加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民New Year Gift
Seems ---- Millions of people,here ,there and everywhere, Many days and nights we spent with hope and desiredbut who knows how many sorrows,tears and nightwares?but who knows how many wait,pains and disppoints? it is a time to get a result,and i know it will begin from tomorrow, it is a gift season, everyone need itneed the storm more than anything else.we know the years waiting,won't be a wasteit is time to give us some suprise,so every waiting momentslight the spark of successand all of us will rememberno matter what life gives usnever give up the dreamsnothing is impossible in such a season timewish all the beautifl momentscome to you,come to me,and all of us will understandno matter what happen,never give up the hopesand all of us will remember,no matter how cold it is,sun will arise after the darknight漫长的等待总会有结局吧,我相信危机中总是蕴含着生机,我相信既然想要拥有,就不会有长久的分离,而我的VISA,而你也一定等在某个角落里,等待着我的visa
Dream whatever you desire to dream. Go wherever u wish. Seek whatever you desire. Because life is unique by how you shape it 赏 反馈:xiaohui2007 2008-12-23#2 564 $0.00 回复: New Year Giftoops, sent it by mistakes.... but anyway hope TXM can gratuate by the Chinese New year.
Dream whatever you desire to dream. Go wherever u wish. Seek whatever you desire. Because life is unique by how you shape itoops, sent it by mistakes.... but anyway hope TXM can gratuate by the Chinese New year.点击展开...
回复: New Year Gift好诗呀!太有才了!
路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索回复: New Year Gift好诗.
回复: New Year Gift再来赞一个!
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]ME后08.12.15变7 | 09.1.23变12 | 7.15变13 | 7.20 CIC DM | 7.23变17 | 7.24收到大信封毕业回复: New Year Giftlz的头像很有意境。赞!
2007-07-12 FN 2008-12-18 鸭子出炉,半生不熟(总分6.5 L:8 R:5.5 W:5.5 S:6.5)2009-06-30 S2 积极准备材料中. 09.28递料2009-10-07 12, 10-28变6,12-24变回12, 2010/02/04变6 again,3.12 变12 again,2013/01/30 ME回复: New Year Gift好诗!
有所拿,有所不拿 ...回复: New Year Gift鼓掌!哗--------哗----------
漫漫长路开始了。。。。。。回复: New Year Gift赞!!
新大陆,新生活,善念,善行。天明欲晓,大行乃慧。[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Seems ---- Millions of people,here ,there and everywhere, Many days and nights we spent with hope and desired but who knows how many sorrows,tears and nightwares?but who knows how many wait,pains and disppoints? it is a time to get a result,and i know it will begin from tomorrow, it is a gift season, everyone need itneed the storm more than anything else. we know the years waiting,won't be a wasteit is time to give us some suprise,so every waiting momentslight the spark of success and all of us will rememberno matter what life gives usnever give up the dreams nothing is impossible in such a season timewish all the beautifl momentscome to you,come to me, and all of us will understandno matter what happen,never give up the hopes and all of us will remember,no matter how cold it is,sun will arise after the darknight 漫长的等待总会有结局吧,我相信危机中总是蕴含着生机,我相信既然想要拥有,就不会有长久的分离,而我的VISA,而你也一定等在某个角落里,等待着我的visa点击展开...
回复: New Year Gifthaoshi ,hehe
Fn:2007-9-26 BJ, S2:2009-9-25 ,2012-11-29 me, Dm,2013 1103,回复: New Year Gift思佳好,郝思佳
Dream whatever you desire to dream. Go wherever u wish. Seek whatever you desire. Because life is unique by how you shape it 赏 反馈:余则成 Liftmaster 2008-12-24#15 Y 6,253 $0.00 回复: New Year Gift不错啊,很准确啊!
2010-03-29 登陆@伦敦-安大略;2010-06-25 Java程序员;2010-09-08 电工一年学徒;2014-09-07 Red Seal Journeyman Electrician2014-09-02 Electrical Engineering @ N.A.I.T.Seems ---- Millions of people,here ,there and everywhere, Many days and nights we spent with hope and desired but who knows how many sorrows,tears and nightwares?but who knows how many wait,pains and disppoints? it is a time to get a result,and i know it will begin from tomorrow, it is a gift season, everyone need itneed the storm more than anything else. we know the years waiting,won't be a wasteit is time to give us some suprise,so every waiting momentslight the spark of success and all of us will rememberno matter what life gives usnever give up the dreams nothing is impossible in such a season timewish all the beautifl momentscome to you,come to me, and all of us will understandno matter what happen,never give up the hopes and all of us will remember,no matter how cold it is,sun will arise after the darknight 漫长的等待总会有结局吧,我相信危机中总是蕴含着生机,我相信既然想要拥有,就不会有长久的分离,而我的VISA,而你也一定等在某个角落里,等待着我的visa点击展开...
声望~崔弟弟长登温哥华记!!!回复: New Year Gift配乐(建议用《平安夜》)诗朗诵就更好了!
有所拿,有所不拿 ...回复: New Year GiftSo good!
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