加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民227新政后,工作经历证明的问题!
请教大家,227新政后,是否需要主申请人和副申请人都提供工作经历证明?我看大使馆的文件上说:7. WORK EXPERIENCEFor you and your spouse or common-law partner:• notarized employment contracts from your present and past employers,accompanied by an English or French translation*• Original and up-to-date letters of reference from your past and currentemployers.* Letters must be written on company letterhead and show thecompany’s full address, telephone and fax numbers, and be stamped with thecompany’s official seal.Letters must include all of the following information:• the specific period of your employment with the company• the positions you have held during the period of employment and the time spentin each position• your main responsibilities in each position• your total annual salary plus benefits• the signature of your immediate supervisor or the personnel officer of thecompany• a business card of the person signingIf you cannot provide a reference from your current employer, provide a written explanation.请大家给点意见,谢了!
回复: 227新政后,工作经历证明的问题!推荐信+劳动合同公证老样子,没变化
回复: 227新政后,工作经历证明的问题!对于主申请来说,仅提供一个推荐信+单位工作证明,可以吗?非得要劳动合同公证吗?对于副申请来说,如果没有正式的工作,是否可以不提供?
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