加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民关于AEO移民雇主的要求
一直想移民加拿大 但是新的政策出来 发现我的职业不在38类里边,咨询了很多中介都不能办理技术移民,幸好我的一个朋友去年投资移民去了加拿大,我想通过AEO移民的方式 让我的朋友给我一个永久的工作合同,不知道我的朋友有这个资格吗,雇主要什么样的条件呢???请大家能告之!!
回复: 关于AEO移民雇主的要求AEO申请的主体是加拿大的合格的雇主。所谓合格的雇主,最主要的是两个条件:1,公司已经已经运营1年以上;2,公司已经有1年以上的雇佣员工的历史。为了向HRSDC证明以上两点,雇主必须出示相关的文件。同时还要注意,你的教育背景及工作背景应该与你朋友的公司的业务和相应的工作位置相吻合。请参看HRSDC的原文:http://www.hrsdc.gc.ca/eng/workplaceskills/foreign_workers/aehrdcassess.shtmlYou, the employer, need to provide evidence to HRSDC that the business has been in operation for more than one year by submitting business licenses, CRA T4 Summary of Remuneration Paid, or commercial lease agreements for the business location. You also need to be prepared to show that you have employed workers for more than one year by submitting Canada Revenue Agency PD7A remittance forms outlining employee deductions for the last 12 months. PD7As and T4 Summary of Remuneration Paid forms showing deductions such as Canada Pension Plan/Quebec Pension Plan, income tax deductions and Employment Insurance premiums paid by both the employee(s) and the employer. PD7A and T4 summary forms are required to help demonstrate that an employer-employee relationship exists and that the firm has had a minimum of one worker on payroll over the last twelve months.祝你好运!更多的AEO信息一直想移民加拿大 但是新的政策出来 发现我的职业不在38类里边,咨询了很多中介都不能办理技术移民,幸好我的一个朋友去年投资移民去了加拿大,我想通过AEO移民的方式 让我的朋友给我一个永久的工作合同,不知道我的朋友有这个资格吗,雇主要什么样的条件呢???请大家能告之!!点击展开...
回复: 关于AEO移民雇主的要求AEO申请的主体是加拿大的合格的雇主。所谓合格的雇主,最主要的是两个条件:1,公司已经已经运营1年以上;2,公司已经有1年以上的雇佣员工的历史。为了向HRSDC证明以上两点,雇主必须出示相关的文件。 同时还要注意,你的教育背景及工作背景应该与你朋友的公司的业务和相应的工作位置相吻合。 请参看HRSDC的原文:http://www.hrsdc.gc.ca/eng/workplaceskills/foreign_workers/aehrdcassess.shtml You, the employer, need to provide evidence to HRSDC that the business has been in operation for more than one year by submitting business licenses, CRA T4 Summary of Remuneration Paid, or commercial lease agreements for the business location. You also need to be prepared to show that you have employed workers for more than one year by submitting Canada Revenue Agency PD7A remittance forms outlining employee deductions for the last 12 months. PD7As and T4 Summary of Remuneration Paid forms showing deductions such as Canada Pension Plan/Quebec Pension Plan, income tax deductions and Employment Insurance premiums paid by both the employee(s) and the employer. PD7A and T4 summary forms are required to help demonstrate that an employer-employee relationship exists and that the firm has had a minimum of one worker on payroll over the last twelve months. 祝你好运! 更多的AEO信息点击展开... 学习了,
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