加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民Hey guys, don't worry so much. Everything will be f


Witless people gather information by their eyes and ears, but wise people judge information by their mind. I have seen a lot of rumors or misunderstanding of the cause of halt of ME issuing from HK immigration office, but if we considered the circumstance from the view point of those immigration officers, the things might just be simple. In the second half of 2007 HK immigration office issued a lot of ME and it seems up till now there are still some of these cases have not been completed and made a decision. I think it is due to the delay of some guys' background checks and security checks, and the department which in charge of the background checks and secrity checks has not eough personnel to process more cases. If the immigration officer kept on issuing ME before these old case had been finished, it would form a new backlog of cases waiting for DM and would be helpless for cutting short the entire processing time of our cases. So they decided halting the issue of ME and waiting for all old cases have been finished. I think they will began to issue ME just as the old cases has about been completed. So it is not necessary to us to worry so much about it. Everything will be fine soon---though the word soon in those Canada immigration officers' vocabulary might mean a long long time.

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]跟着组织部,年年有进步;跟着外贸部,美金大把入;跟着宣传部,稻草吹成树;跟着移民部,越跟越糊涂,不知何时DM...赞反馈:ylh1217 和 annieshen 2008-06-13#2 annieshen
27,238 $0.00 回复: Hey guys, don't worry so much. Everything will be fine soonDING

回复: Hey guys, don't worry so much. Everything will be fine soonEverything will be fine

齐二爷回复: Hey guys, don't worry so much. Everything will be fine soon强烈恭喜。

回复: Hey guys, don't worry so much. Everything will be fine soon

回复: Hey guys, don't worry so much. Everything will be fine soon细细读来,真的感觉到了其中的寓意啊!

回复: Hey guys, don't worry so much. Everything will be fine soonWE ARE WAITING WITH PATIENCEAND WE ALL HOPE THINGS WILL BE FINE.

回复: Hey guys, don't worry so much. Everything will be fine soon谢谢瑞雪春风的好消息。不知道是否可靠。

从小学生做起。回复: Hey guys, don't worry so much. Everything will be fine soonup

A feeling inside ,an invisible guide!回复: Hey guys, don't worry so much. Everything will be fine soon楼主的英语水平不错,不过错误也不少yeah. 共同努力,一起进步。

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