加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民CIC 里面关于stage2的checklist
Feb. 08, 2007 HKJul. 20, 2007 FN VO:KTADec. 13, 2008 IELTS L:6.5 R:6 W:6.5 S:6.5回复: CIC 里面关于stage2的checklist顶一下,学习
回复: CIC 里面关于stage2的checklistHI roxa, 我们是同月的FN,握握手吧。请问你考YS了吗? 不知我们什么时间能进入S2?
回复: CIC 里面关于stage2的checklist12月13号刚考完,成绩还没出来,战战兢兢等待中……
Feb. 08, 2007 HKJul. 20, 2007 FN VO:KTADec. 13, 2008 IELTS L:6.5 R:6 W:6.5 S:6.5回复: CIC 里面关于stage2的checklist这贴居然没人顶?大家都看过了吗?原来是我孤陋寡闻了。仔细看了,但不敢确定是S2需要补的材料?有高手点评一下无?
回复: CIC 里面关于stage2的checklist顶上去
Feb. 08, 2007 HKJul. 20, 2007 FN VO:KTADec. 13, 2008 IELTS L:6.5 R:6 W:6.5 S:6.5回复: CIC 里面关于stage2的checklist我觉得是
回复: CIC 里面关于stage2的checklist我来顶!
回复: CIC 里面关于stage2的checklistCitizenship and Immigration CanadaIMM 7019E (08-2008)Table of ContentsAppendix A - ChecklistAppendix B - Photo SpecificationsAppendix C - Medical InstructionsApplication for Permanent Residence? Skilled Workers ?Visa Office SpecificInstructionsHong KongAppendix A Checklist...1. FORMSSee the "Complete the application" section on our Web site for specificinstructions on how to complete the questions on each of the following forms.APPLICATION FOR PERMANENT RESIDENCE IN CANADA Check that it is complete and signed. SCHEDULE 1: BACKGROUND DECLARATIONInclude a Schedule 1 form completed by:• the principal applicant• spouse or common-law partner• each dependent child over 18 years of age SCHEDULE 3: ECONOMIC CLASSES ? FEDERAL SKILLED WORKERSCompleted by the principal applicant.SCHEDULE 4: ECONOMIC CLASSES ? PROVINCIAL NOMINEESCompleted by the principal applicant.SCHEDULE 5: DECLARATION OF INTENT TO RESIDE IN QUEBEC ?ECONOMIC CLASSESCompleted by the principal applicant.ADDITIONAL FAMILY INFORMATIONCompleted by:• the principal applicant• spouse or common-law partner• each dependent child over the age of 18 years USE OF A REPRESENTATIVE (IMM 5476)Complete and include this form only in your application if you have a representative. 2. IDENTITY AND CIVIL STATUS DOCUMENTSThe following documents are required for you, the principal applicant, each of yourfamily members and your dependent children, if applicable:• Certificates of: birth, adoption, marriage, divorce, death,• Absolute nisi decree (Hong Kong residents),• Custody order for your child and proof that you have fulfilled any bligation statedin the custody order,• Citizens of the People's Republic of China and Taiwan must provide photocopiesof all pages of the household register ("hukou"),• A photocopy of the bio-data page of your passport with a validity of at least 18months. If you cannot submit this along with the application, provide it at a later date.Note: For residents of the People's Republic of China (PRC), a kinship certificate is not acceptable as proof of relationship. 3. CHILDREN’S INFORMATION (If applicable)• Children’s birth certificates (which name their parents)• Adoption papers for adopted dependent children• Proof of custody for children under the age of 18 and proof that the children may be removed from the jurisdiction of the court• If the children will not accompany you to Canada, proof that you have fulfilled any obligation stated in custody agreements• Proof of continuous full-time studies of all dependent children aged 22 or over, including:• complete school records/transcripts since attaining age 22• letters from the schools indicating the number of hours of classes attended per day, and the number of days attended per week• proof of full financial support by parents since reaching age 22. 4. TRAVEL DOCUMENTS AND PASSPORTS• Passports or travel documents for you, your spouse or common-law partner and your dependent children. Include only copies of pages showing the passport number, date of issue and expiry, your photo, name, date and place of birth.• If you live in a country different from your nationality include a photocopy of your visa for the country where you currently live. Note that all prospective immigrants must hold a valid regular passport; diplomatic, official, service or public affairs passports are not valid for immigration to Canada.• For Taiwan: Household Register and a certified English translation.Note that all prospective immigrants must hold a valid regular passport; diplomatic, official, service or public affairs passports are not valid for immigration to Canada. 5. PROOF OF RELATIONSHIP IN CANADA (IF APPLICABLE)Proof of relationship to any close relative in Canada, such as birth, marriage or adoption certificates and proof of that person’s status in Canada; photocopy of the Record of Landing (IMM 1000) of your parent or proof of Canadian citizenship such as photocopy of pages of a Canadian passport or Canadian citizenship card. 6. EDUCATION/TRAINING/QUALIFICATIONSFor you and your spouse or common-law partner:• Post-secondary education documents: vocational or technical certificates ordiplomas;• College or university documents: certification of completion and thegraduation degree, diploma, or certificate issued by the college or university andthe evaluation committee;• Transcripts: original transcripts of all degrees must be submitted in universitysealedenvelopes.• Professional qualifications certificates: notarized professional qualificationcertificates should be submitted if available. (e.g.. Engineer, ComputerProgrammer, Accountant, Economist, Translator/Interpreter, Architect etc.)7. WORK EXPERIENCEFor you and your spouse or common-law partner:• notarized employment contracts from your present and past employers,accompanied by an English or French translation• Original and up-to-date letters of reference from your past and currentemployers. Letters must be written on company letterhead and show thecompany’s full address, telephone and fax numbers, and be stamped with the company’s official seal.Letters must include all of the following information:• the specific period of your employment with the company• the positions you have held during the period of employment and the time spent in each position• your main responsibilities in each position• your total annual salary plus benefits• the signature of your immediate supervisor or the personnel officer of the company• a business card of the person signing If you cannot provide a reference or employment contract from your current employer, provide a written explanation along with an official proof of your employment.8. ARRANGED EMPLOYMENT (IF APPLICABLE)• If you are currently working in Canada under a work permit, provide a photocopy of your work permit.• If you have a permanent job offer confirmed by Human Resources SkillsDevelopment Canada (HRSDC), attach a photocopy of the HRSDC confirmation letter (Arranged Employment Opinion) which was sent to your employer.9. PROOF OF LANGUAGE PROFICIENCYRefer to instructions in the "Proof of your language abilities" section of ourWeb site. If you are claiming proficiency at any level in English and/or French, submit one of the following:• Test results from an approved language-testing organization: We strongly recommend that you submit test results if you are claiming proficiency in a language that is not your native language. If you choose to send the reports to us directly, you must provide the original. Photocopies are unacceptable. Language test results must not be older than one year upon submission.or• Other evidence in writing:• Your written submission detailing your training in, and use of, English and/or French;• Official documentation of education in English or French;• Official documentation of work experience in English or French.• Other applicable documentation.Proof of language proficiency is required for your application to beconsidered complete, otherwise it will be returned to you. If your nativelanguage is English or French, you still need to provide a letter attesting to this fact.10. CERTIFICAT DE SELECTION DU QUEBEC (CSQ)Photocopy of your CSQ(s) if you are selected by Quebec. Notarization notnecessary.11. NON-ACCOMPANYING FAMILY MEMBERS DECLARATION (IF APPLICABLE)If you have a spouse, common-law partner or dependent children and you do not intend to include them in your application for permanent residence, submit with your application a notarized statutory declaration stating your intention to proceed to Canada without your family members, and confirming that you understand that your family members must meet immigration requirements in their own right if they wish to join you in Canada. 12. SETTLEMENT FUNDSRefer to the "Proof of Funds" section of our Web site for exact figures andinstructions.Provide proof of unencumbered and readily transferable funds in a convertible currency available for settlement in Canada (for you and your family members):• current bank certification letter; or• evidence of savings balance; or• fixed or time deposit statements.13. POLICE CERTIFICATES AND CLEARANCESPlease consult our Web site for specific and up-to-date information on how to obtain police certificates from any country. 14. FEE PAYMENTConsult the Fees section of our Web site or the Guide for Skilled Worker Applicants to calculate your fees.Payment must be in Canadian or Hong Kong dollars. No other currency will be accepted. Please note that cash and personal cheques will NOT be accepted.Acceptable methods of payment are:• credit card - MasterCard, Visa or Diner's Club• financial instruments such as cashier's cheque, certified cheque, bank draft or money order payable to "Canadian Consulate General"• EPS direct debit (local bank cards only) for payments made in person only.Note 1: If payment is made by financial instruments in Hong Kong dollars, the payee bank must be located in Hong Kong. Payment in Canadian dollars must be drawn on a bank located in Canada.Note 2: Financial instruments issued from PRC branches of the Bank of China will NOT be accepted (financial instruments from Hong Kong branches of the Bank of China will be accepted). 15. ADDRESS IN CHINESE CHARACTERSCitizens of China must provide their residential address in Chinese characters including their postal code to ensure effective communication with our office should the need arise. 16. PHOTO REQUIREMENTSSupply six (6) photos for each member of your family and yourself. Follow the instructions provided in section How to Complete the Forms of the application guide and in Appendix B: Photo Specifications. Mailing your applicationIf your application is incomplete or lacks the supporting documents listed above, it will be returned to you for completion. Assemble all your documents, place them in a sealed envelope and send them to:Consulate General of Canada Immigration SectionG.P.O. Box 11142Hong KongIt is very important that you provide on your application form a reliable telephone number - either your own number or that of any representative that you may designate to receive calls on your behalf - and that youreport to us in writing any changes in this information that may occur while your application is in process.If your mailing address is in the People’s Republic of China, your visas will be delivered by DHL Worldwide commercial couriers. DHL will telephone you or your designated representative before delivery to makecollection arrangements. If DHL cannot reach you, your visas will be returned to us....Appendix BPhoto Specifications...Appendix CMedical Instructions...
回复: CIC 里面关于stage2的checklist这个英文版好像和前段时间出现的香港91 S2补料清单比较一致哦。ZT-技术移民91新政香港使馆补料清单一. 身份及公民文件(IDENTITY AND CIVIL DOCUMENTS)申请者及其配偶和受供养子女都需要提供,加拿大香港使馆对中国大陆申请者比较照顾,有如下特定于 PRC 申请者的规定:1. 亲属关系公证(kinship certificate)不能作为亲属关系的证明(kinship certificate is not acceptable as proof of relationship)。2. 所有材料必须提供公证(notarized certificates),并且公证里面必须包含相应原件的复印件(The notarized certificates must include photocopies of original documents issued by the PRC Offices administered by the Civil Administration)。这些身份及公民文件包括:- 结婚证(marriage certificate)- 如果是普通法伙伴,提供相应证明(evidence of your history of cohabitation, mutual commitment, continuous financial support, etc.)- 离婚证明(divorce certificate / absolute divorce (Hong Kong residents), divorce court order with arrangements for the custody of children, annulled marriage certificate, separation certificate or court order);- 死亡证明,如适用(death certificate of your former spouse or other family member);- 户口,如果居住地与户口不一样,提供临时居住的证明,暂住证,居住证明(for citizens of the PRC and Taiwan, the notarized / certified copies of family or employment (‘Danwei’) Household Registers (‘HUKOU’); proof of temporary residence if your permanent Hukou is not in the place where you are presently working and/or residing)对于受供养子女(For dependent children):- 出生公证(birth certificate (notarized hospital birth records) )- 收养公证(中国民政部 - Ministry of Civil Affair in the PRC,香港地方法院 - District Court)- 管养令(也叫监护令,主要适用与香港,custody order and proof that you have fulfilled any obligation stated in the custody order)- 任何随你前往加拿大的受赡养子女,需由其非随行前往加拿大的父(母)亲一方出具书面的无异议证明,同意你将此子女从其居住国带走,并附上身份证复印件。二、如果有超过 22 周岁的需要随行的子女,需要提供相应的状况及受教育文件- 如果 16 周岁以上,提供婚姻状态证明- 如果 22 周岁以上,提供:- 年满22周岁以来的持续性全日制学习证明(成绩单,奖状,入学登记,学费收据,学时证明,入学考试结果等)- 年满22周岁以来持续性接受其父(母)亲经济支持的证明三、旅行文件及护照(TRAVEL DOCUMENTS AND PASSPORTS)- 主申请及所有随行家庭成员的护照复印件. 复印必须清楚,包含历史记录信息(biographical data)和过期日。如果申请人访问过加拿大需要提供相应盖有加拿大签证印章的签证页。. 对于非香港,澳门及中国的公民或永久居民,需要提供已在上述地区合法居住一年以上的证明,你的申请才会被加拿大香港使馆接受。四、加拿大亲属关系证明(SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS FROM YOUR RELATIVE IN CANADA)- 加拿大亲属的出生公证(不能是亲属关系公证- 加拿大亲属的移民纸(IMM1000),枫叶卡,公民卡- 加拿大亲属的当前居住状态- 加拿大亲属的护照历史页复印件(bio-data pages)五、教育、培训、资格(EDUCATION / TRAINING / QUALIFICATIONS)- 职业学校培训证书、学历文凭- 教育部学位学历认证(CADGEDC)及公证- 所有大学(高中后)成绩单密封件(研究生成绩密封件)- 执业资格证书公证- 加拿大学习的证明文件以上材料主申请及其配偶都要提供。六、工作经历证明(WORK EXPERIENCE)- 主申请的合同公证- 主申请的雇主推荐信如果你或者配偶过去 10 年内有 1 年以上加拿大全职工作,提供相应的雇主推荐信及工作许可。推荐信的具体要求:推荐信必须写在公司信头纸上,信头纸上包括公司全名,地址,电话,传真,并且加盖公司公章。推荐信的内容包括:工作起止时间;具体职位及对应的时间;各个职位的具体职责;年薪及福利;直接主管或人事主管的签名;推荐人的工作名片;建议提供雇主推荐信,但推荐信不是必须的,如果不能提供需要给使馆写解释。七、语言能力证明- 推荐 G 类雅思或法语 TEF 成绩- 或者英语课程,在英语环境下工作等相关证明雅思及 TEF 成绩是明确加分的,其他证明材料可能无法加分。八、工作安排,如果现在正在加拿大合法工作,提供工作许可的复印件九、不随同家庭成员声明即使家庭成员不随同你一起移民加拿大,你也必须提供该家庭成员的信息,并声明其不随同。同时该成员需要满足加拿大对体检和刑事犯罪的要求,否则以后该成员将无法被担保移民。需要提供的材料:- 证明不随同的成员与你的关系;- 书面形式陈述你情愿在其不随同的情况下移民加拿大;- 说明是否打算在定居后在适当的时候在进行担保十、定居资金(SETTLEMENT FUNDS)- 银行存款证明(current bank certification letter)- 存款余额证明(evidence of savings balance)- 定期或活期的存款对账单(fixed or time deposit statements)十一、警方无犯罪记录证明- 18 周岁以上居住时间超过 6 个月的所有居住地的无犯罪证明; - 直接向有关当局提交指纹;- 如果警察局直接将警方证明提供给使馆,附上简短的移民申请说明;十二、付费除了上述材料外,当然要填写并提交相应的表格,需要注意的是对于目的地是魁北克省的申请者,不需要提供以下材料:#4 亲属证明材料#5 教育、培训、资质材料#6 工作经历#7 语言能力证明#8 工作安排#10 定居资金
回复: CIC 里面关于stage2的checklist谢谢flower的帮助,与北京的补料要求是有一点点不同。工作合同都要翻译成英文 那可是厚厚的一小本啊
Feb. 08, 2007 HKJul. 20, 2007 FN VO:KTADec. 13, 2008 IELTS L:6.5 R:6 W:6.5 S:6.5谢谢flower的帮助,与北京的补料要求是有一点点不同。工作合同都要翻译成英文 那可是厚厚的一小本啊点击展开...呵呵。
回复: CIC 里面关于stage2的checklist不是的,看看人家北京S2的LIST专门给了个链接就知道了,不会夹杂在别的文件内的!S2补料会是一个独立的文件的。
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