加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民倒霉的227,依依不舍要和大家说再见了!!!
回复: 倒霉的227,依依不舍要和大家说再见了!!!条条大路通罗马
回复: 倒霉的227,依依不舍要和大家说再见了!!!祝福LZ!希望一切顺利!
Edmonton, I am coming回复: 倒霉的227,依依不舍要和大家说再见了!!!学文科的到澳洲找不到工作咋办阿?3年签证是临时的呢!三思啊!
回复: 倒霉的227,依依不舍要和大家说再见了!!!LZ可以申请魁省啊,比澳洲和联邦都快啊
06年9月向HK联邦递交申请,07年2月得FN.08年7月23向联邦撤案,7月24日递魁省.7月30日魁省FN签发,8月29日收到FN和补护照.9月5号收HK联邦通知在6个月内退联邦申请费.学法语,盼排期,等面试回复: 倒霉的227,依依不舍要和大家说再见了!!!不见得,他只是会拖延时间而已。反正早晚要审你的,只是时间问题。该干嘛还干嘛,等着. 另外,估计全年的申请量也只有3000份(BJ),全年才10000人(BJ), 加上其他的5000人(BJ). 算上HKx2, 得一年新申请量为30000, 有历史积压大约40000(BJ&HK, 2006年的数据), 一共有70000人, 假设动态不变, 每年40000人登陆(实际要多一些) 大约2010年,新申请的人就赶不上允许批准的人数了. 那时候,等候时间可能缩小到1年. 现在积压的人数很多是南亚和其他地区,中国现在的申请人数并不多,看看外面的中介广告就知道了。所以楼主不必着急.
回复: 倒霉的227,依依不舍要和大家说再见了!!!澳洲比加拿大好,恭喜LZ
回复: 倒霉的227,依依不舍要和大家说再见了!!!澳洲比加拿大好,恭喜LZ点击展开...同感,只是澳洲要求高,要求两夫妻都烤鸭,我比较懒,不愿意....
2008年4月17日香港签收2008年5月22日划款2008年11月14日FN不见得,他只是会拖延时间而已。反正早晚要审你的,只是时间问题。该干嘛还干嘛,等着. 另外,估计全年的申请量也只有3000份(BJ),全年才10000人(BJ), 加上其他的5000人(BJ). 算上HKx2, 得一年新申请量为30000, 有历史积压大约40000(BJ&HK, 2006年的数据), 一共有70000人, 假设动态不变, 每年40000人登陆(实际要多一些) 大约2010年,新申请的人就赶不上允许批准的人数了. 那时候,等候时间可能缩小到1年. 现在积压的人数很多是南亚和其他地区,中国现在的申请人数并不多,看看外面的中介广告就知道了。所以楼主不必着急.点击展开...楼上的,从什么依据看出中国现在的申请人数不多啊?中介广告能说明什么呀?另外一年加拿大有多少中国移民的需求量阿?
回复: 倒霉的227,依依不舍要和大家说再见了!!!Good lucky!
2008.2.03 EMS快哝至香港;2008.2.11 ?收;2008.4.10 中信泫行加元?票解付;2008.8.27 FN;2008.9.18确认信香港寄出,地址栏出现;自怎67分,雅思要??7。在等待中??成熟...回复: 倒霉的227,依依不舍要和大家说再见了!!!我是文科的,现在在加拿大作java开发呢,还能混得下去。主要要看自己的适应能力。
太初有道,道与神同在,道就是神。天行健,君子以自强不息。谷神不死,是谓玄牝。玄牝之门,是谓天地根,绵绵若存,用之不勤。个人建议华人应该在加拿大积极参政,可以有效地保护华人的权益。回复: 倒霉的227,依依不舍要和大家说再见了!!!楼主,如果有FN,他们没审理是不允许reject你的申请的。建议你先等等吧。如果钱不是很紧张,就不要撤案子了。
回复: 倒霉的227,依依不舍要和大家说再见了!!!不见得,他只是会拖延时间而已。反正早晚要审你的,只是时间问题。该干嘛还干嘛,等着. 另外,估计全年的申请量也只有3000份(BJ),全年才10000人(BJ), 加上其他的5000人(BJ). 算上HKx2, 得一年新申请量为30000, 有历史积压大约40000(BJ&HK, 2006年的数据), 一共有70000人, 假设动态不变, 每年40000人登陆(实际要多一些) 大约2010年,新申请的人就赶不上允许批准的人数了. 那时候,等候时间可能缩小到1年. 现在积压的人数很多是南亚和其他地区,中国现在的申请人数并不多,看看外面的中介广告就知道了。所以楼主不必着急.点击展开...前面楼上讲的可能有道理,以前看到过类似文章,今天上网查了一下. 截取如下,不过是English, 自己看看吧, 2006 年8100人,离3000份差不多,但香港要多好多, 乘2好象不够,不知道2007年是否更多了. 不过2010年估计够呛。但现在人比以前少是真的. http://chineseinvancouver.blogspot.com/2006/10/new-accurate-indicators-chinese.html While some lawyers claim that the interest of Chinese immigrants coming to Canada is diminishing, latest immigration application stats (in persons) just released show a clear otherwise (story in Chinese).Application stats, which are crude figures where the effect of processing time and other factors haven't kicked in, are always a more accurate indicator of the "push" factor of immigration, i.e. the will, or the demand to move to Canada.The numbers obtained from CIC are as follows, pls note they are in persons: IMMIGRATION APPLICATION DATA (persons) 2004 2005 2006to Sep 29 3/4 avg 3/4 avg Beijing 7,957 5,968 7,646 5,735 8,107 Hong Kong 14,348 10,761 21,644 16,233 15,006 Beijing+HK 22,305 16,729 29,290 21,968 23,113 Taipei 3,551 2,663 3,495 2,621 2,421 New Delhi 41,262 30,947 37,522 28,142 28,217 Seoul 7,582 5,687 7,037 5,278 4,712 Source: CIC * NOTE FROM SITEOWNER: THESE NUMBERS ARE EXCLUSIVELY OBTAINED AND CANNOT BE QUOTED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT FROM THE SITEOWNER. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.These figures clearly show that the Chinese intention to immigrate has not slowed down, indeed, the application numbers received by Beijing up to Sep 29 has already exceeded the total number of applicants the office received over the full year of 2005.If the three quarters numbers are used as a convenience tool to compare, 2006over2005 2006over2004 Beijing 41.37 35.85 Hong Kong -7.56 39.45 Beijing+HK 5.21 38.16 Taipei -7.64 -9.10 New Delhi 0.27 -8.82 Seoul -10.72 -17.14 The number of applications received in the first 3 quarters of 2006 has skyrocketed by 41.37% over the first 9-month average of 2005, and by 35.85% over same period of 2004.On the other hand, the applications from New Delhi up to Sep 29, 2006 only slightly surpasses the numbers of 2005, and even a negative trend if compared with 2004.Then why did lawyer Richard Kurland's numbers, obtained under Access to Information, could have convinced him to believe Chinese immigrants were turning away from Canada (here)? And how did he gather the idea that India will soon surpass China as Canada's top source country?A closer examination of Kurland's figures show that they are talking about "inventory" of cases pending processing at overseas offices. Kurland said:The Beijing inventory in July 2004 was 37,124 persons; in April 2005-32,539 persons; and in June 2006-19,826 persons. Beijing’s inventory of persons is dramatically lower. The Hong Kong inventory in July 2004 was 47,260 persons; in April 2005-40,531 persons; and in June 2006-32,752 persons. Hong Kong’s inventory of persons is in freefall.However, "inventory" of cases are those pending completion, which could have been stockpiled over many years.David Ley, a UBC professor of Geography who is specialized in immigration studies, said the latest application figures (persons) should be heralded as the indicator for demand, not inventory.Ley said that two facts shown in these numbers clearly point out that Chinese immigration will continue to rise, though might not be at a sharp upward curve as before. These two facts are: the total number of applications (persons) received by the Beijing office in the first 3 quarters of 2006 has surpassed the yearly total of 2005; and that the number of new applicants the Hong Kong office has got is remaining quite constant over the same period of 2005.Beijing and Hong Kong together process the vast majority of immigration applications from PRC subjects.Kangqing Zhang, researcher with the Asia Pacific Foundation, said the sudden drop in inventory must be a result of efforts to clear up backlogs. Zhang believes CIC has begun clearing up old files or inactive files. This is good news for immigrants.Zhang was quoted last week by some media that he agreed that Chinese immigration has slowed down. He explained yesterday, however, that the reporters who asked him to comment about the trend last week told him those were "application figures", none of them indicated that those were "inventory".Zhang said as applications are still on the rise, we cannot at this point conclude that Chinese have given up Canada as an immigration destination.Lawyer Lawrence Wong pointed out that many stockpiled files are those visa officers had asked the applicants to fill in some more information but hadn't heard back from the applicants. A sudden large number of drop in inventory means that CIC is finally cleaning out old mess.
2008.6.19用中银汇票投北京(非38), 2008.7.8日FN2008.11才知道还有一个227政策.2009.3转Sydney, 2009.5变APPLICATION RECEIVED. 2010.1.1收到退钱支票, 2010.2.26支票到账, 一切都结束了!!!前面楼上讲的可能有道理,以前看到过类似文章,今天上网查了一下. 截取如下,不过是English, 自己看看吧, 2006 年8100人,离3000份差不多,但香港要多好多, 乘2好象不够,不知道2007年是否更多了. 不过2010年估计够呛。但现在人比以前少是真的. http://chineseinvancouver.blogspot.com/2006/10/new-accurate-indicators-chinese.html While some lawyers claim that the interest of Chinese immigrants coming to Canada is diminishing, latest immigration application stats (in persons) just released show a clear otherwise (story in Chinese).Application stats, which are crude figures where the effect of processing time and other factors haven't kicked in, are always a more accurate indicator of the "push" factor of immigration, i.e. the will, or the demand to move to Canada.The numbers obtained from CIC are as follows, pls note they are in persons: IMMIGRATION APPLICATION DATA (persons) 2004 2005 2006to Sep 29 3/4 avg 3/4 avg Beijing 7,957 5,968 7,646 5,735 8,107 Hong Kong 14,348 10,761 21,644 16,233 15,006 Beijing+HK 22,305 16,729 29,290 21,968 23,113 Taipei 3,551 2,663 3,495 2,621 2,421 New Delhi 41,262 30,947 37,522 28,142 28,217 Seoul 7,582 5,687 7,037 5,278 4,712 Source: CIC * NOTE FROM SITEOWNER: THESE NUMBERS ARE EXCLUSIVELY OBTAINED AND CANNOT BE QUOTED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT FROM THE SITEOWNER. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.These figures clearly show that the Chinese intention to immigrate has not slowed down, indeed, the application numbers received by Beijing up to Sep 29 has already exceeded the total number of applicants the office received over the full year of 2005.If the three quarters numbers are used as a convenience tool to compare, 2006over2005 2006over2004 Beijing 41.37 35.85 Hong Kong -7.56 39.45 Beijing+HK 5.21 38.16 Taipei -7.64 -9.10 New Delhi 0.27 -8.82 Seoul -10.72 -17.14 The number of applications received in the first 3 quarters of 2006 has skyrocketed by 41.37% over the first 9-month average of 2005, and by 35.85% over same period of 2004.On the other hand, the applications from New Delhi up to Sep 29, 2006 only slightly surpasses the numbers of 2005, and even a negative trend if compared with 2004.Then why did lawyer Richard Kurland's numbers, obtained under Access to Information, could have convinced him to believe Chinese immigrants were turning away from Canada (here)? And how did he gather the idea that India will soon surpass China as Canada's top source country?A closer examination of Kurland's figures show that they are talking about "inventory" of cases pending processing at overseas offices. Kurland said:The Beijing inventory in July 2004 was 37,124 persons; in April 2005-32,539 persons; and in June 2006-19,826 persons. Beijing’s inventory of persons is dramatically lower. The Hong Kong inventory in July 2004 was 47,260 persons; in April 2005-40,531 persons; and in June 2006-32,752 persons. Hong Kong’s inventory of persons is in freefall.However, "inventory" of cases are those pending completion, which could have been stockpiled over many years.David Ley, a UBC professor of Geography who is specialized in immigration studies, said the latest application figures (persons) should be heralded as the indicator for demand, not inventory.Ley said that two facts shown in these numbers clearly point out that Chinese immigration will continue to rise, though might not be at a sharp upward curve as before. These two facts are: the total number of applications (persons) received by the Beijing office in the first 3 quarters of 2006 has surpassed the yearly total of 2005; and that the number of new applicants the Hong Kong office has got is remaining quite constant over the same period of 2005.Beijing and Hong Kong together process the vast majority of immigration applications from PRC subjects.Kangqing Zhang, researcher with the Asia Pacific Foundation, said the sudden drop in inventory must be a result of efforts to clear up backlogs. Zhang believes CIC has begun clearing up old files or inactive files. This is good news for immigrants.Zhang was quoted last week by some media that he agreed that Chinese immigration has slowed down. He explained yesterday, however, that the reporters who asked him to comment about the trend last week told him those were "application figures", none of them indicated that those were "inventory".Zhang said as applications are still on the rise, we cannot at this point conclude that Chinese have given up Canada as an immigration destination.Lawyer Lawrence Wong pointed out that many stockpiled files are those visa officers had asked the applicants to fill in some more information but hadn't heard back from the applicants. A sudden large number of drop in inventory means that CIC is finally cleaning out old mess.点击展开...算的比我还准。佩服佩服. 有没有2007年的数据?
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