加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民有一段博士后的工作经历,不知道职业代码该如
与人玫瑰 手留余香回复: 有一段博士后的工作经历,不知道职业代码该如何选?请有经历者帮忙回答
与人玫瑰 手留余香回复: 有一段博士后的工作经历,不知道职业代码该如何选?4122
回复: 有一段博士后的工作经历,不知道职业代码该如何选?4122 Post-Secondary Teaching and Research AssistantsPost-secondary teaching and research assistants assist university professors, community college and CEGEP teachers and other faculty members in teaching and research activities at universities and colleges.Main dutiesPost-secondary teaching assistants perform some or all of the following duties: * Organize reference materials, visual aids and other materials as required by university professors or college teachers for lectures * Conduct seminars, discussion groups and laboratory sessions to supplement lectures * Assist in preparation and administration of examinations * Grade examinations, term papers and laboratory reports.Research assistants perform some or all of the following duties: * Conduct literature reviews, surveys, laboratory experiments and other research for use in scholarly publications * Compile research results and assist professor in analysis of results and preparation of journal articles or papers. * Post-secondary teaching and research assistants specialize in a subject matter based on their field of study.Employment requirements * Enrolment in a university, college or CEGEP program is required.Classified elsewhere * Elementary and Secondary School Teacher Assistants (6472)Results of "View all Titles"Results :234122 * college laboratory assistant * college teaching assistant * demonstrator, laboratory ? post-secondary teaching assistance * discussion group leader ? post-secondary teaching assistant * exam supervisor ? post-secondary teaching assistant * graduate assistant ? university * laboratory assistant, college * laboratory assistant, university * laboratory demonstrator ? post-secondary teaching assistance * laboratory supervisor ? post-secondary teaching assistant * marker ? post-secondary teaching assistance * post-secondary research assistant * post-secondary teaching assistant * postdoctoral fellow * research assistant ? post-secondary * research assistant, university * teaching assistant ? post-secondary * teaching assistant, college * teaching assistant, university * tutor ? post-secondary teaching assistant * university laboratory assistant * university research assistant * university teaching assistant
回复: 有一段博士后的工作经历,不知道职业代码该如何选?上面两位好,看来我们是差不多的背景,我现在在瑞典做薄厚,打算申请加拿大移民。希望多多交流信息,我刚注册,也刚起这个念头,啥也不懂。多指教
回复: 有一段博士后的工作经历,不知道职业代码该如何选?我也在做博士后,想移民,但是博士后不属于这38个紧缺行业的呀,属于4122
回复: 有一段博士后的工作经历,不知道职业代码该如何选?谢谢回答,证据确着,谢谢,真是厉害.偶现在是老师,勉强进38中.愿与各位多交流..
与人玫瑰 手留余香谢谢回答,证据确着,谢谢,真是厉害.偶现在是老师,勉强进38中.愿与各位多交流..点击展开...互相学习,互相帮助
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