加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民肯尼的演讲
移民部长肯尼在加拿大俱乐部上畅谈移民前景 Minister Kenney addresses Canadian Club on the future of immigration Winnipeg, November 13, 2008 ― The Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, said today the government remains committed to a dynamic immigration program and to the successful integration of newcomers. 温尼伯,2008年11月13日----公民移民与多元文化部长肯尼今天说,政府将继续保持移民项目的活力并使新移民成功融入社会。 “Just as immigration has played a strong role in our past, it will continue to be important to our future,” Minister Kenney told the Canadian Club of Winnipeg. “ Canada is respected around the world for the way we’ve managed to bring in people from all over the globe. We have done this with a spirit of openness and tolerance, embracing diversity and becoming stronger for it.” 肯尼部长说,“正如移民在过去发挥的强大作用一样,移民将继续对我们的将来起重要作用。我们设法从全球引进人才,这一点使加拿大赢得了全世界的尊重。我们本着公开、宽容的精神进行移民工作,它使我们拥抱多元化,并使我们变得更加强大。 “I look forward to the privilege of serving as Canada’s Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism as we continue our commitment to reuniting families, to maintaining our humanitarian obligations to refugees, and to supporting Canada’s economy,” the Minister added. 他又说,“我很荣幸能担任公民移民与多元文化部长;我们将继续致力于家庭团聚,履行对难民的人道主义义务,支持加拿大的经济发展。” The Minister’s address also highlighted recent important improvements to the immigration program, including the creation of the Foreign Credentials Referral Office, the introduction of the Canadian Experience Class and the five-year, $1.4 billion plan to improve settlement services across the country. 移民部长同时强调了最近有关移民项目的重要改进情况,包括创立外国资质推荐办公室,新推出加拿大经验类移民,以及5年内投资14亿用于提高全国范围内的新移民安置服务。
2007年12月01日 烤鸭了;2007年12月1X日 鸭子好了(没熟透,凑合了);2007年12月21日 申请表递HK了; 2007年12月24日 HK签收了; 2008年02月29日 申请费扣走了;2008年07月28日 FN (08月09号收到)回复: 肯尼的演讲官方讲话,没什么实质性内容.
2008.10.13递Hong Kong2008.10.29信用卡扣款HK$80802008.11.26签发FN2008.12.01发现不在38项里,昏倒。我来过,我看过,我没能征服它。回复: 肯尼的演讲可怜我们这些移民的TZ,部长的一举手一投足,都牵动我们的神经啊。
2008.06.20 投递HK回复: 肯尼的演讲老生常谈
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