1)刚刚看了CIC关于移民法改革的Q&A,类似以下部分文字总是不断出现在好几个回复之中:到底这个final decision是指什么? All those who applied before February 27, 2008, would be processed to a final decision. (2)对于涉及227之前递交材料的申请人,回复中说将不会受修正案的影响。 Those who applied before February 27, 2008―the day after the federal budget, of which these changes are a part, was announced―will not be subject to the new proposed provisions in the legislation. These provisions, once passed, will apply to applications received on or after February 27, 2008. (3)说到多久会消除积压案件: It will depend on a number of factors, such as the number of applications that are withdrawn, the number that are processed through referrals to provinces and territories, and the number of immigrants we admit every year within the annual immigration levels plan撤案无非要劝退,PNP对大陆申请人来说很难实现,配额问题,我怎么觉得除了劝退,对我们大陆申请人来讲貌似没有什么更有效的办法。 (4)涉及到积压案件之处理:除了拨款用于增加人手、资源以及引进、改善管理手段之外,We will also be recording occupational information for applications in the current skilled worker backlog. CIC can then refer applications of interest to the provinces and territories for processing under the Provincial Nominee Program. Finally, we will ask those people who have been waiting the longest if they prefer to continue to wait or if they wish to withdraw their applications.这里暗示职业定位的影响已经比较明显。 All applications received prior to February 27, 2008, will be processed to a final decision on the merits of the application, according to the rules and regulations in place when they were submitted.到底什么是他们所说的final decision? (4)说到增加人手、资源解决旧案:As a start, some missions, such as those in Delhi and Manila, will receive additional resources to help improve wait times.根据著名的2-8原则,即一般来讲可以作出统计大约80%的案件积压在大约20%的CIC office中,CIC提及到了马尼拉和新德里,很有可能总量为70-80%的案件积压在新德里和马尼拉,香港积压案件应该不那么严重。那么我们广大的TZ会是什么命运呢?到底这个final decision是什么意思呢?
回复: C-50法案的讨论:227前案件到底要怎么审?我觉得是最终决定,不能上诉的意思.
回复: C-50法案的讨论:227前案件到底要怎么审?也就是说依然会按照流程处理,最后给出一个结论?但终审之前可能会有劝退啊,建议PNP之类的分流措施?
回复: C-50法案的讨论:227前案件到底要怎么审?(1)刚刚看了CIC关于移民法改革的Q&A,类似以下部分文字总是不断出现在好几个回复之中:到底这个final decision是指什么? All those who applied before February 27, 2008, would be processed to a final decision. (2)对于涉及227之前递交材料的申请人,回复中说将不会受修正案的影响。 Those who applied before February 27, 2008―the day after the federal budget, of which these changes are a part, was announced―will not be subject to the new proposed provisions in the legislation. These provisions, once passed, will apply to applications received on or after February 27, 2008. (3)说到多久会消除积压案件: It will depend on a number of factors, such as the number of applications that are withdrawn, the number that are processed through referrals to provinces and territories, and the number of immigrants we admit every year within the annual immigration levels plan撤案无非要劝退,PNP对大陆申请人来说很难实现,配额问题,我怎么觉得除了劝退,对我们大陆申请人来讲貌似没有什么更有效的办法。 (4)涉及到积压案件之处理:除了拨款用于增加人手、资源以及引进、改善管理手段之外,We will also be recording occupational information for applications in the current skilled worker backlog. CIC can then refer applications of interest to the provinces and territories for processing under the Provincial Nominee Program. Finally, we will ask those people who have been waiting the longest if they prefer to continue to wait or if they wish to withdraw their applications.这里暗示职业定位的影响已经比较明显。 All applications received prior to February 27, 2008, will be processed to a final decision on the merits of the application, according to the rules and regulations in place when they were submitted.到底什么是他们所说的final decision? (4)说到增加人手、资源解决旧案:As a start, some missions, such as those in Delhi and Manila, will receive additional resources to help improve wait times.根据著名的2-8原则,即一般来讲可以作出统计大约80%的案件积压在大约20%的CIC office中,CIC提及到了马尼拉和新德里,很有可能总量为70-80%的案件积压在新德里和马尼拉,香港积压案件应该不那么严重。那么我们广大的TZ会是什么命运呢?到底这个final decision是什么意思呢?点击展开...final decision就是DM,PL
在安大略湖边,有个孤独的身影,在等你的出现。回复: C-50法案的讨论:227前案件到底要怎么审?路过。
赏 (1)刚刚看了CIC关于移民法改革的Q&A,类似以下部分文字总是不断出现在好几个回复之中:到底这个final decision是指什么? All those who applied before February 27, 2008, would be processed to a final decision.点击展开...That means immigration officers will eventually process the applications which were applied before February 27, 2008 and will make a decision whether these cases would fit the further legislation or not. The decision might be affirmative or negative, depending on whether a certain application fits the incumbent legislation or not. To those who applied their applications after February 27th, 2008, immigration officers or likely a computer screening program might refuse their applications before any virtual estimate/background check/medical examination would be proceeded. Only those who passed the screening check would be processed to a final decision.
移民科幻小说《种秧帝国崛起之后》弘扬主旋律传播正能量的饥饿游戏版《红旗颂》 赏
温哥华的新生活啊……准备给妈妈做个super visa玩……That means immigration officers will eventually process the applications which were applied before February 27, 2008 and will make a decision whether these cases would fit the further legislation or not. The decision might be affirmative or negative, depending on whether a certain application fits the incumbent legislation or not. To those who applied their applications after February 27th, 2008, immigration officers or likely a computer screening program might refuse their applications before any virtual estimate/background check/medical examination would be proceeded. Only those who passed the screening check would be processed to a final decision.点击展开...谢谢!那看来我们这些227之前的案子,全都有幸被VO们放上办公桌,直到有最终定论喽。加纷纷啦。祝大家好运来!!
新生活开始!回复: C-50法案的讨论:227前案件到底要怎么审?
The only predictable thing about life is its unpredictability.回复: C-50法案的讨论:227前案件到底要怎么审?final decision决定我们这些TZ的命运,劝退对俺们中国人是不太可能滴
回复: C-50法案的讨论:227前案件到底要怎么审?等。等。等。真是误事儿。
新生活开始!回复: C-50法案的讨论:227前案件到底要怎么审?顶
回复: C-50法案的讨论:227前案件到底要怎么审?他劝不劝是他的事,退不退的权利还不完全在我们自己,话说就是不知这个final decision会是从严还是放水的趋势,希望会大赦呀,因为有的专业的朋友可能就再也没有机会重新来过了
小李子 志气高想学剑仙登云霄日上三竿不觉晓每日梦里乐陶陶回复: C-50法案的讨论:227前案件到底要怎么审?要是撤案从新排队的话,会把申请资料全数退回吗?那些可都是千辛万苦才得来的原件啊!而且要是从新申请的话,雅思还过期了,真是。。。干脆叫VO把旧案直接转成新案处理就好啦,哈哈哈哈。
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