加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民会计如何通过职业审查
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Edmonton, I am coming回复: 会计如何通过职业审查新政策下,普通会计应该是没希望了,只有财务经理和审计员兼会计师可以。新政策突出了管理者这个概念,光有一技之长的不行,还要有一定管理水平,所以像会计,出纳,应收、应付等等都不可以了,呵呵,所以抓紧升职了。
08年8月27日 FN 状态:12符合38职业(简表填的1111)I am CPAIELTS 5.5、6.5、6.5、5.5(必须考到) 等待ing新政策下,普通会计应该是没希望了,只有财务经理和审计员兼会计师可以。新政策突出了管理者这个概念,光有一技之长的不行,还要有一定管理水平,所以像会计,出纳,应收、应付等等都不可以了,呵呵,所以抓紧升职了。点击展开...请问楼主是怎么知道的?
08.7.11 中介寄出HK ,08.7.15HK签收,08.8.11扣款,08.11.20FN,09.1.8 S1,09.4撤案,09.6.4撤案成功 09.7.3重递,09.7.7投妥 09.9.14 RN,09.10.30补料HK 11.2投妥 11.17收FN 12.11ME 12.26体检(WCY)10.10.5MER PL寄出 10.10.14PL到 10.19取签 10.27DM新政策下,普通会计应该是没希望了,只有财务经理和审计员兼会计师可以。新政策突出了管理者这个概念,光有一技之长的不行,还要有一定管理水平,所以像会计,出纳,应收、应付等等都不可以了,呵呵,所以抓紧升职了。点击展开...明年一月就当主管了,请问工作经验是如何算的,是做了主管之后,还是以前的一并算上.请指教啊
回复: 会计如何通过职业审查除了“管理者这个概念”之外,是不是还需要通过加拿大的某些资格认证考试?有没有什么官方的说法?
回复: 会计如何通过职业审查1111也是紧缺呵, 不一定是管理者呵. 去看看他对MANAGER的解释, 主管也是普通会计类呀
2008.10.20 递HK 2008.10.21签收2008.11.11 扣款 2008.11.27 FN回复: 会计如何通过职业审查普通会计即可
Montréal回复: 会计如何通过职业审查Employment requirements Chartered accountants require a university degree and Completion of a professional training program approved by a provincial institute of chartered accountants and, depending on the province, either two years or 30 months of on-the-job training and Membership in a provincial Institute of Chartered Accountants upon successful completion of the Uniform Evaluation (UFE). Certified general accountants and certified management accountants require a university degree and Completion of a training program approved by the Society of Certified General Accountants or Society of Management Accountants and several years of on-the-job training and Certification by the Certified General Accountants Association or the Society of Management Accountants. Auditors require education, training and recognition as indicated for chartered accountants, certified general accountants or certified management accountants and Some experience as an accountant. Auditors may require recognition by the Institute of Internal Auditors. To act as a trustee in bankruptcy proceedings, auditors and accountants must hold a licence as a trustee in bankruptcy. Licensing by the provincial or territorial governing body is usually required for accountants and auditors practising public accounting. Employment requirements Chartered accountants require a university degree and Completion of a professional training program approved by a provincial institute of chartered accountants and, depending on the province, either two years or 30 months of on-the-job training and Membership in a provincial Institute of Chartered Accountants upon successful completion of the Uniform Evaluation (UFE). Certified general accountants and certified management accountants require a university degree and Completion of a training program approved by the Society of Certified General Accountants or Society of Management Accountants and several years of on-the-job training and Certification by the Certified General Accountants Association or the Society of Management Accountants. Auditors require education, training and recognition as indicated for chartered accountants, certified general accountants or certified management accountants and Some experience as an accountant. Auditors may require recognition by the Institute of Internal Auditors. To act as a trustee in bankruptcy proceedings, auditors and accountants must hold a licence as a trustee in bankruptcy. Licensing by the provincial or territorial governing body is usually required for accountants and auditors practising public accounting.
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09/05/26妥投悉尼 | 09/08/08屠鸭胜利| 09/09/01补料信到 | 09/09/08补料香港 | 09/09/18FN签发 | 09/12/11体检信到 | 09/12/25俺毕业了回复: 会计如何通过职业审查我们这儿,处级的叫经理,科级的叫主管,下面还有协管、经办等,不知主管可否视为manager?实际工作中,活都是主管干的,经理只负责签字、向老总汇报。请高人指点,先谢了!
回复: 会计如何通过职业审查实际的JOB DISCRIPTION 还是要看NOC对MANAGER的解释,JOB TITLE与NOC的解释会有一定出入的。
·生活百科 我被骗了,对吗? (水管工/热水器。)
·生活百科 地板隔热层