加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请问是真的吗?加拿大在广州增开VISA签发中心了


无意中上去加拿大移民网,看到有NEW NOTICE,看到这样的重要消息:New Canadian VISA APPLICATION CENTRENew Canadian VISA APPLICATION CENTRE (VAC) Opening in June 2008www.vfs-canada.com.cn The Canadian Consulate General in Hong Kong is pleased to announce the opening of the Canadian Visa Application Centre (VAC) on June 25, 2008, in Guangzhou, China. The centre will be operated by VFS China and GDCTS, Guangzhou. The address of the Visa Application Centre in Guangzhou is:Rm. 351 Chengjian Mansion , 189 Tiyu Road (West) Tianhe Dist. Guangzhou, PRC - 510620. The centre is aimed at making the Canadian visa process more convenient for non immigrant visa applicants in China. The Canadian Consulate General in Hong Kong strongly encourages clients to submit their applications to one of the Visa Application Centres in order to take advantage of the following improved services: Online tracking of your application On site client service to assist you in submitting your application Point of contact for telephone and email enquiries Extended office hours for submitting applications The Canadian Visa Application Centre will be open Monday to Friday, from 0800 to 1500 hrs excluding designated holidays in mainland China. A fee of CNY 250 will be charged to use the Visa Application Centre. There will be no change in the Canadian visa rules and officials at the Canadian Embassy in Beijing will make all visa decisions for applications submitted at the VACs. IMPORTANT: The Canadian Consulate General of Hong Kong will continue to accept in-person temporary resident visa and permanent resident travel document applications ONLY if the person submitting the application is the applicant. In person submissions by third partied will NOT be accepted. Also, work permit, study permit or immigrant applications, status enquiries, submissions/pick-ups or additional document submissions by agents will NOT be accepted at the window in the Immigration Section at the Consulate. Submitting your application directly in Hong Kong will not reduce the processing time of your visa. Processing times between the Visa Application Center in Guangzhou and in person submissions at the Hong Kong Visa Office are exactly the same. Please see Hong Kong’s new opening hours for Visa Section and new in-person submission guidelines Please see the VSF website for further information on other VAC locations in China: www.vfs-canada.com.cn 看了之后,觉得对于我们来说,至少是个好消息吧~以后办事处又多了一个!进度会更快! 希望精通英语的朋友能为大家讲一下精髓。我略懂而已,不好意思献丑了!

夫妻团聚07年4月递交材料\5月收到HK的FN\08年3月底收到HK面试信\4月28日HK面试6月2日才收到他们的体检表\7月15日网上查到DM8月25日终于等我的PL啦~~~已经取签了!9月16日登陆蒙特利尔!!祝大家好运!!回复: 请问是真的吗?加拿大在广州增开VISA签发中心了!非移民签证. 移民不在此.

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