我是07-04申请的,雅思在07-01, 7.5(L) 6.5(R), 6(W),6(S)。我问了是否可以按照新的规定算分,这样我就又多了2分了(当然我并不缺这两分)。使馆的回信是: 请我advised that 新的标准仅仅对在228新政之后的申请有效,我仍然只有10分的语言分。大家应该放心了
2010-03-29 登陆@伦敦-安大略;2010-06-25 Java程序员;2010-09-08 电工一年学徒;2014-09-07 Red Seal Journeyman Electrician2014-09-02 Electrical Engineering @ N.A.I.T. 赏
回复: 第一手资料,向使馆询问了雅思成绩评分的问题!!!(请加声望)谢谢分享评论
回复: 第一手资料,向使馆询问了雅思成绩评分的问题!!!(请加声望)已加声望
回复: 第一手资料,向使馆询问了雅思成绩评分的问题!!!(请加声望)谢谢分享
forever眼中的加拿大http://www.canadameet.com/member/index.php?uid=foreverhttp://www.canadameet.com/member/index.php?uid=forever&action=article回复: 第一手资料,向使馆询问了雅思成绩评分的问题!!!(请加声望)--------------------
回复: 第一手资料,向使馆询问了雅思成绩评分的问题!!!(请加声望)已加声望
forever眼中的加拿大http://www.canadameet.com/member/index.php?uid=foreverhttp://www.canadameet.com/member/index.php?uid=forever&action=article回复: 第一手资料,向使馆询问了雅思成绩评分的问题!!!(请加声望)简单说,你是相信移民局总部的官方文件还是基层外派部门的工作人员说的话。我只相信移民局总部的官方文件。
回复: 第一手资料,向使馆询问了雅思成绩评分的问题!!!(请加声望)LZ能否把回信原文贴出?感觉这种说法和官方解释不符,别误导了大家.
2010.10.29.----登陆多伦多皮尔逊机场2010.11.27.----枫叶卡------------------------------------------------老婆的博客http://blog.sina.com.cn/maggiecanada这是使馆说的吗?太好了。我听力是想考7,如果提到7.5,难度又增加了。这样一来我还是按7准备就行了。谢谢!楼主,怎么给你加声望?点击展开...过了2008.11.28号考的雅思,都要按新标准呀, 如果你需要听力的4分,还是需要考7.5分的
回复: 第一手资料,向使馆询问了雅思成绩评分的问题!!!(请加声望)根据混家园论坛的经验,楼主基本上是在编鬼话哄人。
回复: 第一手资料,向使馆询问了雅思成绩评分的问题!!!(请加声望)使馆回信原文请看我在北京进度的同样的帖子,绝对是真实的第一手资料。有些移友对我的看法让我寒心啊! http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=215566
2010-03-29 登陆@伦敦-安大略;2010-06-25 Java程序员;2010-09-08 电工一年学徒;2014-09-07 Red Seal Journeyman Electrician2014-09-02 Electrical Engineering @ N.A.I.T.回复: 第一手资料,向使馆询问了雅思成绩评分的问题!!!(请加声望)Dear (MY NAME),Please be advised the new law only applies for applications that received after 28-FEB-2008. We received your application on 16-APR-2007, which is before the new law comes into effect, so the old law still applies.Yours sincerely,Visa and Immigration Section
2010-03-29 登陆@伦敦-安大略;2010-06-25 Java程序员;2010-09-08 电工一年学徒;2014-09-07 Red Seal Journeyman Electrician2014-09-02 Electrical Engineering @ N.A.I.T.使馆回信原文请看我在北京进度的同样的帖子,绝对是真实的第一手资料。有些移友对我的看法让我寒心啊! http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=215566点击展开...这仅仅是说“新法”吧没说雅思我怀疑使馆根本没细看你的信件内容,就随便回你了
回复: 第一手资料,向使馆询问了雅思成绩评分的问题!!!(请加声望)贴一个完整的!!!Dear MY NAME, Please be advised the new law only applies for applications that received after 28-FEB-2008. We received your application on 16-APR-2007, which is before the new law comes into effect, so the old law still applies. Yours sincerely,Visa and Immigration SectionCanadian Embassy, Beijing19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang DistrictBeijing, 100600, People's Republic of ChinaWeb site: www.beijing.gc.caEmail: [email protected] & Disclaimer: By supplying your email address (in your enquiry or previously in your application), you are initiating an email communication with CIC, and CIC is thereby authorized to use the email address provided by you for communication with you including the transmission of personal information on your file/case. When you supply your email address to CIC, it is also understood that you are aware that this channel may not be a secure channel. CIC is not liable for the disclosure of personal information to a third party where CIC has taken reasonable means to ensure the identity of the party. CIC is also not liable for the misuse of this information by a third party.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------From: MY NAME [mailto:MY EMAIL] Sent: December 2, 2008 6:54 PMTo: BEJING (IMMIGRATION)Subject: RE: CANADA IMMIGRATION - SAP DOCUMENT REQUEST(About Languange Efficiency)Dear Sir or Madam, Thanks for your email, and I am glad that my application is processed so quick! I got a question about my languange efficiency. According to the new scheme, applicant could get a "High efficiency" if the Reading Part of IELTS score is 6.5. and you will considered it even if the applicant took the test before Nov. 28, 2008. My question is should I tick the "High" in imm0008_3e since I got a 6.5 in Reading? (I took the test in Jan 2007) In that case, together with one more year working experience, I could get 4 points more (71 instead of 67). And I hope that it will accelerate my application process. Thank you again! Regards, MY NAME
2010-03-29 登陆@伦敦-安大略;2010-06-25 Java程序员;2010-09-08 电工一年学徒;2014-09-07 Red Seal Journeyman Electrician2014-09-02 Electrical Engineering @ N.A.I.T.我怀疑使馆根本没细看你的信件内容,就随便回你了点击展开...

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]跟着组织部,年年有进步;跟着外贸部,美金大把入;跟着宣传部,稻草吹成树;跟着移民部,越跟越糊涂,不知何时DM...回复: 第一手资料,向使馆询问了雅思成绩评分的问题!!!(请加声望)其实我的分数都够了,只是想和大家分享一下。哎!
2010-03-29 登陆@伦敦-安大略;2010-06-25 Java程序员;2010-09-08 电工一年学徒;2014-09-07 Red Seal Journeyman Electrician2014-09-02 Electrical Engineering @ N.A.I.T.回复: 第一手资料,向使馆询问了雅思成绩评分的问题!!!(请加声望)官方文件是这么写的: Visa officers should also assess applications and test reports which pre-date November 28, 2008against the above correlation table if it is to the applicants advantage, i.e., resulting in more pointsfor language proficiency.
回复: 第一手资料,向使馆询问了雅思成绩评分的问题!!!(请加声望)我支持你的说法
回复: 第一手资料,向使馆询问了雅思成绩评分的问题!!!(请加声望)官方文件是这么写的: Visa officers should also assess applications and test reports which pre-date November 28, 2008against the above correlation table if it is to the applicants advantage, i.e., resulting in more pointsfor language proficiency.点击展开...但是上面并没有写对什么时候申请的case有效。而我的这封信解决了大家对这个问题的疑惑。当然也有可能使馆根本没有仔细看,但那也不是我的责任了。 我只是想在我S2的时候,填写的是正确的东西!
2010-03-29 登陆@伦敦-安大略;2010-06-25 Java程序员;2010-09-08 电工一年学徒;2014-09-07 Red Seal Journeyman Electrician2014-09-02 Electrical Engineering @ N.A.I.T.回复: 第一手资料,向使馆询问了雅思成绩评分的问题!!!(请加声望)我支持楼主 的说法
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