加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民旧政的很多会被要求彻案?
http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=183955 这帖是一个06年10月FN的人收到“审案”通知,很奇怪的是香港一直都没有这回事,一就是可能这人吹牛忽悠,但吹牛的机会不大,而且以前好像曾经有另一个旧政收到这类通知信,但其它人觉得他说的不知是什么 为什么香港旧政其它很多人没收到这通知,可能香港已选定了一批审理的案,而也准备放弃另外一批的,之前也说过加国会发信通知一些旧政的要求自己彻案,这看来很可能了。
The village in the city回复: 旧政的很多会被要求彻案?优先审批某些紧缺职业的案子是很有可能的,但如果是旧政,而且分够的情况,要求申请人撤案的情况觉得不太可能发生.申请人都等了那么久了,被没理由撤案的话,移民部会官司缠身的.延迟审批是有可能的,但要求撤案迄今为止在官方的言论和文件中还没听说过.没根据的言论请不要在论坛上出现,以免引起争议和恐慌.要求符合条件的申请人撤案在法律上也是讲不通的,特别是注重法律公正性的加拿大.
回复: 旧政的很多会被要求彻案?支持ls的,没有确切根据的,不要乱发言。这里已经人心惶惶,不要再火上浇油了。
回复: 旧政的很多会被要求彻案?LZ给出的例子,那个筒子是因为被要求补料,补料后收到的确认信,不是什么特别的信件.
回复: 旧政的很多会被要求彻案?即使是真的,轮上让你撤,也得撤。所以就爱咋着咋着吧。
-06/10/11 FN -10/06/09 ME -11/02/22mer -11/03/06 PL -11/4/02 VISA-11/05/30 登陆回复: 旧政的很多会被要求彻案?听天由命,心灰意冷。。。
回复: 旧政的很多会被要求彻案?不要再考验我们这些旧案未ME的TZ脆弱的神经!
温哥华的新生活啊……准备给妈妈做个super visa玩……回复: 旧政的很多会被要求彻案?我才不撤呢
回复: 旧政的很多会被要求彻案?LZ给出的例子,那个筒子是因为被要求补料,补料后收到的确认信,不是什么特别的信件.点击展开... 这才是正言。
回复: 旧政的很多会被要求彻案?添乱分子
2009,11月ME2010,1.25 mer2010,2,3 plhttp://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=183955 这帖是一个06年10月FN的人收到“审案”通知,很奇怪的是香港一直都没有这回事,一就是可能这人吹牛忽悠,但吹牛的机会不大,而且以前好像曾经有另一个旧政收到这类通知信,但其它人觉得他说的不知是什么 为什么香港旧政其它很多人没收到这通知,可能香港已选定了一批审理的案,而也准备放弃另外一批的,之前也说过加国会发信通知一些旧政的要求自己彻案,这看来很可能了。点击展开... 这是旧政下很简单的补料程序竟引起个别tz这么大恐慌,学习不认真
齐二爷回复: 旧政的很多会被要求彻案?我是旧案,分数够,要是通知让我撤案,我就将官司打到底,把下半辈子的花销装进口袋。
2006年8月FN2010年1月18日MER2010年2月22日PL回复: 旧政的很多会被要求彻案?LZ,没受刺激吧?
去华人超市,用中国vendor,中国人要帮助中国人,团结互助才能赢得尊重回复: 旧政的很多会被要求彻案?建议大家还是多从官网找信息吧: Q1) How will the backlog of “old” applications be drawn down over time? In addition to the Department’s existing resources, the 2008 budget announced $109 million over five years to:Hire and train more visa officers to speed up processing in the parts of the world where wait times are the longest. As a start, some missions, such as those in Delhi and Manila, will receive additional resources to help improve wait times.Introduce, over time, administrative improvements such as centralized data entry. These improvements will not only ensure that the Minister’s instructions are applied consistently and efficiently, but also free up resources overseas currently involved in managing the backlog to allow for the processing of more applications.We will also be recording occupational information for applications in the current skilled worker backlog. CIC can then refer applications of interest to the provinces and territories for processing under the Provincial Nominee Program. Finally, we will ask those people who have been waiting the longest if they prefer to continue to wait or if they wish to withdraw their applications. All applications received prior to February 27, 2008, will be processed to a final decision on the merits of the application, according to the rules and regulations in place when they were submitted. 在上述蓝字和红字部分很有意思。似乎在暗示老案也要按职业来进行某种筛选。职业需求量大的批得快,而没有职业需求的需要等待。最终等的时间太长的,vo会来信问是继续等还是主动撤案。 但我估计,香港9/1前递料的筒子不会受此影响,因为估计等部长那个“意见”出来的时候,这批案子早me了。而且这批筒子人人一大包材料堆在那里,vo看着就烦,巴不得早点打发你们走人呢...
最新2012年7月后中英对照DiscoverCanada加拿大入籍考试指南,与最新官网音频同步http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=592263建议大家还是多从官网找信息吧: Q1) How will the backlog of “old” applications be drawn down over time? In addition to the Department’s existing resources, the 2008 budget announced $109 million over five years to:Hire and train more visa officers to speed up processing in the parts of the world where wait times are the longest. As a start, some missions, such as those in Delhi and Manila, will receive additional resources to help improve wait times.Introduce, over time, administrative improvements such as centralized data entry. These improvements will not only ensure that the Minister’s instructions are applied consistently and efficiently, but also free up resources overseas currently involved in managing the backlog to allow for the processing of more applications.We will also be recording occupational information for applications in the current skilled worker backlog. CIC can then refer applications of interest to the provinces and territories for processing under the Provincial Nominee Program. Finally, we will ask those people who have been waiting the longest if they prefer to continue to wait or if they wish to withdraw their applications. All applications received prior to February 27, 2008, will be processed to a final decision on the merits of the application, according to the rules and regulations in place when they were submitted. 在上述蓝字和红字部分很有意思。似乎在暗示老案也要按职业来进行某种筛选。职业需求量大的批得快,而没有职业需求的需要等待。最终等的时间太长的,vo会来信问是继续等还是主动撤案。 但我估计,香港9/1前递料的筒子不会受此影响,因为估计等部长那个“意见”出来的时候,这批案子早me了。而且这批筒子人人一大包材料堆在那里,vo看着就烦,巴不得早点打发你们走人呢...点击展开...
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