Minister Kenney to address the Canadian Club of WinnipegWinnipeg, November 12, 2008 ― The Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, will speak at the Canadian Club of Winnipeg luncheon, delivering an address entitled “Immigration & Integration: Keys to Canada’s Future”. Following the speech, the Minister will be available to answer questions from the media.Date: November 13, 2008Time: 11:30 a.m. Place:Marlborough Hotel, Sky View Ballroom331 Smith Street Winnipeg, Manitoba Minister Kenney will be available to the media at 12:25 p.m.For more information (media only):Alykhan VelshiMinister’s OfficeCitizenship and Immigration Canada 613-954-1064Media RelationsCommunications BranchCitizenship and Immigration Canada 613-952-1650
爱好就是一个人的信仰回复: 移民部长杰森13日将发表演讲沙发!!
回复: 移民部长杰森13日将发表演讲最好有点具体的..
有所拿,有所不拿 ...回复: 移民部长杰森13日将发表演讲最好能有中文版的,实在没什么时间研究英文版的东西!
温哥华的新生活啊……准备给妈妈做个super visa玩…… 赏

21,405 $0.00 回复: 移民部长杰森13日将发表演讲希望稍后讲话内容能有人放上来,让大家也好好学习一下精神。评论
回复: 移民部长杰森13日将发表演讲大胃:有啥具体的消息,赶快让我们这些伸长脖子的能缩回脖子,静待你的佳音.
回复: 移民部长杰森13日将发表演讲把讲话内容放上来大家一起研究。
回复: 移民部长杰森13日将发表演讲关注
06.7考雅5.5/6.5/6/5,06.11.27通过中介递交申请到HK,06.11.30划款,07.5.11FN,老婆有亲属,自评刚好67分,VO是LI,等待S2中......职业3112,08.12.8和15,地址栏变不可更改,估计改email。09.5.27收到确认信。09.10.10离婚,10.01.09G类6/6.5/5.5/6,分数不够了,移民路关上了大半扇门。回复: 移民部长杰森13日将发表演讲少说废话,多发VISA
04/NOV/08 Royal Mail to HK少说废话,多发VISA点击展开...
回复: 移民部长杰森13日将发表演讲有消息了吗?
新的开始。回复: 移民部长杰森13日将发表演讲都说了点啥...?
有所拿,有所不拿 ...都说了点啥...?点击展开...同问
回复: 移民部长杰森13日将发表演讲Winnipeg, November 13, 2008 The Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, said today the government remains committed to a dynamic immigration program and to the successful integration of newcomers.“Just as immigration has played a strong role in our past, it will continue to be important to our future,” Minister Kenney told the Canadian Club of Winnipeg. “Canada is respected around the world for the way we’ve managed to bring in people from all over the globe. We have done this with a spirit of openness and tolerance, embracing diversity and becoming stronger for it.”“I look forward to the privilege of serving as Canada’s Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism as we continue our commitment to reuniting families, to maintaining our humanitarian obligations to refugees, and to supporting Canada’s economy,” the Minister added.The Minister’s address also highlighted recent important improvements to the immigration program, including the creation of the Foreign Credentials Referral Office, the introduction of the Canadian Experience Class and the five-year, $1.4 billion plan to improve settlement services across the country.
爱好就是一个人的信仰 赏
到加拿大留学,工作,移民,Winnipeg, November 13, 2008 The Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, said today the government remains committed to a dynamic immigration program and to the successful integration of newcomers. “Just as immigration has played a strong role in our past, it will continue to be important to our future,” Minister Kenney told the Canadian Club of Winnipeg. “Canada is respected around the world for the way we’ve managed to bring in people from all over the globe. We have done this with a spirit of openness and tolerance, embracing diversity and becoming stronger for it.” “I look forward to the privilege of serving as Canada’s Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism as we continue our commitment to reuniting families, to maintaining our humanitarian obligations to refugees, and to supporting Canada’s economy,” the Minister added. The Minister’s address also highlighted recent important improvements to the immigration program, including the creation of the Foreign Credentials Referral Office, the introduction of the Canadian Experience Class and the five-year, $1.4 billion plan to improve settlement services across the country.点击展开... nothing new but platitude...
有所拿,有所不拿 ...回复: 移民部长杰森13日将发表演讲给楼主加声望了!谁给翻译一下?期待。。。。
回复: 移民部长杰森13日将发表演讲没有实质性的看点啊~!只是客套话一大堆。
回复: 移民部长杰森13日将发表演讲“I look forward to the privilege of serving as Canada’s Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism as we continue our commitment to reuniting families, to maintaining our humanitarian obligations to refugees, and to supporting Canada’s economy,” the Minister added.看来对技术移民没什么好消息啊!
5月底通过中介递交HK7月扣款失败退回(出师不利,对中介怀疑中)7月15再次递交8月24扣款FN waiting.................回复: 移民部长杰森13日将发表演讲看不懂,俺是英盲。
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