加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民转一篇现在移民情况的文章
大家看一下这篇文章:Can Canada Slash Immigration Backlog? 27/05/2008 by Bryan PalmerCalls to modernise the Canadian immigration policy have been met with proposed changes that should ultimately reduce the massive backlog, however could these amendments in fact increase the backlog?The Canadian government has long struggled with build ups of potential immigrants, with as many as one million applications making up the queue. A solution to this is vital, therefore changes that fast track those with highly needed skills and experience in order for them to be brought to the work force quicker have been suggested."Canada offers amazing opportunities to foreigners," says Colin Romberger of www.globalvisas.com, "but there is a backlog that puts some people off. However if well thought out changes are put into place more people can benefit from what Canada has to offer in terms of safety, economic opportunity and a multicultural society and the country can then fill shortages in sectors such as medicine and engineering."However many question if the current proposition is merely a bureaucratic way of showing favouritism toward certain groups or occupations but also if the backlog will in fact be extended as it will only apply to those who filed their papers after February 26.This means that the wait for those who applied before February 26 could be even more extended as they are pushed back in the queue if their skills are not seen as essential. The waiting time could increase if this comes about, say critics.Because of this many prospective skilled workers are lost to other countries like Australia and New Zealand where the waiting time could be as little as 6 months. Also in Australia highly skilled migrants get a job at a quicker pace than in Canada, and often in their profession. 66% of immigrants in Canada get work in 6 months with just 30% of these are in their fields as apposed to 83% job placement in Australia.To deal with such factors Canadian Employee Relocation Council Executive Vice President, Stephen Cryne announced yesterday that a cross-Canada meeting will be held with business and government to work on this issue and debate how Canada can quickly and easily get the 600 000 odd highly skilled people currently waiting for residence into the country quickly and easily in order to contribute to the workforce.As Cryne says, "…it's not just immigration policy that needs to be modernised but we also need to remove restrictions that prevent full mobility of workers within Canada."Immigration experts often believe that a way to curb backlog could be through more staffing and increasing the annual migration quota from the 200 000 of today. Raising the points based pass mark from 67 or completing the immigration process within Canada itself could also be solutions to the problem.Time will only tell if amendments will cut down the queue or in fact add to it. 其中我标出了一点黑体的部分值得深思一下。。
回复: 转一篇现在移民情况的文章自己先做一下沙发。唉,我感觉我好像不是什么紧缺职业。等吧。。。。。。
回复: 转一篇现在移民情况的文章我感觉的是紧缺专业,是否可以CIC-HK联系加快处理呢?
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 转一篇现在移民情况的文章哪些是紧缺专业啊?
回复: 转一篇现在移民情况的文章哪些是紧缺专业啊?在加好找工作吗?
回复: 转一篇现在移民情况的文章哪些是紧缺职业啊?
回复: 转一篇现在移民情况的文章再转一篇:看下黑体字。。:PRLog (Press Release) ? May 13, 2008 ? The Canadian Bar Association, made up of over 30 000 law teachers, lawyers and law students, is leading the cause to put an end to the amendments to Canadian immigration legislation. This bill has proposed a new system whereby those prospective immigrants with sought after skills will be pushed to the front of the line, while others will have to wait. Placing a limit on applications has also been suggested. At the moment applications are processed on a first come first serve basis, whereby skilled professionals, those seeking family reunification and refugees are placed on equal footing when applying for Canadian immigration. But it was a backlog causing up to 10 years of waiting that caused these amendments to be proposed. It is clear that this backlog is a reality; however the question as to how this new bill can deal with backlog is still unclear, particularly as there is currently no system in place that can tell who and what skills exactly the people in the backlog possess. 615 000 of the total 925 000 applicants have been estimated to be skilled workers. The Bar Association, in a submission to the Commons Citizenship and Immigration committee yesterday believes that putting immigration power in the hands of the minister is dangerous, basing country and worldwide decisions on the discretions of Minister Diane Finley. “The idea that the minister can pick and choose who she likes is the main basis of the criticism,” says Colin Romberger of www.globalvisas.ca, an expert in Canadian immigration and visa services. However he says that the government has assured that amendments will be tabled based on the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, thwarting discrimination. The Canadian government and immigration minister in particular constantly highlight the need for skills, particularly in medicine, education, social work, engineering and finance, while with these changes others will be side-lined remaining in the queue. It is clear that doctors, in particular, are needed but as those skilled workers are pouched from developed nations; these countries are the ones to suffer most. This is proved if one looks at the amount of doctors in Africa compared Canada. In Africa there are thirteen doctors to every 100 000 people, while there are 214 doctors to 100 000 in Canada. With the C-50 bill the attraction of Canada will grow even more and a place like Bangladesh where the majority of medical graduates move overseas for jobs will lose out. It is ultimately a catch 22 situation where it is clear that skills need to be fast tracked into Canada, while at the same time overlooking certain people, such as family reunification applicants who don’t have the desired skills. As criticism reigns, it’s a wonder how this issue will ever be resolved to everyone’s benefit.
回复: 转一篇现在移民情况的文章particularly in medicine, education, social work, engineering and finance这几个专业227前的这不沾光了?不是说227前的不受新法影响吗?这两篇文章似乎又和这个原则不太对应.8过要是按这样处理,紧缺职业里的227前的,倒是不用担心被影响了.
回复: 转一篇现在移民情况的文章形势不容乐观呀
Cheer up and be happy...回复: 转一篇现在移民情况的文章medicine指哪一类,外科医生算不算
回复: 转一篇现在移民情况的文章particularly in medicine, education, social work, engineering and finance 这几个专业227前的这不沾光了? 不是说227前的不受新法影响吗?这两篇文章似乎又和这个原则不太对应.8过要是按这样处理,紧缺职业里的227前的,倒是不用担心被影响了.点击展开...说归说噢,如果227以前属于紧缺范围的,肯定比不属于的有更大的可能。倘若227以后符合紧缺职业的不够加国的需要量,那旧案中符合的就会被用来解加国之渴了。
回复: 转一篇现在移民情况的文章只有一声叹息。。
回复: 转一篇现在移民情况的文章不算好事
回复: 转一篇现在移民情况的文章说归说噢,如果227以前属于紧缺范围的,肯定比不属于的有更大的可能。倘若227以后符合紧缺职业的不够加国的需要量,那旧案中符合的就会被用来解加国之渴了。点击展开...那先申请的成了备用的了...好不公平哦~
回复: 转一篇现在移民情况的文章金融是紧缺行业??太好了,我之前递的申请,是不是联系VO,可以快点毕业呀?
2007年11月12日递香港,2008年5月22日FN...回复: 转一篇现在移民情况的文章要这样,LG和俺都是紧缺职业哦~~
回复: 转一篇现在移民情况的文章好事是应该现在加速处理才对!
回复: 转一篇现在移民情况的文章迷茫
回复: 转一篇现在移民情况的文章很迷茫已经,改政策是为了加快速度,可是变来变去没有看到任何加速的案例发生啊~
回复: 转一篇现在移民情况的文章没有计算机了吗点击展开...应该算在engineering中吧!
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