加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民HK91新政问题,请斑竹及达人释疑!!
说明一下,上周发现地址栏出现异动,即由原来中介地址变更为本人住址。12月4日收到移民局平信,以为是传说中的劝退信,打开一看却是如下内容: Dea Applicant, This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada. Although the form"Use of Representative"(IMM5476) was not submitted with your application, we have determined that you have an unauthorized immigration representative based on the mailing address that you have provided on your application. Therefore, we are unable to deal with this representative, but will continue to process your application and communication with you directly. Failure to disclose the use of a paid representative may be considered misrepresentation. The consequence of misrepresentation under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act could be a two-year period of inadmissibility. Please review this matter carefully. If you have paid an individual to represent you in your application, please review the Instructions-Use of a Representative(IMM5561) form and submit a Use of a Representative(IMM5476) form to us. To verify if a representative is authorized to conduct business with Citizenship and Immigration Canada and the Canadian Border Service Agency and to obtain the IMM5476 form, please refer to the web site of the Citizenship and Immigration Canada at http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/informa...tive/index.asp. You are not obliged to hire a representative for immigration matters. The Government of Canada treats everyone equally, whether they use the services of a representative or not. If you choose to hire a representative, your application will not be given special attention nor can you expect faster processing or a more favourable outcome. However , if you decide to be represented by a paid representative, it is necessary for the representative to be authorized, that is a member in good standing with a Canadian provincial or territirial law society, the Canadian Society to Immigration Consultants or the Chambre des notaires du Quebec.
回复: HK91新政问题,请斑竹及达人释疑!!你的中介很不专业没有让你填"Use of Representative"建议撤掉这个中介
音乐与摄影双修回复: HK91新政问题,请斑竹及达人释疑!!地址已经变成自己的了,估计中介就没了
1、2005.9.28考ys;2005.10.07签约加成.2006.3.?递料香港,中间被退;2006.7.?再次递料香港2、fn:2006.10.10,vo:lsl; 3、补料:2007.12.10收到补料的信,vo变成mac;09.6.2收确认信,2010.5.28日签me!2010.6.15体检.2011.3.16收到pl回复: HK91新政问题,请斑竹及达人释疑!!cic认定你选择了一个非法中介--------你的中介也许确实是个黑中介(authorized representative)。国内很多中介都是黑中介,他们拿着你的资料,以另一家合法中介的名义递材料,反正他们怎么干的你也看不见。
SUNNY大哥说了,VOLVO就是好,前面一个VO,后面一个VO两个VO一致给VOLVO签发了VISA成为加拿大永久居民,戍守美加边境回复: HK91新政问题,请斑竹及达人释疑!!冤枉,赶紧改DIY了中介那边快去把钱拿回来
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