加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民灰狗案犯以精神病为由无罪辩护


童子们,移民不是最终目的,生活才是。保持好的心态。 Li came to Canada as an immigrant from China in 2001, where he also had no criminal past. Li has a computer science degree and became a Canadian citizen in 2005. He moved from Winnipeg to Edmonton in 2006.-------------------Li pleads not guilty in Greyhound beheading trialLast Updated: Tuesday, March 3, 2009 | 1:21 PM CT Comments517Recommend307CBC News Vincent Li, seen in this courtroom sketch, listens to proceedings during his second-degree murder trial in Winnipeg on Tuesday. (Tom Andrich/Canadian Press) Believing he was acting on orders from God, Vincent Li attacked a stranger on a Greyhound bus last summer, mutilating his victim before decapitating him and cannibalizing part of the body.In a clear, firm voice, Li pleaded not guilty Tuesday in Winnipeg to a charge of second-degree murder in the death of 22-year-old Timothy McLean of Winnipeg on a Greyhound bus in Manitoba last July.The Crown and defence have agreed on a statement of facts read to the court on Tuesday that suggests Li was mentally ill at the time of the slaying.And forensic psychiatrist Dr. Stanley Yaren gave evidence that Li was diagnosed as schizophrenic and suffering a major psychotic episode ― tormented by auditory hallucinations ― at the time of the killing.Yaren, head of Manitoba's forensic psychiatry program, said Li was delusional, believing God had told him to board the bus carrying a concealed knife. Yaren said it appeared Li sat beside McLean only because the young man offered him a friendly greeting.The psychiatrist testified that according to Li, God told him that McLean was a "force of evil" who was about to stab Li unless he protected himself.Even after the killing, Li believed McLean had supernatural powers and would come back to life unless he dismembered the body and spread the body parts around the bus. Yaren testified Li was not capable of understanding his actions were wrong.In the agreed statement of facts, the Crown and defence say that Li, 40, apologized to police when he was arrested and pleaded with officers to kill him. The statement says Li attacked McLean "for no apparent reason" and ignored other horrified passengers as he stabbed the young man.Court was told Li wrote to his ex-wife before leaving Edmonton aboard the Greyhound."I'm gone," he said. "Don't look for me. I wish you were happy."Crown attorney Joyce Dalmyn said Li got on the bus in Edmonton and disembarked at a rural stop in Manitoba. He stayed there overnight, selling and burning most of his possessions. He was there 24 hours before getting on the bus again.Victim trappedAfter a stop between Brandon and Portage la Prairie, Man., Li moved to sit beside McLean at the back of the bus. McLean was listening to an iPod.Family and friends of Tim McLean comfort each other outside the Law Courts in Winnipeg on Tuesday. (John Woods/Canadian Press) Around midnight, near Portage la Prairie, Li started stabbing McLean.McLean struggled to escape but, seated at the back of the bus, he had nowhere to go. The driver pulled over and horrified passengers fled for safety.McLean's body was damaged in more than 100 places, the Crown said, noting the attack was so unrelentingly violent that some of the victim's body parts could not be found.Court was told Li had no criminal record. He came to Canada as an immigrant from China in 2001, where he also had no criminal past. Li has a computer science degree and became a Canadian citizen in 2005. He moved from Winnipeg to Edmonton in 2006.Li worked as a caretaker in a church, as a supervisor at a McDonald's restaurant and as a newspaper carrier. But, court heard, he was prone to unexplained absences from work and sometimes took long road trips on the bus while offering friends and family members long, rambling talks.Despite the urging of those close to him, he refused to seek medical treatment.RCMP officers said Li's responses were appropriate and polite when he was finally arrested.Li asked police to kill himHe declined a lawyer at one point, and told the police: "I'm guilty. Please kill me."The defence is arguing that Li is not criminally responsible for his actions due to mental illness.The finding would mean Li could be sent to a federal psychiatric facility rather than to prison. On successful completion of treatment, Li could be eligible for discharge and released back into the community. That decision would rest with the court or provincial review board.McLean's family has been lobbying for changes to the Criminal Code, pushing for victim-protection legislation they call "Tim's law."The proposed legislation would prevent a person found not criminally responsible of a crime from being released into the community. It would mean that the most violent, unpredictable people who have committed a crime would face incarceration for life, with no possibility of release.Tim McLean's mother, Carol deDelley, told CBC News prior to the trial that she does not want to see Li ever released from custody.

在安大略湖边,有个孤独的身影,在等你的出现。回复: 灰狗案犯以精神病为由无罪辩护好啊!看来以后咱“宣传部”的童子们移民到“俺的祖国加拿大”之后,可以在那里谋一份把中国文革时期的标语也给移民到加拿大的差事:法院的标语是:精神病杀人无罪,警察taser死人有理;移民部的标语是:移民者贪官从宽,良民从严;偷渡者成功有奖,淹死活该;负责背调的部门的标语是:宁肯错拖三年,绝不放过一个劳工部的标语是:配合移民部加强新移民专业认证工作的力度,杜绝无证上岗,确保大部分新移民来去自由工会总部里的标语是:支持发展中国家工人阶级要求增加工资的正义斗争,组织工人纠察队制止国际盲流涌入加拿大抢俺们的饭碗老珀家门厅里的标语是:下定决心,不惜代价,排除万难,争取连任;反对党的标语是:凡是老珀反对的俺们都要拥护,凡是老珀拥护的俺们都要反对...;):D

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]跟着组织部,年年有进步;跟着外贸部,美金大把入;跟着宣传部,稻草吹成树;跟着移民部,越跟越糊涂,不知何时DM...赞反馈:蓝胡子 2009-03-03#3 L 632 $0.00 回复: 灰狗案犯以精神病为由无罪辩护只要你会说,怎么都有理。

回复: 灰狗案犯以精神病为由无罪辩护瑞雪,你太有才了,你不是PL了吗?

2011年3月24日PL 2011年4月18日收到VISA毕业2011年4月19日,一个伟大的日子诞生了MER+DM 道不行,乘桴浮于海。瑞雪,你太有才了,你不是PL了吗?点击展开...同问

回复: 灰狗案犯以精神病为由无罪辩护还是中国好阿,当初杨佳好像也要以精神病为由无罪辩护,中国政府哪吃你这套, 找个御用精神科大夫随便鉴定一下就行了, 然后报告队长这小子一切正常。

smartrobby 说:还是中国好阿,当初杨佳好像也要以精神病为由无罪辩护,中国政府哪吃你这套, 找个御用精神科大夫随便鉴定一下就行了, 然后报告队长这小子一切正常。点击展开...不大懂事或者不听话的,在看守所叫几个人跟他玩一玩“躲猫猫”就可以了

回复: 灰狗案犯以精神病为由无罪辩护瑞雪,你太有才了,你不是PL了吗?点击展开...PL...? 兄弟们还有个地址栏变化什么的,俺是连个Pi也没Lao着....一直是灰溜溜的contact us,连颜色都没变过 过节后没上网是因为过节前给儿子买了一个红色警报3。挺大一个商业中心的软件店买的,还以为是正版的,想也没想就装到机器里了。结果一装在机器上它就把我的杀毒软件关了,连家庭局域网上的其他计算机也报告杀毒软件被关闭。上网一查红警3的正版国内还没上市呢。俺没办法只好把硬盘全格式化了重新装。之后就一直打不起精神来重新登陆了,只是晚上下班偶尔上来看看兄弟们发牢骚骂vo...

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]跟着组织部,年年有进步;跟着外贸部,美金大把入;跟着宣传部,稻草吹成树;跟着移民部,越跟越糊涂,不知何时DM...PL...? 兄弟们还有个地址栏变化什么的,俺是连个Pi也没Lao着....一直是灰溜溜的contact us,连颜色都没变过 过节后没上网是因为过节前给儿子买了一个红色警报3。挺大一个商业中心的软件店买的,还以为是正版的,想也没想就装到机器里了。结果一装在机器上它就把我的杀毒软件关了,连家庭局域网上的其他计算机也报告杀毒软件被关闭。上网一查红警3的正版国内还没上市呢。俺没办法只好把硬盘全格式化了重新装。之后就一直打不起精神来重新登陆了,只是晚上下班偶尔上来看看兄弟们发牢骚骂vo... 点击展开...我也是红警迷, 单挑七国联军都没问题.

回复: 灰狗案犯以精神病为由无罪辩护不大懂事或者不听话的,在看守所叫几个人跟他玩一玩“躲猫猫”就可以了点击展开...现在是老珀的vo在跟咱兄弟们玩躲躲猫....

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]跟着组织部,年年有进步;跟着外贸部,美金大把入;跟着宣传部,稻草吹成树;跟着移民部,越跟越糊涂,不知何时DM...我也是红警迷, 单挑七国联军都没问题.点击展开... 现在看来还是老弟你有远见...说实话去年俺还暗自窃笑你那么着急干什么..现在俺儿子夏天就要上小学,看来不赞助一下吾国的教育事业是不行喽。看来明天俺要到农贸市场买一幅“只争朝夕”挂在家里喽

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