加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民问个傻问题: 官方发布38紧缺职业的网址是什么?


惭愧,没找到。光看到同学们发贴写38了,想看看出自哪里。麻烦给个链接。另外请教: 职位描述里的" Classified elsewhere"是什么意思。如果不是紧缺职业,但是属于紧缺职业“Classified elsewhere"列出的职业,会有帮助吗?感谢柠檬的帮助,让我找到了正确答案。这里也贴出来,和大家分享。http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/apply-who-instructions.asp#tphpInstructions on which skilled worker applications are eligible for processingUnder changes to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, federal skilled worker applications are assessed for eligibility according to the eligibility criteria listed below. Note: This does not apply to applicants intending to live in the province of Quebec. These criteria affect you only if you applied on or after February 27, 2008. If you applied before February 27, 2008, your application will be processed according to the rules that were in effect at that time. Is my application eligible for processing?In order for your application to be eligible for processing, you must either:have an offer of arranged employment, OR be a foreign national living legally in Canada for one year as a temporary foreign worker or an international student, OR be a skilled worker who has at least one year of experience in one or more of the following occupations: 0111: Financial Managers0213: Computer and Information Systems Managers0311: Managers in Health Care0631: Restaurant and Food Service Managers0632: Accommodation Service Managers0711: Construction Managers1111: Financial Auditors and Accountants2113: Geologists, Geochemists and Geophysicists2143: Mining Engineers2144: Geological Engineers2145: Petroleum Engineers3111: Specialist Physicians3112: General Practitioners and Family Physicians3141: Audiologists and Speech Language Pathologists3143: Occupational Therapists3142: Physiotherapists3151: Head Nurses and Supervisors3152: Registered Nurses3215: Medical Radiation Technologists3233: Licensed Practical Nurses4121: University Professors4131: College and Other Vocational Instructors6241: Chefs6242: Cooks7213: Contractors and Supervisors, Pipefitting Trades7215: Contractors and Supervisors, Carpentry Trades7217: Contractors and Supervisors, Heavy Construction Equipment Crews7241: Electricians (Except Industrial and Power System)7242: Industrial Electricians7251: Plumbers7252: Steamfitters, Pipe fitters and Sprinkler System Installers7265: Welders and Related Machine Operators7312: Heavy-Duty Equipment Mechanics7371: Crane Operators7372: Drillers and Blasters Surface Mining, Quarrying and Construction8221: Supervisors, Mining and Quarrying8222: Supervisors, Oil and Gas Drilling and Service9212: Supervisors, Petroleum, Gas and Chemical Processing and Utilities NOTE: the occupations above are all Skill Type 0 (managerial occupations) or Skill Level A (professional occupations) or B (technical occupations and skilled trades) on the Canadian National Occupational Classification list.If you are not sure if you should apply as a skilled worker, you can use the eligibility tool to get an idea of whether your application would be eligible for processing.Federal skilled worker applicants who do not meet the above criteria will be informed of this and will have their processing fee refunded.


回复: 问个傻问题: 官方发布38紧缺职业的网址是什么?见笑了。麻烦具体一点。今天网速奇慢,怀疑中病毒了。想找个连接,直接点开。

回复: 问个傻问题: 官方发布38紧缺职业的网址是什么?感谢柠檬在悄悄话的回复。这里也贴出来,和大家分享。http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigra...tions.asp#tphp

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