加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请教:墨西哥无犯罪公证
回复: 请教:墨西哥无犯罪公证safa
回复: 请教:墨西哥无犯罪公证还费什么劲啊? 离美国那么近,翻到墙就过去了.......多快!!!
回复: 请教:墨西哥无犯罪公证请问: 卢旺达的无罪公正有谁知道吗?
2005年12月北京递案!2008年5月6日变5(补料)!10月8日变12!10月13日签发ME! 11月1日上海瑞新体检!11月13日变7!09年4月26日瑞新补女儿体检!5月6日变8!5月25日变12!09年6月29日变13!7月6日CIC变DM!7月8日变17!2009年7月9日大信封!!![FONT=宋体][/FONT]回复: 请教:墨西哥无犯罪公证还是跟大使馆联系联系吧?
回复: 请教:墨西哥无犯罪公证哈哈,我也希望他直接翻墙到美国去,游泳也行。继续等待大家的指点!
回复: 请教:墨西哥无犯罪公证到Local警察局去问问试试.
回复: 请教:墨西哥无犯罪公证建议去信领事馆,问他们的要求
back to school...回复: 请教:墨西哥无犯罪公证要根据加拿大的要求去办,使馆会给相关的网址.我就是使馆给了相关的网址在网上申请的.你老公人在那儿可能更好办,先写信给加拿大使馆问清楚要什么版本的,是公证?还是证明?好运!
回复: 请教:墨西哥无犯罪公证使馆不给你办的。你要联系当初你住的警察局或政府里的一办公室(具体叫什么忘了)。每个国家可能会有点差别,但一般都是这两个机构办的。
Disclaimer:以上发或回帖只代表ID为“非洲之夜”的观点,如触犯各位看官利益请与此ID联系。与其马甲下的本人无关回复: 请教:墨西哥无犯罪公证同哭,我也需要墨西哥的无犯罪证明
回复: 请教:墨西哥无犯罪公证同哭,我也需要墨西哥的无犯罪证明点击展开...cic上都有指引,怎么不细心查查呢:) http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/security/police-cert/north-america/mexico.aspMexicoDo I need to provide a police certificate when applying for permanent residence?Yes, but not with your initial application. The Canadian visa processing office will contact you when they need this information.How or where do I obtain one?You will need to provide both a federal and a state police certificate. The Canadian visa processing office (In-Canada office or Canadian Embassy/Consulate in Mexico) will tell you how to obtain your federal certificate. You will then have to obtain your state certificate. To obtain a state police certificate, you must apply directly to the state. Contact the police department in any of the 31 states where you live or lived to get a certificate (Carta de no antecedentes penales estatal). You can find information about each state’s local police by visiting the state’s government website. The format of these website addresses is: www.NAMEOFSTATE.gob.mx, for example www.guanajuato.gob.mx. Some states have different procedures than others.If the only place you have lived is Mexico City (Distrito Federal), you do not need a state police certificate. In these cases, the federal PGR police certificate will be enough.
白天看中国股市,晚上看中国足球!请问: 卢旺达的无罪公正有谁知道吗?点击展开...http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/security/police-cert/africa/rwanda.asp RwandaDo I need to provide a police certificate when applying for permanent residence?Yes. However, these certificates are not available for former foreign residents from outside Rwanda.How or where do I obtain one?Local RequestsApplicants should obtain an Extrait du Casier Judiciaire from the Ministère de la Justice. Citizens must provide proof of identity from their district, two passport photographs, their identity card and the applicable fees. Foreign residents must present a letter from their most recent employer stating that they lived in Rwanda and the work they did, a passport with visa, two passport photographs and the applicable fees.Non-Resident RequestsRwandan citizens should write a letter requesting the certificate to the Ministère de la Justice and have it signed by the nearest embassy of Rwanda. Applicants must then authorize a representative with power of attorney in Rwanda to pay the applicable fees and collect the document. Two passport photographs and a copy of the applicant’s identity card or passport must be included in the application.
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