加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民重击!加拿大一月间7万多人骤然失业 安省最严重


重击!加拿大一月间7万多人骤然失业 安省最严重本文网址:http://www.backchina.com/news/2008/12/7/21220.html11月份,加拿大共有7.1万人失业,创1982年经济大萧条后26年来单月跌幅最大,其中安省受创最严重。该月,安省共6.6万人失业,其中4.2万是工厂工人,失业率陡然增0.6个百分点至7.1%,与魁省一起远远超过了全国6.3%的平均水平。加财长费海提(Jim Flaherty)表示这是一个“重击”,但指出保守党政府已经拟定援助失业工人的措施,将于1月27日施行。自由党金融评论家Scott Brison称,加拿大7万多人眼巴巴地望着,而加拿大保守党政府的反应令人“可悲”,他催促总理哈珀紧急重开国会。加拿大汽车工人协会(Canadian Auto Workers)经济师Jim Stanford同样表示出对哈珀为保保守党掌权而暂停国会的不满。Stanford预测,如果渥太华政府7周内还是撒手不管,未来将“又是一个11月”。除加拿大国内情况,美国11月份裁员53.3万人,满银资本市场(BMO Capital Market)首席经济师库珀(Sherry Cooper)指出,无疑这将使加拿大经济陷入衰退,美国萧条加速恶化。周五,多伦多股市及加元重摔,加元创4年来新低。经济师们预计,由于国会休会,加拿大央行(Bank of Canada)将采取行动,下周进行大减息,主要利率由原计划的降0.5个百分点改为0.75个百分点。加制造商和出口商协会(The Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters)成员Jayson Myers指出,随着美国经济衰退的加速,加拿大工业将苦苦挣扎,“如今裁员报告、工厂关闭的消息已经不断涌来。”其实,经济师们之前已经预测到加拿大相对较强的劳动力市场将开始出现萎靡迹象,认为11月份失业人数将达2万人,最悲观的预计也就是5万人,如今却超过了7万。

回复: 重击!加拿大一月间7万多人骤然失业 安省最严重哈珀这次惨了.经济危机难题不会断送他的官路吧?希望加拿大经济好起来.

回复: 重击!加拿大一月间7万多人骤然失业 安省最严重God save Canada!

forever眼中的加拿大http://www.canadameet.com/member/index.php?uid=foreverhttp://www.canadameet.com/member/index.php?uid=forever&action=article赞反馈:tao05 2008-12-06#4 zzzzz 1,388 $0.00 回复: 重击!加拿大一月间7万多人骤然失业 安省最严重经济危机哦,哪儿都不好混哦。。。

2006.2.10 FN2007.9.12 收到ME 2007.10.3 体检2007.10.23 EMS补料 2007.11.14 信用卡划款2008.1.7 DM2008.1.20 PL...赞反馈:tao05 2008-12-06#5 加拿大总督 803 $0.00 回复: 重击!加拿大一月间7万多人骤然失业 安省最严重呵呵

2002年 成为加拿大留学生的一员2008年 成为加拿大移民的一员2009年 老婆团聚移民2010年 儿子出世了2013年 女儿出世了2014年 来加拿大快12年了赞反馈:tao05 2008-12-06#6 T 1,749 $0.00 回复: 重击!加拿大一月间7万多人骤然失业 安省最严重经济衰退真是不好谢谢分享,网站打不开阿

FN:2008-2-28回复: 重击!加拿大一月间7万多人骤然失业 安省最严重I am sure the situation in China would be worse than in Canada in next years.If the worst situation happened ,Chinese economy or the whole society would collapsed.Fortunately ,that possibility is very low.No matter what happened, most people live in north America will be more lucky than people in China.Unless, nuclear war happened. No matter what happened, if it is not the end of the world ,everything will return its normal track.

回复: 重击!加拿大一月间7万多人骤然失业 安省最严重I am sure the situation in China would be worse than in Canada in next years.If the most situation happened ,Chinese economy or the whole society would collapsed.Fortunately ,that possibility is very low.No matter what happened, most people live in north America will be more lucky than people in China.Unless, nuclear war happened. No matter what happened, if it is not the end of the world ,everything will return its normal track.点击展开...同意。

I am sure the situation in China would be worse than in Canada in next years.If the most situation happened ,Chinese economy or the whole society would collapsed.Fortunately ,that possibility is very low.No matter what happened, most people live in north America will be more lucky than people in China.Unless, nuclear war happened. No matter what happened, if it is not the end of the world ,everything will return its normal track.点击展开... the worse the situation, the more likely the new immigrants will benefit from their otherwise inferior status.

有所拿,有所不拿 ...回复: 重击!加拿大一月间7万多人骤然失业 安省最严重@_@

回复: 重击!加拿大一月间7万多人骤然失业 安省最严重没问题,即便移民了,也不会在加拿大工作...

09/05/26妥投悉尼 | 09/08/08屠鸭胜利| 09/09/01补料信到 | 09/09/08补料香港 | 09/09/18FN签发 | 09/12/11体检信到 | 09/12/25俺毕业了回复: 重击!加拿大一月间7万多人骤然失业 安省最严重这种又懒又蠢,成本又高的加拿大笨蛋早该下岗了。

回复: 重击!加拿大一月间7万多人骤然失业 安省最严重同意楼上的,该由我们去做

乐驰环球物流有限公司-专业海空运进出口专家。RTS global logistics co.,Ltd T:21 51028596 Mobile:+86 13817269990Email:[email protected] am sure the situation in China would be worse than in Canada in next years.If the worst situation happened ,Chinese economy or the whole society would collapsed.Fortunately ,that possibility is very low.No matter what happened, most people live in north America will be more lucky than people in China.Unless, nuclear war happened. No matter what happened, if it is not the end of the world ,everything will return its normal track.点击展开...I don't agree. Chinese government is an expert to cope with such financial crisis. It can do things that democratic governments could never dare to do. How do you think China could survive the last financial crisis in 1997? It's more likely that America would start a war, not China.

回复: 重击!加拿大一月间7万多人骤然失业 安省最严重当蛋糕掉下去的时候,往往是奶油的面着地----情况会进一步恶化。

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