加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民求助,我不知道我应该算哪一类的职业了
求助,我不知道我应该算哪一类的职业了 本人是在一家4A广告公司公司工作的,根据NOC的清单,有两个类别我觉得很难去判断0611Sales, marketing and advertising managers plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the activities of establishments and departments involved in commercial, industrial, wholesale and e-business sales, marketing, advertising and public relations. They are employed by commercial, industrial and wholesale establishments, marketing and public relations consulting companies and government departments.跟我的职业接近的是media advertising manager0123Managers in this unit group plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operations of establishments that provide services to business, and ensure the quality of those services and client satisfaction. They work in such fields as management consulting, market research, personnel services, payroll services, advertising services and security services.跟我的职业接近的是manager, advertising agency真的很难判断,是否0611指的是在企业内部inhouse的职务而0123是说的广告公司呢?马上就要递表了,急求高人相助,先谢了
而今本命年,迈步从头越:2014-2019记录我人生的这5年回复: 求助,我不知道我应该算哪一类的职业了自己顶
而今本命年,迈步从头越:2014-2019记录我人生的这5年回复: 求助,我不知道我应该算哪一类的职业了看它列出的具体duty哪个更符合你
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