加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民227新政之前的FN应该是参考旧标准
227新政之前的雅思成绩应该是参考旧标准http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/apply-after.aspIf you applied before February 27, 2008, the visa office where you applied will contact you and ask you to provide the required documentation about four months before your application is to be processed. When they have verified your completed application, they will send you a letter to tell you what you need to do and what happens next. Your application will always be processed according to the rules in place when you applied.你的申请总是会按照你申请时的规定进行处理
05 Jul,07递北京FN:12JulIELTS:13Dec,08S2:30Jun,09补料:28Jul 10Aug变12ME:08Sep(EXI)体检:19Sep13Oct变8 26Oct变12 22Mar,10交护照 30Mar变8 1APR变126JUL变13回复: 227新政之前的FN应该是参考旧标准谢谢分享!俺就是before February 27, 2008递的申请表,2006年11月递香港,2007年5月的FN,从此以后就没了消息。。。。。。
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