加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民如何增补小孩的申请处理费?
小孩2月出生,给使馆发邮件后,使馆回复为:Please submit the following documents for your child:-Notarized photocopies of original birth certificate. (Please do not submit the statement of birth)-Four passport-size photos (white background). Please clearly indicate the name on the back of the pictures with a pencil.-Processing fee (if the child will be accompanying you to Canada) for information on payment of fees: http://www.beijing.gc.ca/beijing/en/navmain/visa/fee/index.htm 网站说付费可去VAC(签证申请中心)用人民币现金(应为860元)支付,可去后,VAC工作人员说不了解这种情况,不可以在那里支付;网上还说可邮政汇款,不知可否。哪位明白人可否告知一下。谢谢!
回复: 如何增补小孩的申请处理费?小孩2月出生,给使馆发邮件后,使馆回复为:Please submit the following documents for your child:-Notarized photocopies of original birth certificate. (Please do not submit the statement of birth)-Four passport-size photos (white background). Please clearly indicate the name on the back of the pictures with a pencil.-Processing fee (if the child will be accompanying you to Canada) for information on payment of fees: http://www.beijing.gc.ca/beijing/en/navmain/visa/fee/index.htm 网站说付费可去VAC(签证申请中心)用人民币现金(应为860元)支付,可去后,VAC工作人员说不了解这种情况,不可以在那里支付;网上还说可邮政汇款,不知可否。哪位明白人可否告知一下。谢谢!点击展开...寄吧,我们当时也是邮寄的!
回复: 如何增补小孩的申请处理费?邮政寄,我体检之后才补的
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