加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民咨询:这种情况怎么办?
有一个朋友,孩子在国内上大学,有点残疾,腿无力,走路多了就得坐轮椅。 听说国外对残疾人挺照顾,就想到国外去读书。 这种情况是不是老爸办移民比较合适?这样孩子读书费用低,而且孩子的妈妈也能到国外去照顾。 有一个问题,孩子已经超过18岁了,是不是不能算dependant了?
North York, ON回复: 咨询:这种情况怎么办?祝福这可怜的孩子~不知,帮顶
回复: 咨询:这种情况怎么办?不太清楚的说,留给知道的回答。
漫漫长路开始了。。。。。。回复: 咨询:这种情况怎么办?2.2 For an applicant accompanied by a child who is 22 years or older and full-time student at the time of application:(a) Proof that the child has been continuously enrolled and actively pursuing a course of study at an accredited post secondary institution since before the age of 22. Acceptable documents may include all available educational credentials, transcripts, registration of admission, school fee payment receipts, attendance record indicating the total number of hours of classes per week;(b) Proof that the child has been continuously financially supported by the parents since before the age of 22.根据补料信的内容看 。我认为是可以的。22岁以下的都可以;22岁以上但是一直上学或者一直没有独立生活的也可以。当然,你必须到cic网站确认一下。
Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第一!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian2.2 For an applicant accompanied by a child who is 22 years or older and full-time student at the time of application:(a) Proof that the child has been continuously enrolled and actively pursuing a course of study at an accredited post secondary institution since before the age of 22. Acceptable documents may include all available educational credentials, transcripts, registration of admission, school fee payment receipts, attendance record indicating the total number of hours of classes per week;(b) Proof that the child has been continuously financially supported by the parents since before the age of 22.根据补料信的内容看 。我认为是可以的。22岁以下的都可以;22岁以上但是一直上学或者一直没有独立生活的也可以。当然,你必须到cic网站确认一下。点击展开...多谢!!
North York, ON回复: 咨询:这种情况怎么办?他如果在上大学是可以的.但这位老兄现在才申请了话,等成功了孩子也大学毕业了.超过22岁是断然不行了.但残疾人到底什么情形不太清楚.再多咨询一下吧,国外对残疾人是很照顾的.
afanda回复: 咨询:这种情况怎么办?但我估计体检过不了的.
回复: 咨询:这种情况怎么办?他如果在上大学是可以的.但这位老兄现在才申请了话,等成功了孩子也大学毕业了.超过22岁是断然不行了.但残疾人到底什么情形不太清楚.再多咨询一下吧,国外对残疾人是很照顾的.点击展开...我会建议他投资移民,这样会不会快一点?
North York, ON回复: 咨询:这种情况怎么办?祝福!
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