加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民我的确认信怎么不一样?
既来之,则安之。。。。。。。。。2010.06.23登陆温哥华 2010.09 安家南素里回复: 我的确认信怎么不一样?这是信的原文:Dear Applicant,This is to confirm that we have received your application for Permanent Residence in Canada with correctfee payment. This letter is your receipt. Please make note of your file number which appears above.Please find attached file labels which bear your file number and a barcode which can be scanned in to ourcomputerized processing system. Please be sure to attach one of these labels to the covering page of ALLcorrespondence faxed or mailed to this office. By using these labels you can help us to work moreefficiently. However, please do not affix these labels on bank drafts, money orders or certified cheques asthey will not be accepted for payment by our bank.We will conduct an initial assessment of your application and will advise you ofthe results shortlythereafter.Should we require additional information or documents in order to make an assessment we will contact youas required.Should you need to advise us of a significant change in your application such as a change in your addressor family composition (i.e. marriage, birth, death, divorce, separation or adoption of any person included onyour application), please do so by either facsimile or mail.For information on processing times, please refer to the Consulate's web site at www.hon~kong.~~c.ca
既来之,则安之。。。。。。。。。2010.06.23登陆温哥华 2010.09 安家南素里回复: 我的确认信怎么不一样?这里要求家庭变化也要通知他们.我91程序,新生了孩子是否也要通知移民局啊?
回复: 我的确认信怎么不一样?这不是确认信,这是fn信
SUNNY大哥说了,VOLVO就是好,前面一个VO,后面一个VO两个VO一致给VOLVO签发了VISA成为加拿大永久居民,戍守美加边境 赏 反馈:lala11354 2009-03-11#5 T 1,749 $0.00 回复: 我的确认信怎么不一样?呵呵
FN:2008-2-28回复: 我的确认信怎么不一样?草木皆兵了
赏 反馈:lala11354 2009-03-11#9 L 314 $0.00 回复: 我的确认信怎么不一样?那应该就是FN信了,FN的版本区别大吗?
既来之,则安之。。。。。。。。。2010.06.23登陆温哥华 2010.09 安家南素里回复: 我的确认信怎么不一样?如果是FN的 话,里面会给你若干带有FN number的条形码
FN: 2007年10月31日There are things you wish for and accomplishments you work for.Nothing expresses your pure joy like a Canada Permanent Residence visa... 赏 反馈:lala11354 2009-03-11#11 L 314 $0.00 回复: 我的确认信怎么不一样?应该是有的,我是通过中介办理的,估计条码在中介那里呢,我老公看完信也问我条码的事情呢,谢谢大家啦
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