加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民hi,everyone


Seeing the words in red, I see it is time to say hello to my old friends...These days I have been engaged in preparing for Ielts. Days ago I gladly got the news that standards for different aspects of the test have been changed, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. To tell the truth, I once hesitated if I should carry the immigration out to the end. We made efforts to gain the achievements like today. Not easy to quit what you've achieved. Moreover, immigration means you have to start all from a fully new start. I can imagine difficulties ahead...But somehow sense of struggle arouses me to realize my dream now and then, which reminds me of my former "ambitions", torturing me a lot... If I give it up, I will never know whether I will have the chance; if I persist, I still have one chance in a million to succeed. That's why I wanna improve my English. That's why I just keep silent. I am aware I have a lot to learn...Dear friends, it is no use complaining. Just take action right now. You won't feel it a pity even though you fail for some sake in future. After all, you've tried and you won't regret all through your life!

回复: hi,everyone加油!

目标:4个7!Seeing the words in red, I see it is time to say hello to my old friends...These days I have been engaged in preparing for Ielts. Days ago I gladly got the news that standards for different aspects of the test have been changed, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. To tell the truth, I once hesitated if I should carry the immigration out to the end. We made efforts to gain the achievements like today. Not easy to quit what you've achieved. Moreover, immigration means you have to start all from a fully new start. I can imagine difficulties ahead...But somehow sense of struggle arouses me to realize my dream now and then, which reminds me of my former "ambitions", torturing me a lot... If I give it up, I will never know whether I will have the chance; if I persist, I still have one chance in a million to succeed. That's why I wanna improve my English. That's why I just keep silent. I am aware I have a lot to learn...Dear friends, it is no use complaining. Just take action right now. You won't feel it a pity even though you fail for some sake in future. After all, you've tried and you won't regret all through your life!点击展开...Your English is good enough

回复: hi,everyoneGood luck!

06-09-01 新政第一天UPS寄出;06-09-04 9:48 Mr. CHEN签收;06-10-17 15:15 招行信用卡划款;07-02-14 北京收到FN信,VO:SKM;08-05-07 通过Email修改邮政地址,08-05-30在线查阅到传说中的地址栏。09-03-21收到确认信。12-02补料信。http://weibo.com/golftrip回复: hi,everyoneBest of luck to everyone.

Life is ours to be spent, not to be saved.回复: hi,everyone加油!

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