
Mr.Harper: Mr.Speaker, today, the leader of Liberal Party has received unqualified endorsement for his plan, from Jacques Parizeau,let me tell you Mr.Speaker,Why Mr.Parizeau's own words, why he supports the kind arrangement of the Liberal Party's proposal. Weaker government in Ottawa is immensely satisfied. The image must be the one of the weak, disoriented government which would become weaker and more disoriented furture, This is perfect. Mr.speaker, the leader of Liberal Party is not working with us to prepare the budget and prepare the strategy of economy but weaken this country.老珀:议长先生。今天,自由党领袖从魁人党魁雅克波利杜手里收到了支持他的计划的无条件背书。让我来告诉你,为什么波利杜(魁人党领袖)支持自由党的这笔交易的建议。因为让渥太华的联邦政府衰弱会让他们满意。一个虚弱,混乱而且越变越虚弱混乱的政府的景象,对他们再好不过了。议长先生,自用党的领袖不是来同我们准备预算案和讨论经济战略的,却是来让国家衰败的。
Mr.Dion: Mr.Speaker, we government is the government that desires the power...and what to govern never mind. There is no....Mr.Speaker. There are public concern of our cities and our communities, cleaner water, cleaner energy, ....for many factory sectors, our auto sectors, our industrial sectors and their workers, a plan to creat jobs. Why don't Prime Minister only care more his own job than allowing the parliament to save the job of Canadians?自由党领袖迪安:议长先生!这个政府是一个只顾自己对权力的渴望,而对如何行使权力却一点都不上脑子的政府。我们的公众关心我们的城市和社区,关心工业,汽车业和它们的工人们的工作,关心一个能增加就业机会的计划。为什么我们的总理关心他自己的饭碗胜过通过让国会工作来关心人民的饭碗呢?
Mr.Harper: Mr.Speaker, the leader of Liberal Party wants to save the jobs of Canadians. He can put on the table a specific proposal that would save our jobs. He can reach...work with this govrnment, we'll be pleased work with him, saving our economy, but he must walk away from this deal with Mr.Jacques Parizeau, with separatists which can do nothing, nothing but weaken this country with Mr.Parizeau, very objective.老珀:议长先生!自由党领袖希望拯救加拿大人的饭碗, 那他可以把他的可以拯救人们饭碗的计划摊到桌面上来。他可以同我们这个政府一起工作,我们高兴同他一起工作,拯救我们的经济。但是他必须与波利杜先生划清界限,同那些什么也不会做,只会让我们国家衰落的分离主义分子划清界限。这很明显。
A Liberal MP: but Mr.Prime Minister has just said is absolutely false. ...their own parliamentary budget officer says there is wrong, there are in deficit,there is deficit. They created it, all by themselfs. Their previous budgets have 自由党议员:可是总理先生刚才说的全是谎言。他们自己的国会预算官员说他们弄错了,他们有赤字,全是他们自己造成的。但他们以前的预算说....
回复: 闲得无聊的桐子快上The Star看老珀和自由党在议会吵架网络不行,那个网站打开的很慢很慢很慢慢慢~~~~
回复: 闲得无聊的桐子快上The Star看老珀和自由党在议会吵架谢啦
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