加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民留学生陪读配偶在加取得Open Work Permit一年是否满
新政里面有这么一条: According to the instructions, applications are eligible for processing if they:* include an offer of arranged employment, or* are from a foreign national living legally in Canada for one year as a temporary foreign worker or international student; or * are from a skilled worker who has at least one year of experience under one or more of the 38 occupations listed at http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/apply-who-instructions.asp其中一个是在加留学一年,另一个是作为临时外国工人居住一年。 有没有以这个后面一个做申请的呢?谢谢!
回复: 留学生陪读配偶在加取得Open Work Permit一年是否满足申请条件?你的题目跟你的内容都对不上.留学生配偶已经在加拿大取得working permit并呆满一年,那留学生本身还没呆够一年?应该说两个人都足够条件做主申吧. 新政里面有这么一条: According to the instructions, applications are eligible for processing if they:* include an offer of arranged employment, or* are from a foreign national living legally in Canada for one year as a temporary foreign worker or international student; or * are from a skilled worker who has at least one year of experience under one or more of the 38 occupations listed at http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/apply-who-instructions.asp其中一个是在加留学一年,另一个是作为临时外国工人居住一年。 有没有以这个后面一个做申请的呢? 谢谢!点击展开...
回复: 留学生陪读配偶在加取得Open Work Permit一年是否满足申请条件?我没说明白,关键是留学生本人不够分数,而配偶够分数, 所以配偶才想作为主申请人申请, 明白我的意思了吗? 谢谢 你的题目跟你的内容都对不上.留学生配偶已经在加拿大取得working permit并呆满一年,那留学生本身还没呆够一年?应该说两个人都足够条件做主申吧.点击展开...
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