加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民疑惑:227新政紧缺职业和NOC中职业
227新政的执行,是不是说明 2173 和 2174 是不能申请了? 比方说:2174 程序开发员,现在这个职业还能不能够通过审批? 谢谢.
回复: 疑惑:227新政紧缺职业和NOC中职业好像这两个都不在38里面.
回复: 疑惑:227新政紧缺职业和NOC中职业38里面关于Computer行业的,是不是只包括Manager以上级别职位?还是有疑惑,38是紧缺职业,是加速办理的,是不是NOC里面其他的职业就不予办理了呢?这个问题很严重
回复: 疑惑:227新政紧缺职业和NOC中职业好像是这样呢……的确非常严重哦……
快乐生活!生活快乐!回复: 疑惑:227新政紧缺职业和NOC中职业老生常谈了所谓227新政的意思就是说38之外的, 不办理, 不办理, 完全不办理. 不是等, 不是排队, 不是优先级低, 而是完全不办理.38之内的, 加速办理227新政把国人的电脑职业方面的大门已经牢牢关闭 只留下IT Manager一个而已什么web admin, database expert, software design, testing, network expert, hardware design, multimedia design...统统干光了.什么是227新政? 这就是227新政.不信的自己去看CIC的eligible一页.http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/apply-who.aspSkilled workers and professionals: Who can applySkilled workers are people who are selected as permanent residents based on their ability to become economically established in Canada.Federal skilled worker applications received on or after February 27, 2008 are now assessed for eligibility according to a set of instructions issued by the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism.You can find out more about the instructions in the Learn about section at the bottom of this page.Your application will be reviewed in three steps.1. According to the Minister’s instructions, your application is eligible for processing if: * you have an offer of arranged employment, OR * you are a foreign national who has been living legally in Canada for one year as a temporary foreign worker or an international student, OR * you are a skilled worker who has at least one year of experience in one or more of the occupations listed here. ( 38种职业 ) use the eligibility tool to get an idea of whether your application would be eligible for processing, thenhttp://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/tool/index.asp不用谢.
加币比美元值钱5%, 但是加国货物售价比美国贵20-30%...回复: 疑惑:227新政紧缺职业和NOC中职业说的透彻,赞。
回复: 疑惑:227新政紧缺职业和NOC中职业高手!!
回复: 疑惑:227新政紧缺职业和NOC中职业是的.IT要经理以上才能申请技术移民.所以你不能申请紧缺技术移民.但你还有其他路走,第一是找加拿大的公司雇用你开AEO证明.第二条就是申请留学,一年后申请经验类移民.还有第三种就是投资移民. 38里面关于Computer行业的,是不是只包括Manager以上级别职位?还是有疑惑,38是紧缺职业,是加速办理的,是不是NOC里面其他的职业就不予办理了呢? 这个问题很严重点击展开...
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