加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民收到HK的回邮等于什么也不知道!
刚才收到11月3日去询问收到我的申请表没,因为当时代理DHL改发平信了,大家帮我瞧瞧是不是还是什么也没告诉到底收到没?Subject: CCT-006 Status inquiry - pre-file-creationDear Sir/Madam, We are currently processing SAP Skilled Worker applications for permanent residence which arrived at the Consulate in April 2008. If your application was submitted after this date, there would not be any record in our system although payment may have already been processed (4 to 6 weeks after application receipt - check with your bank or credit card company). Please be patient. We will contact you in due course. Due to the high volume of applications in process, please keep your case enquiries to a minimum. Thank you. Immigration SectionConsulate General of Canada, Hong Kong12/F., Tower 1Exchange Square8 Connaught PlaceHong Kong Web Site: http://www.hongkong.gc.caemail: [email protected] CCT-006
回复: 收到HK的回邮等于什么也不知道!递表后4到6周会从你账户划款~~你啥时候递地哦?划款没?
You are not what you were born. But what you have it in yourself to be.回复: 收到HK的回邮等于什么也不知道!我是10月14日给快递的,后来他们改平信了,说明22日送到的。也把快递费160元退回来了,可是我的汇票和简表就不知去向了,我现在是一点办法也没有。别人安慰我说我们是一家四口,交的是1400加元,所以别人用的可能性不大,所以我就一直等。等下个月,汇票解付没,再等半年后,有没FN才能知道结果。你说开始就这样烦,以后的路会有戏吗?我可是递完表后,天天盼着出去,加币都换了些。想现在就去买套房子,可当地的讲房子要人打理,太烦了,想想还是出去后再买吧。
回复: 收到HK的回邮等于什么也不知道!晕哦~~这东西怎麽能用平信的呀~~汇票解付了就证明香港收到申请了嘛,那就得排队等喽,没办法呀~~幺麽看您这实力,改投资移民?您这心态得调整一下~~不然不等拿FN就差不多好崩溃了
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