加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民帮朋友问个问题~~
2005年8月25日 FN 2008年10月3日 体检2008年11月20日 12 2009年3月17日 132009年3月23日 CIC查DM 2009年3月30日 172009年4月1日 大信封到~~回复: 帮朋友问个问题~~我觉得是会计,有工作经验就行。
庆幸来到帮我找到自我的加拿大!回复: 帮朋友问个问题~~准备移民的时间里面,考一个CGA吧。
North York, ON我觉得是会计,有工作经验就行。点击展开...我觉得应该有国际认证的会计证书才有用,我也是会计申请的,但是具体的还是没有细则出来。。。
回复: 帮朋友问个问题~~只看工作内容,不看条件!!依据:op06e.pdf要求officer must:1 Note: While the Regulations clearly place responsibility on applicants to undertake research of the NOCand provide the NOC coding for the occupations in which they claim qualifying experience, officersare expected to exercise discretion where applicants may have made minor errors or omissions incorrelating work experience and NOC coding.2 not take into account whether the applicant meets the “Employment requirements”description set forth in the NOC for the occupation(s) listedaward points only if the applicant has performed the actions described in the lead statementof the particular NOC description and has performed at least a substantial number of theduties described in the “Main Duties” summary including all the essential duties (R80(3));3 Note: Neither the NOC nor the Regulations distinguish between “essential” and “non-essential” duties orprovide guidance as to what constitutes a “substantial number”. This is left as a matter forassessment on a case-by-case basis. If officers have concerns about whether or not the applicant hascarried out “a substantial number of the main duties…including all of the essential duties,” they shouldgive the applicant an opportunity to respond to these concerns.
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